Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 11 Feb 1909, p. 26

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a THE Marine REVIEW revolution that occut Mr. Wetherbee: The governor? is in a seaway, a Mr. Forbes: Yes. ' Mr. Wetherbee: The governor is g clutch thrown in by two revolving makes them extremely light per variations in unit of power developed. when the ship The turbines are of heavy merchant variation of 50 turns, would not af- engine scantlings and should wear in- fect it. 6 a The other parts of the Mr. Forbes: Is that applicable to poles. a sled at of the bureau of steam any other type of reciprocating engine, Mr. Forbes: It is not a governin tas eering's standard thickness, the or is it specially designed for that feature of the turbine? . e as used in all classes of large purpose? Mr. Wetherbee: It is an attachment; » ships. : Machinery of th i \ e Chester. type: is | | é perfectly suitable for our Db res sta ee POLE eal oe a. ind. armored ; r battles ore COURSE OFF ATLANTIC COAST, MARCH 3 = 4, 1908. SPEED 22782 KNOTS. : ored cruisers. Its adoption . DRAFT, MEAN 16-7 TRIM 5 BY STERN. DISPLACEMENT. .MEAN 37 TONS. will give our country ships. that are LIGHT TO STIFF NNE. TO WNW. WINDS. >OURSE (COMPASS) VAR'ABLE. SMOOTH TO MODER. 4 a knot fast h : ; =A. POCAHONTAS COAL, RUN OF MINE, POUNDS OF COAL PER HOUR "%! FIREROOM 6328.5 ae or than foreign ships of the > FIREROOM 5985.4 -- #3 FIREROOM 5749.1 -- TOTAL 18063. a same displacement without any in- KNOTS PER TON OF COAL 2.62. POUNDS OF COAL PER SQ.FT OF GRATE SURFACE 25.95 aoa Fa '; : SLIP OF PROPELLERS IN PER CENT OF THIER OWN SPEED BASED ON MEAN PITCH STAR. "/- n machinery weight. Turbines 2- 16.94. PORT, *3- 26 08 - *4~ 15.15 ~ MEAN /8. 72 ee have already been adopted in our lat- SEF FOUR HOUR TRIAL DATA FOR FORMULA FOR SLIP é : 3 : DISTILLED 10,070 GALLONS OF WATER IN 24 HOURS st designs, but while boilers adopted pesteVaTION TL 71314 Tslel 71821 Om] 2] 3] 4] 5) | 7] ie] il 20] ar 22] 23 4 : = 24| 251AV1 in our lates 1S TAR]?! 460.8458.814544454.21656.71457 9 S65US4.91455.4456, S6SUSTOUSS3ES4 it HE ae t designs are strong and | Risw Frs?zh71 olecs.clee3.deoasleoaqacs 4e2.31461.7462.24630463 44642 SE ea ari BESUSESHEZ OSS SAC SSEHESS ASKS) |e ra : 1 Ge. M61. 8462.9163.01463.2/462.9462.2462.4463, da ey ey are not capable of the Beare ee ese ae 62/.11520.61519.91520.51520.452.0.6,520.4520.05/9.51520.9520. eraeraee teri een ai x : 2 AAS 644527651 tele pedo eee y igh output per unit of surface that S[APAIN TAL 19 : Se St = aie tenteedeed 5) BUS? 4454.53 0145431453. 52452 8453.7 sad F can be : S : ' . 