on Little Traverse island, Portage lake; passen- gers taken off; released on 12tn, uninjured. Sept. 12--Str. F. H. Goodyear, owned by Mitchell & Co., Cleveland; ran aground in heavy smoke on Grassy island, Detroit river; released on 13th, uninjured. Sept. 12--Str. P. P. Miller, owned by J. E. Ball, Buffalo; ran ashore in heavy smoke on Lake Michigan; released on 13th, uninjured. Sept. 13--Str. Winnipeg, owned by, John J. Boland, Buffalo; ran ashore. in Straits of Mackinac; released, uninjured, after lightering 250 tons. Sects .13 Lawrence Stt.2 beweB: & Chicago' Ltd.; Toronto, .Ont.; point, Detroit river, uninjured. Sept. 14--Str. Ball Brothers, owned by Globe Steamship Co., Duluth, G. A. Tomlin- son, Mngr.; stranded on rock in thick weather Osler, owned by St. Steam Navigation Co., ran aground:..at=. bat in thick smoke; released off Detour, Lake Huron; released herself on 1$th, uninjured. Sept. 14--Str. Nyack, owned by 'Crosby Transportation Co., Grand Haven, Mich.; stranded on a sand bar in dense smoke in Muskegon lake; released, uninjured. Sept. ..--Str. A. A. Carpenter, owned by A. B..Maclaren, Toledo, O.; sprung a leak in Manitowoc breakwater. Sept. 15--Schr. George B. Owen, owned by Argo Steamship Co., Cleveland; sprang a leak while loading at Cleveland; towed out under breakwater and beached; docked at Cleveland. Sept. 15--Str. Arthur Hawgood, owned by Neptune Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran aground at Bar point, Detroit river; released after lightering 800 tons, Sept. 15--Str. Eastern States, owned by D. & C. Line, Detroit; lost her anchor near Southeast shoal, Lake Erie. Sept. 16--Str. W. G. Pollock, owned by W. H. Becker, Cleveland; collided with steamer North Star at Point Iroquois, Lake Superior, in thick smoke; 20 plates damaged above wa- ter line; repaired at Cleveland. Sept. 16--Str. North Star, owned by Mutual Transit Co., Buffalo; collided with steamer W. G. Pollock in thick smoke at Point Iroquois, Lake Superior; repaired at Superior. Sept. 16--Str. Amazonas, owned by James Davidson, Bay 'City, Mich.; stranded on Six Mile point; released, uninjured. 4 wpept.... 16---Str.....W: , F. Pitch, :,,ewned. . by Franklin Transportation Co., 'Cleveland; struck obstruction in river at Ashtabula thought to be -an anchor; bottom badly damaged; nine. plates damaged and a number of frames. broken; docked at Cleveland. Sept. 17--Str. Wm. G. Mather, owned by Cleveland-Cliffs Iron 'Co., 'Cleveland; struck anchor lying at bottom of river at Ashtabula; settled on bottom; floated on 18th and taken to Toledo where she was docked for repairs. Sept. 17--Str. City of Genoa, owned by J. C. Gilchrist, Cleveland; grounded on _ Poe's reef, Lake Huron; released, uninjured. Sept. 17--Str. Henry Phipps, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; struck pier at South Manitou island, Lake Michigan; hole in No. 7 tank; released herself; docked at Lorain. Sept. 18--Str. Benton, owned by Adelaide M. Jex, Toledo, O.; ran aground during thick fog at Belle Isle, Detroit river. Sept. 18--Scow used as mixing scow in work on Michigan Central tunnel in Detroit river; hit by a car ferry and demolished. Sept. 19--Str. Holliday, owned by George B. Kelley, Chicago; destroyed by fire at Hol- land, Mich.; cause unknown; loss estimated at $5,000. : Sept. 19--Tug Wm. Maxwell, owned by Huron Fish Co., Alpena, Mich.; ran ashore on Thunder Bay island, Lake Huron; total loss. Sept. 19--Str. Sonora, owned by G. A. Tom: linson, Duluth, Minn.; ran on rocks near Harbor Beach, Lake Huron; floated on 21st after lightering 1,000 tons; two forward tanks punctured; 48 plates damaged; in dry dock at Cleveland 17 days. Sept. 18--Schr. Melvin S. Bacon, owned by Abraham King, Marine City, Mich.; hit by steamer W. H. Mack in Cuyahoga river, Cleve- land; leaked badly. Sept. 20--Str. Harvey D. Goulder, owned by Hawgood & Co., Cleveland; ran aground on Fighting island, Detroit river; released herself, uninjured. Sept. 21--Str. Wawatam, owned by Pitts- burg Steamship Co., Cleveland: ran on rocky bottom at Poe's Reef, Lake Huron; released on 22d after lightering about 150 tons; slightly injured. Sept. 21--Str. J. H. Wade, owned by W. C. Richardson & Co., Cleveland; struck rock near Calumet, Lake Superior; released after lightering part of her cargo. TAE