"THE Marine REVIEW 7 GRAND LODGE SHIP MASTERS ASSOCIATION SESSION AT WASHINGTON, D. C. 2: Jn 'He Sinelair, Second Vice President. 25. Front row, :left to: right:--l. A. J. McKay, Grand Treasurer, James McGinn, Grand First Vice President. retary. Back row, left to right:--1l. Robert Thompson, Grand Marshall. 4. Walter Hamilton, 6..- William Crosby. Grand: Sentinel, Benham, Secretary Grand President. Grand Warden. LIGHTHOUSE TENDER FOR GEORGIAN BAY SERVICE. A small, but interesting, twin-screw steamer which is being constructed at the Neptune works of Swan, Hunt- er & Wigham Richardson, Ltd., was launched on Thursday, the 21st ult. This vessel, the Simcoe, is being built to the order of the Canadian govern- ment, and is destined for use as a lighthouse tender and for buoy ser- vice in Georgian bay. For these pur- poses the steamer is equipped with ap- pliances for lifting exceptionally heavy including powerful winches and derricks. The vessel is also adapted for navigation amongst the ice, frequently meet when on service. The steamer is being fitted by the builders with triple-ex- weights, safe which she will twin screw, Delegate from pansion engines, which receive steam from two water-tube Babcock & Wil- cox boilers. The vessel is 180 ft. in. length, .by 35 ft. beam, built of steel, with poop and forecastle, the well between be- ing adapted for the carriage of the larger buoys. The vessel: isstto: be fitted with an installation for' wire- less telegraphy and has a_ Stone's underwater' ash expeller. The ac- commodation, which has been special- ly designed for comfort in doth hot and cold weather, accommodate not only the officials directly con- nected with the ship, but also the Canadian government officials whose duty it may be to inspect the light- houses, etc. In addition to the ordinary equip- ment of boats, lifeboats, etc., a pow- erful steam launch is to be supplied. The Canadian government were rep- will 4. J... H. Mc Donnald, - Grand: President. 2... James Bs Lyons, Grand: Chaplain. = 3: Chicago 5. E.G. Ashley, Grand. See; Cia, Lodge, . 5. Peter': Thompeon. resented at the launch by Mr. Duguid and. Mr: TR; Ferguson, and the christening ceremony was. gracefully performed by Mrs. G. F. Tweedy, of The Nook, Jesmond Park, Newcastle, wife of Mr. G. F. Tweedy, a director of Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richard- son, Ltd. REFORMS ANNOUNCED. Mr. Truman H. Newberry, secretary of the navy, has just made pubilc his plans for the reorganization of the navy department. These plans are the same which have recently received the approval of a confererice of men who have at various times been prominent in the affairs of the navy and who were called together at the direction of President Roosevelt. As 'has already been stated, the es- sential features contemplate the abol- ishmert.of the..bureau system at the