0 (20.5 201 195| 20| 20| 20| 20 | 18 | 19 | 20| 19.5 tae : obtained from the type on the ssf prelal za ze | 24| 24 es | 24 | 2 | 22 | 23 9 | 20| 20[ 2 | 22[ {| 9] 20] 19 | 20 | 20 y ree 3 ore Chester. It seems as if this advant- me ee a is a 138| 139| /4a| 140| 144| 120| 146| 140| 146| 140] 135| 134] 162| 150] 147) 151 | 46! /46| 148 | 148 a ate : ls 750| 148| 168| 156| 160| 152| 561 157| 155] » rea ah ae age * 3 x e 59) 160} 160| 159} (58 | 458) 160 | 160 | 15 ay ge were worth serious consideration. Sl] Maia' [71 96 [35 | a0 42 (42 [28] 6 | 26 | 30/26 [a0] 24 26 | 26 | 26 | 26 126 | 28 | 24 ab ea Toe ee eae eee KZ) reco lal ~|~--| -| --|-- S| 24 | 25 | 26 | 25 | 24} 27] 26 |28.7|~ . DISCUSSION ee 24122120} 221 2/ | 27 j 22 2/ | 2r | 20 | 2) | 2r | 2 | 22 ee ee : Cpe cree sear Tse |e [sep [55 | 99 [40 are] SOL sol ae] ao] Se] a JL = ' 23 | 22 | 22 | 2 |25|ab3 ' oo, : : ~ 6 | 46 tae orbes: In regard to 8 ae {171 81 9 | | 7 | 1 | 6 [25] 22| 2 | 2 | 22 | 23 | 20| 27 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 27 "7 - . * ear e statement on it s: alge = ee iS i ee | page three, it says CISIGANITARY ag ee on these trials in a very rough sea PIKE MACH . 45] | : in wl SfSTBTOWA 2301 = as a the turbines did not race." I would ae rs oy 3 = - 725| F20| 125] 160 165] 160| 270] 270] 200] 210] 180| 180] 165] 180] 190] 160] 170 | 160] '180[ 2001 190 : ; ph fobs i 120} 120} 125| 170} 170} | . x} ask whether there was any governor Sl. f@ ~ #3| 230] 200] 160] 100| 120| 125] 120| 160 oe . a * = 2 a 20 200| '70| 170 | 170| 180| 200! 1g0| (| | attached to preven es S|18 VER GA?26.4783.3/53.3)06.6/21.7 /21.7123.3)/63.3)68.31 165] See eS REL 70 TCT 120 1200) ae a Mr ot es) as ot IeTeER ENG. 3, 165 196,71203.4 190 [196.7 )83.3|/78.3/8/.7 185} 195 66.6|!73.3 ae 200 183.3 ES . . c avis Herbert: On lest) | (él t page 2 the statement is made: "AI- Mele ae a 234 230] 232| 234|254|22/ | 2251240) 2401 240| 230|225| 28612271 237| 237 | 275/219 oe SE AULD ee : 5|235|235|230|235| 235|230| 240 3 : 3|235| 220;230 though the machinery developed M H.PIF 97 | 97 [96195 | 96] 97 95195 | 96 ae a - re ee a SA ee eter tastetet ete about 50 per cent more than the de- LP eoe 95 [94 | 95| 95 | 95 [90 |95| 94 [96 [94 | 95 94193 | 94 = ae 2 2 35 3 2827 | 90/86/96 : : TFL 5 | 15] 5 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 5 | 15 : T 9/ | $2 | 94) 93| 90; 93 signed power on this i i i S115 | WS | S| 16 | S| S| 8 | S| IS | A r AB. {Al 14. ; t Be tb | 1B. IS 3) IS. 5 5 ' ' ee trial; it was et 2 14,5 | 14.0| 14.0] 14:0| 14.0| /4.0| 140] 14.01 13.7] 140! 137) 138\ 13.8| 132| 13.7 | 135| 135] 137| 13.83.71! em eye not pushed to its limit in any part ex- ye AB. 192| 190| 181 [192] 192} 192| 193] /92 | 192\ 192| 192| /92| 1921 193] 1921/93] /92|/9.3| 193) /5 att ial ae a et ) a[Aue We Cassi can sgl elo a bea canst ee oe eae 93| 19 3| 192 | 192| 192| 185] 193] 192 system." Please give S|s7- 6 240] 245| 238] 235|2301235|230] 2301247 |240lz43|23alz42l 2261230 ee eel near eee ere : us just what you mean by designed eee is otal er ares ie tea etal eo oe SlEXH-SIA | 4 | 4 | 3 | 2 [2 : : 0} 0; 0} 01 01 Oo} O}n7 power. Is that rated power? 