Marine REVIEW Sept. 21--Bge, Atmosphere, owned by Marine Contracting Co., Port Huron, Mich.; crushed against Solvay Process Co.'s dock in River 'Rouge by steamer Republic; bows smashed and large hole in side; beached, pumped out and taken to Port Huron. Sept. 21--Str. Langell, owned by Comstock & Sinclair, Duluth, Minn.; ran ashore in dense fog on Point Aux Pins, Lake (Erie; released after lightering 200,000 ft. of lumber. Sept. 21--Bge. Goshawk, owned by O. W. Blodgett, West Bay 'City, Mich.; ran aground in St, Clair river near Sarnia; tow line parted oe barge and steamer Zillah, which towed er. Sept. 22--Str. Fred G. Hartwell, owned by Mutual Steamship Co., Duluth, Minn.; ran aground in dense smoke and fog at Cedar reef, Sault river; released after lightering con- siderable of her cargo; leaked badly; docked at Toledo, Sept; 22--Str. W. P. Palmer, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran aground in fog and smoke at Poverty Island shoal, Lake Michigan; released. Sept. 22--Str. Arthur H. Hawgood, owned by -Neptune Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran ashore in fog on Cathead point, Lake Michi- gan; out 2 ft.; released on 26th after lighter- ing about 600 tons; not injured. Sept. 22--Schr. Mary L. Cook, owned by 'Claus Weberg, Marinette, Wis.; ran ashore at Detour point. Sept. 23--Str. Mohegan, owned by L. P. Graves, Buffalo, N. Y.; stranded in fog on Charity Island, Saginaw bay; released after lightering part of her cargo; slightly injured. Sept. 24--Str. Iron King, owned by O. G. & D. H. Donaldson, Buffalo; 'grounded in fog on Grecian shoal, Lake Erie; released after lightering. Sept. 24--Str. A. P. Wright, owned by Gilchrist Transportation Co., Cleveland; ground- ed in fog near Colchester, Lake Erie; released after lightering. Sept. 24--Tug Nat Stickney; owned by Lake Superior Construction & Dredging Co., Duluth; hawser got in her wheel near Amberstburg, Ont.; removed by a diver. Sept. 25--Str. Arthur Orr, owned by Can- ada-Atlantic Transportation Co., Duluth, Minn.; stranded in fog on Packard's Point, Straits of Mackinac; released on Sept. 28 after lighter- ing 50,000 bu. of corn; reloaded lightered cargo; not injured. Sept ..--St. Yosemite, owned by G. A. Tom< linson, Duluth; lost her anchor in Sault river. Sept. 26--Str. Ionic, owned by Northern Navigation Co., Collingwood, Ont.; ran hard aground near North Point, Lake Huron; re- leased on Sept, 27 after lightering; bottom slightly damaged. Sept. 26--Tug Erna, owned by George D. Nau, Green Bay, Wis.; hit by steamer W. C. Richardson at Waukegon, IIll.; eight stanchions broken. <i Sept. 26--Str. Topeka, owned by Topeka Co., Milwaukee, Wis.; cylinder head of unloading engine blew out at Traverse City, Mich.; hold of steamer considerably damaged. Sept. 26--Schr. Amazon, owned by James Corrigan, Cleveland; grounded in thick smoke and fog in breakwater at Buffalo; released after lightering. Sept. 27--Str. Frontenac, owned by Cleve- land-Cliffs Iron Co., Cleveland; ran ashore on Parisian Island, White Fish Bay; forward compartments filled with water; released Oct. 2 after lightering; leaked badly; left Oct. 3 with temporary repairs for Cleveland where she was docked Oct. 10; 38 damaged plates. Sept. 27--Str. Neshoto, owned by Gilchrist Transportation 'Co., Cleveland; ran ashore in thick weather on Crisp Point, Lake Superior; pounded to pieces. Sept. 27--Str. Thomas Lynch, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran ashore on Cedar Reef, Sault river; about 5 ft. out of water; released herself 'on Sept. 28, unin- jured. ae »Sept. 27--Str. H. S. Holden, owned by Mitchell: & ._Co., Cleveland; ran aground at Bar Point, Lake Erie; released after lighter- ing 400 tons. . Sept. ..---Str. Pappoose, owned by Alfred H. Clark, Windsor, Ont.; lost her wheel at Bois Blanc Island, Detroit river; taken to De- troit for new wheel. Sept. ..--Str. Sawyer, owned by Edward Hines Lumber Co., 'Chicago; grounded in Ni- agara river; released herself, uninjured. Sept. 29--Str. Lyman C. Smith, owned by United States Transportation Co., Cleveland; struck west pier in Canadian canal, Sault; hole 3 ft. wide and 20 ft. long in her side; 15 damaged plates; sank in 24 ft. of water; floated on Oct. 3 and taken to Sault tem- porarily patched up; docked Oct. 11 at Toledo. 