STEAM SCHOONER SHNA-YAK. The first article of this series de- scribed and illustrated the steel lumber carrying steamship Riverside. The draw- ings and construction photograph which we print herewith illustrate the wooden steam schooner Shna-yak built in the summer of 1907 by Hall Bros. Marine Railway & Ship Building Co. at Win- slow, near Seattle, Wash. The Shna- yak is owned by George E. Billings and associates of San Francisco, and has been steadily engaged since her construc- tion in the lumber trade of the Pacific coast, plying between Puget Sound and all southern ports. She is a good exam- ple of the modern wooden steam lumber carrier and may be taken' as representa- tive of her class. The Shna-yak is 202 ft. in length over FINISH Of COVERING BOARD AFT OF PUL QT-HOUSE_ FORWARD STRAINING TIMBER TO OROP ONE FOOT BELOW 'TRAE MARINE. REVIEW all, 9 ft. beam and 16 ft. deep. She is built of Puget Sound fir throughout. Her frames are double 12-in. timbers spaced 32 inches center to center. There are two deck stringers running the full length of the vessel on the main deck. These timbers are spaced 13 ft,, 6 in. apart and form the hatch combings and house sills. These stringers add mate- rially to the stiffness of the hull since they are locked over the deck beams and tied firmly forward and aft. The steamer burns crude oil in the furnaces of one Scotch marine boiler which supplies steam at 200 pounds per square inch pressure to a triple expan- sion engine with cylinders 13, 22 and 36 in. in diameter by 24-in. stroke. Her speed is about nine knots an hour with full load. wT eee hee eee eee res 3 44 FL00R CP _p/LOT HOUSE IN ORDER TO_ALLOW FOR ENTRANCE OF WHEEL ROPES SLATE _S ee 45 The Shna-yak has three masts of equal height, each extending 92 ft. above the main deck. The foremast and main mast each carry two 60-ft. derrick booms for handling cargo. A square sail is carried on the foremast and a leg o'mutton sail on the mizzen mast. The cargo hold is forward of the machinery and is approximately 112 ft. long, 12 feet deep and 35 feet wide. The hold has a capacity of 600,000 board feet of lumber wnder the deck. In addition the steamer can carry a deck load of about 400,000 board feet. There is one cargo. hatch 26 ft/long x 13 16, in wide placed at the center of the hold. A feature of the deck house construc- tion is that there are a series of very heavy frames extending through the main deck to the floor of the hold. py isbe 2X8 CORIING. CUT IN FLUSH COVERING BOARD ABREEAST OF PILOT HOUSE PLATE ON SFOREWARD CHAFING SATTENS TO SUPPORT EXTRA PROJECTION OF COVERING BOARD ABREAST OF PILOT MOUSE ~ o is - * 2 [| SW EA BER 10X12 CONNECTED 70 STRAINING TIVTBER WITH. UIE BF Re PLATE ee srvapine 34 x UF FINISHED ee ee ee ee Sess eee ee aes Seem FRAME NO. 30 STEAM SCHOONER SHNA-YAK. Uy % ESN Sh 7 WR { vid a 42x92 Sica FILL IN BACK OF STRAINING TIBER ow Gx To REPGESENT COVERING BOARD ANO SUPPORT STEERING PIPE iB 5 ae p42 X14 BEAM BETWEEN STRAINING TIMIBERS - 6x6 /RON BARK CHAFING BATTENS | STANEHIONS UNDER ENGINE AND BO/LER HATCH COAMINGS WHERE AR, CABLE