2 Z Dole plesk aie fee ; 94 018 re OIL \FL 2.0] 1.5] 2.0] 1.5 Bo 2a 22d él C Ww p eee 2.0) 1.5| 145] 15 | 2.0] 2.0| 2.01 2.0! 2.0] 3.0| 3.0 3.0| 3.0| 30|30/3.01 3.0 Lee apt. W. Hovgaard: I would like au - 6.5] 6.5| 6.0] 6.0} 6.0] 6.0] 70| 6.5| 2017.01 20| 75| 701 60l 2.01 60| 6.0] 60 % ea cee Seria aatastestaciis 20| 25| 7.0) 6.0] 7.0! 6.9| 6.0] 6.0 6.0| 20) 20| z0| os! 75165 to ask whether these boilers are what wl Blancs of ofotololololololo ; ms a . 101 10 10! 10! 10{ 10l tol tol 1.0) wol.e would probably be called small tube " ates a 28.2|28.2|28.2|28.2|28.2|28 3128.5|28£|28.5| 28.5|28.5|28.526.3 a ae . ololotojolo ' ; 029.5] 29.51 29.51 2951 29. ete ree 5| 285] 28.5|28.5|285| 28.5128.5|28. Bere. the diameters ot eee 22.018 (205{234|295|295 294 295|294| 294 29.5 225) 29.479.5| 295|29.5|29, oe edie a : 3230 30.36130.3830.40 30.4430, ieee Soe ee ee the boiler tubes? : pun a 245|240| 235 | 235\240| 2351245] 238|245| 745245 ara ee i Ee 36.48150.48120.4613046)304613041 Th : : 45 | 245| 240| 237| 237 |242 | 237 Sats : 2271240} 245| 235| 230|235| 245] 235] 230 The Presi ° w = ~ é 245| 238 |245 | 245] 245| 250 | 1237 > Sore . dent: Are there any furth_ al C | 245| 245 | 235| 235|237|245| 235| 2451 235|245| 245] 2401250 ae a 237}230| 242| 247|240|230| 240|245| 240| 235 er 1emarks upon thi al Il + [240] 245 | 235| 236] 234|245| 235124 le 30 | 25512301244 240) 230} 230) 24012451240) 230 S$. paper: lf. not, wer 3 |23s| 245|245 | 240| 25012491 22712301 22812 Sl ack Me AWeth wlS|_+ _€ | 230| 237|257| 237| 2301235] 2371250] 225|z26|225|250\ 235227 ae 228| 245| 245|230| 228| 240|245|235| 230 . etherbee to respond S|g|_+_F | 235] 245 | 240] 237| 237| 240|237|235|22 5|240|230|235 oe Ea RES 280 30 eee ; . a y Z £ 235 5 to these questions. ae 2 oe 235 |245|235|235'237|235|230|225|235|227| 230 se ie i ss F gee a eae 225 230) 220) aa Mr, Charle oe 40245 | 242|240| 240) 245 | 240| 230|225 |235|235 = : 5|241 |242| 243| 240] 225) 235|230| 240) 240 : go. Ber: ; lel * 235|235| 230) 23512301245 5 hai etherbee: Mr. 3s}-- 7 2251237 | 240|235|240|242|235|245|230|230| 24012201240! 2201 247 555 3 BES 2422451 2304 285) 2251240245 chairman and gentlemen, I might say ey 220| 235 | 237|235|237|240 12341245] 235|230| 240 2201240) 2/7 cae ote BAS 24S 280 288 ACE ; Po oestuas eselo leas caste 220)240| 2/7 240| 232| 242|245|245|245|245|245123 before replying to these questions «_M| 220] 236 | 240 237|2401240| 227|238|220|240|2/7 |237|230|239| 240] 24/ ee that bs : ) ard 236|240| 242 |235|245 |240 |235|245|225|240|222| 242 |235|24/ |24512 242/245 248 1225] 2401 240 we had hoped that this advocat- roe gro psa sss 36712407 236)239.81232 4237 3238 313/ 7124/71 232 23722304 ae Oo es ee PES 625) .5|.5 1.5 | .5 alos - ' 412 37.424 3.3.24 3.8\239,6) 234 1238,8)23751239.2)2. ing of the semi-express t 'boi Bis 3625 55 {101 101.75 pe Sree ana ype of 'boil- SiS|"2_ | 10 |.ezs|.75|75|.5 [16 | 5 01.75} «75! .75| .75|.75 | .75 | 75 | 75 | 7S | 75 | 75 = : : a 5 51.6 | 5 |.5 |.5 |.625| 7518 TB | TS. | 75 | 75 | 75 | 7S ee ance Aismiccion "than sh 3p | 1oleasl.s | 7st. | s lezslaralanslecs is us eas 75| 75 |.625,.625).75 |.75 |.75 |.75|.75|.75|.75| 751 _) it apparently has. I know th ae > .625|.583).666 5 | 5 ais 542| 5831833,.9/7 L708 iF = a 2s} 76.7676 75764 26 25 | 78 : ere are eerie - 38 [38 | 35135 | 36 | 37 | 36| 38 | 38] 37 | 38] 39 | 35 | 38 eee 6661.75 |.75|.75 |.75 | .75| .75| 75 | 75 |702 people who do not take the view of DIS- aria 36 | 34 | 34 | 36 | 38 | 34 | 37 | 37/36 | 36 | 38 | 341 38 7 c De eee oetoetor tee the use of : : : 68 |64|e5|67 |ez|c0\calosl ealerles 36 | 34 | 34| 36 | 34 | 35 | 33 | 34 | 36 these boilers which is gene 60|6)| 58 | 58| 58 | 60| 60|541 60] s9|se|leole 62| ee |6e [ez] e3/e3| 62 |c4| 58/62/60! cols taken in the paper. ene Pade v0 | 74 14 T9776 | 78 | 76] 72 | 7a] 80] 78 78 58 | 60| 0| 60| 58| 58| 58| 60 | 58| 58| 57| 58| 59 fe eck Biceenc 0 eee . - 68 |64 [64 |65|64 | 70| 73] 64 | 721 73 3 - : 74 | 78| 74 | | 77| 66| 7z | 66 [65 | 74 . Ss question, wel 78 | 84| 82] 80 | 80| 83] 85 | 80 | 86 73| 72| 72| 76| 73| | 7317 7 Ah p 82} 841 &8 0168 {7 Be es cevernor to. orevent racine alpen i ds zs 74 | 72 | % | 77 | a2 | ea | 83 | 80} at e . zo 2 83| 84| 4 | 82 | 82 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 83 : : 5 i & 2 there is a governor fitted in 'the hie | wearer -- 1 = = aS - ee 188] 176| 176| 180| 188|"186| 190| 180; 180| 188! 180 is - 7 os - as 84 | 72 | 60 : : ob een : 1901 2001 2orl 20st 2061210 | 208) 2071 2oslz04 je7| 166| 799] 188| 190 | 182 ine, but th 54| 56\64| 72 08|204|2041 205] 20. ' €. governor. ts really a wl oper aT s 70| 72 | 78 | % | 74 | 73 173 | 73 | 72 | 7 204|204| 202| 204] 2/4| 2/6 |206 |205 stopping device, and not sePLE eM ARES CAAT Sastre oe HS A 68 | ier Fen = fe eee 3 a aa te : 4 and-it i Pe ReveTnon, 2l3le7 _- 156 [56 [eo 2 160|62|66| 60] 60| 0] 58] Go| 50] Sal S41 Ga - Siete LSet 1 4 ES 2h 8 nd-it is arranged to shut off steam Wieieg (ee tae] bp 22 62 | 62 | 62 | 60/56 [56561561601 641 se | Sa = 54 | 52| 621 54| 54! 50| 46 [46 ; 4156) 52| 54 | 54 56 | 54) 56 | 52 | 52} 52 | 57 entirely. when the lise: = AVERAG E| 52 | 51.3 z 54| 54| 54| 56| 50 _ it 54 3} 58 |57.3)59. 48| 50| $2 | 5 , ; tai revolutions exceed - |*! P/RO'R660|670 [620 era SS 58 | 56.6 564 56 [57 3153.3] 52 [e313 oa . eae a certain. amount, The governor is tvs preowcoolezol eso wolestess 620|600|640|630|600|620|620|620 | 600|620|6/0 See ae ST Sore ee . 20} € 6016805801585 6201600 | 620} 62U|620 660 700/16 set high : -BUAVERA 5 5|590|530| 600| 600/60 ze gh enough so that the slight RAGE1630|645|6301 610|600|001s90eszdais lero léool aro 2 g00 600| 6/0| 620] 600] 670] 640 | e40]640 16/0) 610 [60 : 610| 600| 6/5 | 615 |6/01605|630| 630 [630 [635 |655|650 ble.7! |

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