'Cleveland in leaking condition; 17 Sept. 29--Str. Calumet, owned by Lacka- wanna Steamship Co., Buffalo; stranded on Stag Island, Detroit river, out 2 ft.; released on Oct. 4 after lightering 1,200 tons; several plates broken. Sept. 29--Bge. Montezuma, owned by James Davidson, West Bay City, Mich.; struck steel dredge at Limekiln 'Crossing, Detroit river; not injured. : Sept. 29--Steel dredge; tezuma in Detroit river; three spud anchors broken; leaked badly. 4 Sept. 29--Dredge Gladiator, owned by M. Sullivan, Buffalo; burned and then sank in 15 ft. of water in Detroit river; raised and docked at Detroit, Oct. 18; loss estimated at from $80;000 to $100,000. Sept. 29--Str: City of Buffalo, owned by Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co., Cleveland; broke bucket off her wheel on Lake Eire; went to Buffalo for repairs. Sept. 29--Str, Panay, owned by E. D. Car- ter, Erie, Pa.; ran aground on Bar Point; Lake Erie; released, uninjured. Sept. 29--Str. Philip Minch, owned by Kins- man Transit Co., Cleveland; lost one of her anchors while loading grain at Duluth; recoy- ered it next day. Sept. 29--Schr. Major Ferry; ran on rocks in heavy storm on North Point, Lake Huron; badly damaged. Sept. 29--Schr. Ida, owned by C. C. Nel- son, Chicago; capsized in storm on Lake Mich- igan near Frankfort; crew rescued. Sept. 30--Bge. Paisley, owned by James Da- vidson, West Bay City, Mich.; broke away hit by barge Mon- from steamer Honduras which towed her, near Harbor Beach, Lake Huron; leaked and yawl washed away; picked up by passing steamer. Sept. 30--Bge: Baltic. owned by Henry J. Pauly, Duluth, Minn.; broke away from steam- er Duncan which towed her, three times, while crossing Lake Huron. Sept. ..--Str. H. B. Hawgood, owned .by Hawgood Transit Co.,. Cleveland; grounded in Sandusky Bay; bottom damaged; docked at 'Cleveland. Oct. 1--Str. W. H. Gilbert, owned by Pitts- burg Steamship Co., Cleveland; grounded at head of West Neebish channel; released on Oct, 2, uninjured. Oct, 1--Bge. I. L. Bell, owned by Pittsburg Steamship 'Co., Cleveland; grounded at head 'of West. Neebish channel; out 30 in.; released on Oct. 5 after lightering. : Oct. 1--Bge. Ceylon, owned by Calvin Co; Kingston, Ont.; tow line parted, and she ran ashore at Port Colborne, Lake Erie. Oct. 1--Str. Ralph and consort, owned by (Calbick Transportation Co., Chicago; ran ashore near Belleville, Ont. Oct. 1--Str. John Duncan, owned by I H. Pauly, Duluth, Minn.; ran ashore in Detroit river; stern damaged; repaired at Detroit. Oct. 1--Bge. Baltic, owned by H. J. Pauly, Duluth, Minn.; in tow of steamer Duncan and ran into her when she stranded in _Detroit river; bow smashed; unloaded at Detroit. Oct. 1--Str. Plankinton, owned by George B. Taylor, Erie, Pa.; air pump broke on Lake Huron. Oct. 1--Bge. Matanzas, owned by James Davidson, West Bay City, Mich.; broke away from steamer 'Rappahannock which towed her in storm on Lake Superior; not injured. Oct. 2--Str. Joseph: S. Morrow, owned by Masaba Steamship Co., Duluth; ran aground at head of West Neebish channel; released on Oct. 6, uninjured, after lightering. a Oct. 2--Str. H. A. Berwind, owned by Mu- tual Steamship Co., Duluth; struck obstruction in Conneaut Harbor; 15 plates damaged; re- paired at Toledo. te Oct, ..--Bge. Golden Age, owned by Rich- ardson & Co., Cleveland; damaged while out in heavy weather on Lake Huron; arrived at towed to Lo- rain for repairs; recaulked. oe Oct. 3--Str. Hall, owned by F. WwW. Gilchrist, Alpena, Mich.; ran ashore on Black River Reef; released; leaked, but not badly damaged. Oct. 3--Bge. Angus Smith, owned by Capt. Wm. Trude, Cleveland; damaged by fire at Bay City; loss, $3,000 to $4,000. Oct...--Schr. Naiad; picked up in _ water- logged condition on Lake Huron and taken to Port Huron; pumped out at Walkerville and unloaded Oct. 13. : : Oct. 4--Str. Ream, owned by Pittsburg Steam- ship Co., Cleveland; ran aground in heavy fog in St. Clair river; released; docked at Lorain. Oct. 4--Str. Stewart; ran aground in heavy fog in St. Clair river; released, uninjured... . Oct. 4--Str. Ohl, owned by W. H.. Becker, Cleveland; struck obstruction in West Neebish - channel; released, uninjured. at ee Oct. ..--Str. Briton, owned by _ Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; struck at Bar Point,