Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), November 1909, p. 451

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November, 1909 Name of vessel. Weel, ft, Str, Peavey, Brank =H. 1. 430 Gtr. Peavey,' George W. 3. > 430 Moire Peck, Ro MAG. te ans oe 252 Gir Penobscot = i.e. sven be ee 442 Gi Perkins; "G: (W, 22 te 549 Str, Phipps, «Henry: song) o ee 580 Ste Plankinton, John. (v.01... <..,. 267 Sit, Poe, . Gen. -O, Me Skee 470 Str. - Pollock, We2Ges 6.6 eee 420 Ste. PolyneSia "(visser ee 37/95 Si. "Pope: Ey Gy. ue ee eee ae uy: Sin PontiaG. isi... eeeuk Oe eee ee 300 Bir Princeton -- Aelia s een een eet 451 Gee Progress. 6s nu Cea oa oe 255 Sin. Queen City os. ites eee 401 Girne Ramapo caver OR ae ee 319 Sir Ranney, <Rufus -Po 23.5.0, 420 Str Ranney, Rufus P22... 0307... 247 Circ Rappahannock <2: ooheane ae 308 Sir. Ream, Norman' Broo... se 580 Gir Reed: J.-A. ie ae 448 Sir, sarees, W.. Dy i. gages ae 396 Sie Reis. William Eo 322.203. 416 Str. Rend, William --P..ccs%cee yee 287 Gres Renssalaer 9. Swi os ee ee 454 Str Republics). aos epee ee 364 Cte Reynolds: S. Giese ee 255 Str. -Rhodes,. Joshua' W. @....¢2 3.0, 420 Str Rhodes, "Robert OR ee a 246 Gi Richardson,. W.. Gee... 3 354 Cire Riddle; J Oo. ee eee 532 Sim CRobbins, Fy.o Ty oc gatas ee 380 Gir Rochester .--'... os ee ee ea ce eee 381 Str Rockefeller, Frank: «02... 0320s. 2c 366 Sch: «Roebling, John; A. ......3e. 436 Str Rogers, Ho He eer aes 580 Stree Rogers, Wi Al eer, 525 Cie ROMA = 1 oe Ga es oes ee es ok 296 Site ROME ©. Usa Se RG ee ee ee ee 265 Gite: eRoumania. ise ae cen os 273 Siz Russel. George He se ee ae. 462 Gtr Sacramento. (i. sess seus oe 308 Sch ~Sacdmore. s.r esas Sos ew ee ae 369 Sire Salata Fi oes Sucka ee ee 474 Ste Salt Lake City ai eetrn eran 532 Soh SantiagO sn eos ee ee hice wee eee 324 Sire -Saranac = fee fic ate eee ae ve 290 Sire Satutne< , co. sila e wnlenu Wie ame ece « 346 Ste Saunders: Hic Naw oe oes 380 Bi SaxOh oot a ee 296 Str. SaxOna «cc esate es ee ae 416 Str. Schiller, .* William Be ee. a 580 Str Schlesinger. "Ferd <..4.%8 100s © 305 Ste "Schuck. OR Be ance eee 416 Gir Schill VS es eae ee 274 Gre Stott. isaac. Me ose 504 Ste Scratton. 4... sie tee ee re se 260 Ste, 'Scranton, Walter >.ts.6.05 se. 416 Str © Sellwood, Joseph -- 2... 03. es es 520 Gir Senator Ose as ee eee eae 410 Strie Seneca i445 sexes sige gis bole sane n ent a 299 Str. Shaughnessey, Sir Thomas ...... 480 Str. Shaw. Howard L. ......+..---05- -- Sir Sheadie. Ue oth yc eee os e Sim Shenandoah. 2. si. e ie oe a Sis Shenango ts civ ee ees eee Str. Sherwin, Tohn ......sseeseeeeees 514 Str. Siemens, Sir William ..........-. Bir SlCtia oes se ot wie seen es cae Ste, Sill. -Menty | Oe ci cia wees ee eo aie Bir Sinaloa 6s ee ee ee . meh. Sineaton, ~JOhn ost ese. seen 4 ; Sir, Smiths 6D). ames ete ae es see S Str. Smith, Henry BB. ..-..-.--sse-e a Bit. (Smith: a Wk es ee es : 4 Sir omith. Lyman (Ci oe cca ee oe ae Bir mith; J, Cie ia. ee eee eee aan Site Siith, Me Coe tie oy wrens eae ah Oi smith.) OW. eo eis ee te e Str. Snyder, William P .....-....0+. os . Orie SOCADA sh cs bis es = oie pes ome ss Coeur es ae Bile SONOMA. 