Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 28 Jan 1909, p. 19

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Nov. 5--Schr, A. C. Maxwell, owned by W. E. Donely, Saginaw, Mich.; cut in two and sunk with cargo of lumber by steamer R. W. England which struck her when her wheel chains fouled; Sault river. Nov. 5--Str. Wexford, owned by W. J. Bas- sett, Collingwood, Ont.; struck south pier in entering Canadian canal at Sault; hole in star- board side 1 ft. wide and 6 ft. long; tempo: rarily repaired at Sault. Nov. 5--Schr. Oscar Newhouse, owned by John A, Johnson, Manitowoc, Wis.; stranded while tied up at city dock at Waukegan har- bor, Ill.; crew obliged to swim ashore; cargo of potatoes, valued at $2,775, lost. Nov. 6--Tug T. C. Lutz, owned by Dunham Towing & Wrecking Co., Chicago, IIl.; broke down in midlake, Lake Erie, and stopped at Port Colborne for repairs; docked at Buffalo later. q Nov. 5--Str. D. J. Morrell, owned by Cam- bria Steamship Co., Cleveland; lost anchor on Lake Erie, off Ashtabula; stopped at Ashta- bula for new one. Nov. 6--Str. Troy, owned by Western Tran- sit Co., Buffalo; rammed Omaha dock at Du- luth, cutting a hole 6 ft. long into it. Nov. 7--Str. Owego, owned by Union Steam- boat line, Buffalo; pounded nard while out in storm on Lake Erie; lost smokestack and whistle; cargo shifted; stopped at Cleveland, where she received new smokestack and whistle. Nov. 9--Str. Rosemount, owned by Montreal Transportation 'Co., Ltd, Montreal, Que.; grounded in Hay Lake; out 2% ft.; 100,000 unin- bu. of grain cargo lightered; released, jured; reloaded lightered cargo. Nov. 10--Str. J. M. Jenks, owned by W. A. Hawgood, Cleveland; grounded at Michigan street bridge, Milwaukee, owing to low water; draw held open seven hours. Nov. 11--Str. John C. Pringle, owned by Burns Bros., Detroit, Mich.; stranded in storm on Lake Erie, near Euclid creek; severely pounded before released on Nov. 19; entire upper 'works carried away; engine and boiler damaged; leaked badly; towed to Detroit for repairs, patched up before making the trip. : Nov. 12---Str. James E. Davidson, owned by Inter-Ocean Steamship Co., Duluth; struck on a bar while trying to enter Lorain harbor in storm. Nov. 12--Str. Maricopa, owned by Pittsburg Steamship 'Co., Cleveland; hit dock at Canadian Sault; one plate damaged; No. 4 tank leaked; patched up and continued on trip. Nov. 12--Str. Wm. M. Mills, owned by Wes- ton Transit Co., North Tonawanda, N. Y.; ran aground at Bar Point, Lake Erie, owing to low water. Nov. 15--Str. F. R. Buell, owned by Tona- wanda Barge line, North Tonawanda, N. Y.; stranded in heavy weather on Lake Erie, near Southeast Shoal; released on Noy. 18 after lightering 60,000 ft. of lumber; had a line in her wheel, but was not damaged; went to Ton- awanda. "Nov. 15---Schr. A. Stewart, owned by Tona- wanda Barge line, North Tonawanda, Ne Yee stranded on Lake (Erie near Southeast Shoal. in. heavy weather; bad list; entire deck load of lumber lightered; released Nov. 23; towed to .Tonawanda, where she was docked. Nov. 14--Fireboat Grover Cleveland, owned by Buffalo. fire department: rammed by steam- er Saranac at Buffalo; badly damaged. Nov. 14--Sand sucker Paul Kruger, owned by Wm. H. Botten, Cleveland; broke away from tug Henry, which was working on wrecked steamer Pringle, near Euclid creek, Lake Erie; ran ashore. Nov. 16--Str. Thomas Adams, owned by Ad- ams Transportation Co., Toledo; grounded in Lake St. Clair owing to low water. Nov. 17----Str. Neebing, owned by Canadian North West Steamship Co., Ltd., Port Arthur, Ont.; ran on rocks outside of Goderich har- bor: forward tanks filled with water; released on Nov. 17 by a fish tug. Nov. 17----Schr. Mary Woolson, owned by O. W. Blodgett, Bay 'Citv, Mich.; broke away from -steamer Charles H. Bradley which towed her on Lake Superior, near Houghton. Nov. 18--Str. James P. Walsh, owned by Ohio Steamshin Co., Cleveland; struck obstruc- tion at Bar Point. Lake Erie, thought to be flukes of steamer Weston. "Nov, 18--Str. Adriatic. owned by Lacka- wanna Steamship Co., Cleveland; struck ob- struction at Bar Point, Lake Erie, thought to be. flukes of steamer Weston; forepeak and Nos. 2 'and 3 tanks leaked; docked at Ecorse; dozen or more plates removed. Nov. 18--Poe Reef