'The MaARin€ KEVIEW Yarrow's New Ship Building Yard in the Clyde. Yarrow & Co., Ltd, have now com- pleted the transference of their ex- tensive ship building and engineering business from the Thames to the Clyde. In order to carry on the business profi- tably Messrs. Yarrow were compelled to cover an area of 12 acres, adjoin Scots- town West Station on the Lanarkshire & Dumbartonshire railway. On the south side of the yard there is a. river frontage of 784 ft. and the site of the landwards to works extends South YARROWS' NEW WORKS ON THE CLYDE--SEVEN-TON GANTRY CRANE AND PLATERS' SHED ON THE LEFT, remove from London to, some place where the cost of materials, transport and labor were lower, and where the burden of local taxation did not press so heavily. After a number of possible sites had been examined, the firm's choice fell upon Scotstown, near Glas- gow, and in March, 1906, a start was made with the erection of the new works there. The work in the new yard in both the ship building and engineer- ing departments, is now in full swing, and employment is found for at least 1,200 artisans, many of whom have ac- companied the firm from the Thames. Messrs. Yarrow will, as hitherto, con- fine their energies to the construction of torpedo boat destroyers, torpedo boats, and shallow-draft steamers of all types. The firm have already. earned world-wide fame for the building of high-speed motor boats, driven by inter- nal combustion engines, and this side of the business will be further developed in their new works. Special facilities have also been provided for the con- struction of the Yarrow water-tube boil- ers. The new yard and workshops which street, a distance: of about 710 it Fo the west lies a vacant piece of land which Yarrow @ Co. dave the = op tion of acquiring should they wish to ex- 49 tend their premises at any time. - In lay- ing out the yard special attention has been given to the arrangement of the various workshops with a view to en- sure a perfect supervision from one chief administrative center. The general offices are situated in the center of the northern boundary, facing South street, the engineers' shops being on one side and the boiler shops on the other, so that the managers of these departments are within easy reach of the administrative offices. The building to the west of the yard, the engineering department, include ma- chine shops, general stores, tool stores, power station, smiths' shop and pattern: shop. The engineering shop is 210 ft. in length by 153 ft. in breadth, and is divided into three bays. It is fitted with a 50-ton electric traveling crane on the upper of two sets of rails at a height of over 41 ft. from the ground to rail level. On the lower set of rails there is a 5-ton traveling crane. The central bay forms the heavy machine and erecting shop, while the side bays, which are served, the one by a 20-ton traveler and the other by a 5-ton traveler, form the light machine shops. To the east side of the central offices are situated the boiler shops, the platers' shed, the galvanizing shop, etc. The boiler-making shop has, of course, been specially fitted up for the construction of the Yarrow type of boiler. One of our illustrations gives an interior view of this building and of Yarrow boilers in course of being built. Not far from this building is the platers' shed and angle-bending shop, where the steel workers prepare the YARROWS' NEW WORKS ON THE CLYDE--GENERAL VIEW OF THE YARD.