2 eC ee oie ieee gw el oe a Riis @SONGTAs 6 ache Hid anes o «einige «ie oie ae mite. octire, i. Bee ae a stein eee a Str. Stackhouse, Powell .....--++-% es mite Siadacona = 6.5. too ce ee ee es Me mir. Stanton, "John © 4. .0....s5.s+42% ae its Starricca 2 osc ae kine 4 te tee oe mir. Stearn. Abraham --. sic. <0 te os aa mits oteel King (iiss. ees Wale oe oe a Str. Steinbrenner, Henry ...--+--++++> toy Str. Stephenson. George ...-++-++eee> an Sit Stewart,: A: Bis cs. is). nes elec es eo. mit. Stone, Amasa ..-- esse es eee ees oe Str. Stone, George .....--eseereereee a Dire Sullivan, «Js Jew oes see eee bees = Sir multana 66k. ee eee xe ge ee ae Rite OUPEHIOL edi alee eed see Coe" mic Superior. © City. ssi ces tapes 2e es mire Susquehanna <. 2.05. eee re te a Min (Gvlvaiias: icicle es cores aed eee ae Pit, PSVCACUSE os ee se ce ence eee 27 Die Tacoma < sa cces cies esse eames a Mee bAnipA ese ee ee ee a. mtr. Taylor, Moses ....-.ss0us et ence? yee Sch. Thomas, Sidney G, ..---+-eeeee 6 Str. Thompson, Alexis ues ous sch. Thompson, A. W. ..--:-eesrsee* Str. Thompson, Smith ......+- Ecebnee TAE Marine REVIEW Name of vessel. g _ Keel, ft. tr. 10Ga Sy ge eV pore yates Str. Tionesta .iavoessyi as er Str. Tomlinson, G, Ae 504 Str. Tower," Cyc $e 2. Co 6255 str... Townsend, Edw, Vv. 9 55 O80: Str. Trevor, John B. 9.0704). = 308 Str. Troy ( io.visne ice 398 Str. 'Truesdale, William Ho 7.0) 432 Str, Tuscarora' lide oe 291 och. Tyrotie oy. esse 300 str. Uganda iiiie 291 St. Umbra 0 vos nt 420 str. Upson, Andrew S;- (2 00 380 Str. Upson, J. °c 504 Str.. Uranus: eae - 346 Str. Utich = yiiee se 325 Str. Vanes, Hrank 25034) | eee 257 str, Van Hise, Charles. 7 446 Str Veneztela 24. 0 Ae sett. Vents' sii ak tee «223846. mir. Vermillion 38 0 252 Str -Verdtia 0 ee 480 Str Victory 6 aes ey ee 450 sir. Volunteer > 3&0) 270 Str Vuloan (eh a a a 260 Str.: Wade; Jo 3 Hie. 265 Str. Wainwright. .)...7053). oa 420 ptr. Waldo, i. Ci a 450 str. Walker Perry Goes). 416 Str. Wallace, (Rie ay ee 420 Str. Wallace; J.C. 532 Str Wallula >). st ee 260 Str.c) Walsh, sJameés. Pos 480 Str. <oWarner, -Chatles" Moy 370 451 Name of vessel. Keel, ft. mtr. Warner, Ri Boi 318 ech: "Warrner, @. . = 300 Str. Watson, Ci Wools oe ccc sai a0 Str.>: Watt, James 20 405 Str." Wawitam vio i 1 1266 Str. Weeks, Las a en aes » 416 Str. Wells, Prederick Bo 3-45 430 Stro Western: Star 2 .co . 416 Str. Weston, Charles A.) 0023) 549 Str: White, Deter 504 Str. White, Pendennis =... /..2.7-, . 416 Str.) Whitney, D. Mi 3022.9 412 Str. Wickwire, Theodore H. ........ 444 ott. Widener, Po A, OB. oe, 580 Str.» Widlar, © Francis" =... @. |; hens e416 Str. Wilkesbarre cis Wie Seon ENG eres GiRke 381 Str. = Williams, George,@k = 4 2 280 Str. Wilpen (2.382 ee a '554 Str. Wilsén; Capt: Thosi« oo vai 416 Str. Wainnipes' 3. 5c 252 Str. Wisconsin = 420 ptr. | Wissahickon 44.05.0120 350 Str; Wolf; William: Hore 504 Str Wolf, Willian Hy 3 6 285 Str. Wolvin, Augustis- B. 32.50...- 540 ptt. Woed, lames Bos 2 514 Str.' Woodtord, Wo Re. 5) 7 532 Str: "Woodruff, Lows: 6.33). og 416 pin 2 Wreht,, Alfred Po 252 286 Str Yorkers a0 264 Str. Yosemite' 44500) aia a ee 356 Str Yuma oer 332 Str Zenith «City Gee 387 mir. Zimmerman, .Bugene 45,145.07. 1. 