Lightship No. 62; went adrift in Straits of Mackinac, owing to part- but was "TAE. MARINE. REVIEW ing of anchor chain; tug sent after her and replaced in position. Nov. 19--Stx John A. McGean, owned by Pioneer Steamship Co., Cleveland; bow caught rigging of hoisting machine at Lackawanna steel plant, Buffalo, tearing it down; two men killed: steamer not damaged. Nov. 19--Str. Pascal P. Pratt, owned by Lake Erie Transportation Co., 'Cleveland; caught fire near Long Point, Lake Erie, and burned te water's edge; fire started in engine room; OSS. 1,800 tons of coal cargo saved; steamer total Nov. 20--Str. Emerald; collided with sand dredge Houghton in Detroit river, owing to misunderstanding of signals; whole starboard side torn away; badly wrecked; patched 'and pumped out Nov. 27. Nov. 20--Sand dredge Houghton; collided with steamer Emerald in Detroit river, owing to ee of signals; not badly dam- aged. Nov. 21--Str. City of Mt. Clemens, owned by George A. Douglas, Cleveland; collided with steamer Neilson in Lake St. Clair; hit on starboard quarter and sank immediately; crew had narrow escape: moved into shoal water. Nov. 21--Str. Neilson, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; collided with steam- er City of Mt. 'Clemens: in Lake St. Clair. Nov. ..--Str. W. H. Wolf, owned by D. Sullivan & Co., Chicago; struck while coming down in Canadian canal, Sault; docked when she arrived at Cleveland. Nov. 22--Str, D. R. Hanna, owned by Pio- reer Steamship Co., 'Cleveland; stranded at Bar Point, Lake Erie; released after lighter- ing part of cargo. i Nov. 22--Str. Laughlin, owned by | Inter- state Steamship Co., Duluth; stranded on Point Troquois,- Lake _Superior, owing to fact that vas buoy was out; released on Nov. 24 after lightering 800 tons. Noy. 23--Tug Alert, owned by Grant, Smith & Locker: ran on rock in fog while towing a scow: hit by scow; in trying to release tug, wreckers pulled out tow post and timber heads; later she broke in two and sank in 14 ft. of water: Detroit river. near Timekiln 'Corssine. Noy. 23--Str. Midland King, owned by Mid- land Navigation Co.. Midland, Ont.; stranded while entering Canadian canal, Sault; out 3 ft. Nov," 24--Schr: Berwyn, owned by J... F. Bates & Co.. Chicago; broke away from steam- er Vail and stranded on Pildt Island, Lake Michigan: pounded to pieces on rocks. Nov. 25--Sand steamer Protection; rock at Cedar Point, Sandusky Bay; V3 tt, Of water. Noy. 25--Str. North Star, owned by Mutual Transit Co., Buffalo; collided with steamer Northern Oteen in heavy foe off Port Sani- Jac, Lake Huron; sank immediately in 90 ft. of water; struck on starboard bow abreast -of pilot house. Nov. 25--Str. Northern Queen, owned by Mutual Transit Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.; collided with steamer North Star in heavy foe off Port Sanilac, Lake Wluron; bows badly damaged just at water line; temporarily patched up and left for Superior for repairs; moored at Su- perior for winter. _ Nov, 25--Str. Mohawk, owned by Wm. Hen- drickson, Sandusky. O.; ran ashore on flat rock on Gravel Island, Lake Huron, loaded with package freight; in 12 ft. of water for- ward and 13 ft. aft: shoe, rudder and wheel lost: two after compartments full of water, two middle tanks leaked and water in caro hold; released on Dec. 6 after lightering 500 tons; holes in two starboard tanks; taken to Detour struck a sank in and then towed to 'Ecorse where she was docked for repairs. Nov. ..--Str. Amazonas. owned by James Davidson, West Bay City. Mich.; stranded on Vidal Shoals: released after lightering part of her cargo: not damaced. _ Nov. 24--Str. S. R. Kirbv, owned by North- western Trans. Co.. Detroit: heavy weather on Chicanola 'Reef, Lake Erie; released herself on. Nov. 25. uniniured. Nov. 26--Str. Dunélm: grounded on Lake Ortario near Point Ann:-: leaked. Nov. 27---Steam barge Topeko, owned by To- peka Co., Milwaukee, Wis.: rounded on a bar while entering port at Holland, Mich.; re- leased, uninjured. . j Nov. 26--Str. Bennington, owned by 'Rut- land Transit Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y.; -strand- ed on rocks near Brockville, Lake Ontario; leaked: released after lightering; wént to Og- densburg for repairs. Nov. 27--Str. Niagara; grounded while try- ing to make Merrill & King dock at Duluth. Noy. 28--Str. Fred G. Hartwell, owned by ran ashore in Mutual Steamship Co., Duluth: broke ee at Ashtabula; ' Bes unloading machine, badly damaging foremast. . Nov. 29--Str. Kongo, owned by H. N. Loud; Au Sable, Mich.; crashed into unknown steam- er while leaving Buffalo; several stanchions on port side broken and cabin shoved out of po- sition. g Dec. 1--Str. Bulgaria, owned b i ~otr. ' y Bulgaria Transportation Co., Green Bay, Wis.; acipen a Port Aen in a damaged condition after rough trip on lakes; repai { Eid p epaired at Port Dec. 1--Str. Iroquois, lost both anchors while eo in heavy weather. ec. 1--Dredge Old Glory, owned b , Sullivan, Buffalo; frame, ; A handle fell into river; troit river. _ Dec. i--Str, Alfred Mitchell, owned by Lake- side Steamship Co., Duluth; ran aground owing to low water at Bar Point, Lake Erie; released uninjured. , Dec. 2--Str. F. L. Robbins, owned by W. H. Becker, Cleveland; stranded owing to low water at Bar Point; floated when water rose next day. Dec. ..--Str. Lyman C. Smith, owned by United States Transportation 'Co., Cleveland; stranded owing to low water at Bar Point, Lake Erie; floated when water rose. spar hit an arm. of e, dipper and dipper -- Livingstone channel, De- Dec. ..--Str. Thomas Shaugiinessy; stranded © owing to low water at Bar Point, Lake Erie; floated when water rose. | Dec. 2--Str. Tempest No. 2, owned by Grace Harbor Lumber Co., Detroit, Mich.; hit by her barge, the King, which was torn from her moorings at Erie by the steamer Juniata; stern considerably damaged; leaked badly. Dec. 4--Str. Victory, owned by Interlake Co., Cleveland; steering gear broke in St. Clair river; stopped at Port Huron for re- pairs, : Dec. 4--Str. Sinaloa, owned by Superior Steamship -Co., Duluth, Minn.; ran aground in thick snow storm at Bar Point, Lake Erie; re- leased after lightering 300 tons of coal, un- injured. - Dec. --Str. D. M. Clemson, owned by Prov- ident Steamship Co., Duluth; wreckage of steamer found on Lake Superior after storm; entire crew of 23 lost; cause of disaster un- known, but thought to be a derangement of machinery. Dec. 6--Str. Eber Ward, owned by Hecla Transportation Co., Bay. City, Mich.; crashed into Taylor street bridge in Chicago river; bow badly damaged; bridge put out of commission. Dec. 6--Str. Davidson; ran aground in heavy ~ snow storm on Bois Blanc Island, Straits of Mackinac. Dec. neer Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran ashore in heavy weather on Iroquois Island, Lake Su- perior; No. 1 tank full of water; lightered 35,000 bu. of grain and went to the Sault; leaked very badly; repaired at Lorain, Dec. ..---Str. Harlem, owned by H. J. Pauly, Milwaukee, Wis.; stranded in heavy weather at Bar Point, Lake Erie; low water; released herself, uninjured. ae : : Dec. 9--Str. Harvey Brown, owned by North- western Transportation Co., Detroit; ran aground at Bar Point, Lake Erie; released, uninjured. Dec. ..--Scow; broke away from tug L. P. Smith on Lake Erie, between Ashtabula and Fairport; lost. v4 Dec. ..--Schr. Houghton, owned by Wallace- burg Sugar Co.; sprang a leak on. Lake St. Clair and sank; total loss. Dec, ..--Str. Diamond, owned by Charles Duclon, Fish creek, Wis.; picked up in- dis- abled condition off Sheboygan, Lake Michigan, and taken to Sheboygan. Dec, 11--Schr. Belle, owned by Capt. Dan Ludwig, Benton Harbor, Mich.; tow line parted and drifted on beach near Big Point Au Sable, Lake Michigan; storm; towed by steamer F. W. Fletcher; crew had narrow escape; -prob- ably total loss. : . Dec. 13--Str. Wissahickon, owned by Anchor line, Buffalo; grounded at entrance. to harbor, Erie, Pa., owing to low water; released after several hours' hard pulling by tugs. Dec, ..--Str. James E. Davidson, owned by Inter-Ocean Steamship Co., Duluth, Minn.; ran ashore in heavy snow storm on rocks at Ket- tle Point, Lake Huron; forward compartments full of water; Nos.' 2 and 3 tanks punctured ; released on Dec. 16 after lightering 50,000 bu. of cargo and proceeded to Buffalo to un- load; to be repaired -at Toledo. : Dec, 13--Tug Yale, owned by Great Lakes Towing Co., 'Cleveland; turned turtle while : (Continued on page 34), ' ..--Str. John Stanton, owned by Pio-

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