480 Building Ocean-Going Vessels in Canada HE question of establishing ship- building yards in Canada - for the construction of steel ocean- going vessels of the largest class, and the construction of dry docks for the repair of such vessels, on both the At- lantic and Pacific coasts, is attracting considerable attention in the Dominion and in Great Britain at the present time. The increasing number and size of the vessels frequenting the ports on both oceans is bringing into prominence the great lack of facilities at present existing for the repair of vessels, and the present political situation in Europe has something to do with the anxiety of British ship builders to provide them- selves with yards far removed from the anticipated scene of probable warfare. So far as the dry dock Situation ts concerned there are three docks in Can- ada capable of accommodating large ocean-going vessels. They are: The government dock at Halifax, N. 58.; the Davie dock at Levis, Que.; and the government dock at Esquimalt, B. C. To these might be added the Reid dock at St. Johns, Nfld. The Halifax dock is scarcely used for commercial ves- sels, so that the only available dock in Canada, for vessels engaged in the trans-Atlantic trade, is that at Levis. During the financial year ended March 31, 1908, this dock was occupied for 260 days by 26 vessels of 43,162 tons. Of these vessels, the largest were the Allan liner Corinthian, 6,227 tons, and _ the Dominion liner Ottawa (formerly Ger- manic) 5,071 tons. The Esquimalt dock was occupied during the same pe-. riod for 158 days by 24 vessels, the largest of which were Suveric, 6,585 tons; Admiral Exelmans, 6,029 tons; Indravelli, 5,805 tons; Fukui Maru, 5,339 tons. In regard to the dock at Esqui- malt, it being a government one, the Canadian and the British governments have a prior claim to place their ves- sels in it, therefore its usefulness for commercial vessels is restricted. Its situation on Vancouver island, away from Victoria and Vancouver, where the commercial vessels arrive and de- part, however advantageous it may be for naval purposes, is not altogether convenient for commercial vessels. Annual Subsidy of 3 Per Cent. In 1903 the Dominion government passed an act whereby an annual sub-. sidy of 3 per cent fora period of 20 years on the cost of a dry dock not to exceed $1,000,000 might be paid to any company constructing a dry dock in ac- cordance with plans first submitted to and approved by the department of public works. During the session of 1908-9 an amending act was passed mak- ing such subsidy payable on a sum not exceeding $1,500,000. The first and only company to take advantage of the pro- visions of this act was the Vancouver Dry Dock & Ship Building Co., with which the department of public works entered into an agreement May 31 last for the construction of a floating dock in the harbor of Vancouver, having a length of 486 ft. by 66 ft. in width, with a tonnage of 11,000. This dock will be constructed in England by Swan & Hunt- er, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and shipped in knockdown condition to Vancouver.

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