210 TAE Marine REVIEW May, 1910 Accidents to Lake Vessels HE accident list for 1910 shows that the majority of accidents have occurred through buck- ing ice preceding the regular opening of navigation. Fire, however, has taken its toll, the heaviest dam- ages being attributed to this cause. Seven fires have occurred so far this year. It is singular, but fire is one of the most frequent and most dis- astrous causes of accidents to lake ' ships. Collisions have been few, though strandings have been frequent. Following is the detailed summary: PACE. DATE. NAME OF VESSEL. NATURE OF ACCIDENT. : fue Jan, 2 Str. Thos. Shaughnessy....:.. aa Vian been smoldering in hold for. oy S vo. DO pidalo: ' a _ Out seriously ..... ARS are Oo es an, o i : Jan. 8 De AI ZONE oe hes ected ete Cylinder head of engine blew Out.........seeeeee sees rer ereees an cago. Jan. 22 bugia, W. Colton se. .i2c. 020. Lost her rudder going through ice.......ssseeeeerereeerercceses Ree. Jan. 24 Str. <P geen pies tpt. pee pana - heavy, Ce Fh "Hachor 4 P PG Handing: yes 6% i ost. shoe in heavy ice; docked... ic. ce eee peeve neeeeeenaee I jan 31 Te tiie: Siliclattics vee e Lost wheel stern bearing and outboard shaft while breaking ice... Superior. Jan. 31 Og PLALVAnG «Ns ae Ceo 1 vlc Jets eae eran vee ee HCO eee ee eect t este cee eeee ; pe COMO ne cee nae ost rudder while crushing ice.........sseeeseseresees See ue oy. * rus Aiva B ie Cea eas ce Hole in her bow through bucking ice; docked for aevelorna yee Cleveland Harbor, Feb. 24 Dit SINAOMHIC obi juve he ies Struck by carferry Grand Haven while lying at dock. por oy port side crushed in aft of amidships as well as plates in be- Cie eek? Went fween edecks" 55 By es Re oe ae ces Tn iierale teks ve aie we oie ots eres ores oe : i : Feb. 26 Sir. Wasconsin Ga, es. Damaged by fire while tied at dock; loss, $5,000...... tee eees S go. Mar. 3 Str Hennepine< es. data Crashed into Huron street bridge, demolishing bridge-tender's ricice TOUS Seca eee ii eis nlc pee tue a Soarevagere eccie bielaune wun lacaueltistene 3 2 i ber, as result Mar. 8 Carferry Ann Arbor No. 1..... Burned to water's edge with 20 loaded cars of lumber, ; of an explosion; valued at $60,000; wreck lies in 16 ft. o : " pe! os ee ee ees Ge ee fae Manitowoc, Wis. Pier Paliisterys pores. ae ee ut by ice and sank at her moorings; . HO AmRerStD Ute oes ei cet sea a Wi eee aie oi ees elas seus wines pee Blanc Island. Mar. 19 Str. Wisconsin... toy oie ee Damaged. by fre: icabins: destroyed 7)... cc cat... bo ue thew as a eae Mar. 22 Ste AIDSELA, oT ce cee ce eles Damaged by fire...... See ne cae Deedee pee e ete ce sete etmeneuseners w < Mar. 25 Re OLCiO satis ee Giekee skis Struck by barge Constitution, which was torn from her moorings fea : by ice; slightly damaged..... CREPE. ee ela eee oe fee oe cemtaines eae a Apr. 4 Beir. Ao ustus 5s ic ek Ran into sunken crib and sank in 10 ft. of water............-..0 turgeon Bay. mit, oo Str Wolverines. (i056 ese es 3 Burned to water's edge; surrounding property also damaged; loss eo ; EStimaped Gate PUM Os000 Re Ve ee oes se CoO Rico eic 5 Se hermes BS a . ne Apr. 14 mir. John Ruse. rill ac. ee Pe ce estimated ae ehaldeds 'ideas eae HE gdensburg, N. Y. ii : Meee es se oiler exploded; three men severely scalded; r : ae o a . ee help Se ate Chili, which ne £5, her coe 'hee peso x Off Outer Island, Lake Superior. : e Bethigéhem ot 2.2... Ran ashore in heavy fog; released on th, bu eached again, ae -- f owing to big eae released on a popked : pe Port Hope, Lake Huron. . ; f MOG a, eee kw os Collided with str. R. S. Warner in heavy fog; hole stove in her : ee! US elas Dow; pat in at Harber Beach; docked at Buffalo... 7.0. .-.. 5. Point Aux Barques, Lake Huron. Apr. 17 Sieh) Warner. fo 3. uc. Collided with str. Maryland in heavy fog; bow twisted, hawse : pipe broken and 12 plates damaged; lost an anchor; docked at : Cleveland'; left .dry. dock*on. 28th*< .4.....5%.. Weaie + Wiese wn wah cle ais 4 Point Aux Barques, Lake Huron. Apr. 17 Str. P. A. B. Widener... Grounded; Nos. 1, 2 and 8 tanks on both sides leaked; docked we at Lorain; 18 damaged plates; out of commission two weeks.... Gull Island, Lake Michigan, Apr. 21 Str. Gy HH. (Bradley. 4. sine a Stove in a plank below water line while going through ice; leaked i : badly and stopped at Port Colborne for TepaiTs. 2.6.6... sess seal Lake Erie. Apr. 23 Str. lowa.... 52 eee Grounded; docked at Milwaukee; entire sheeting removed in order es ; : to recalk all seams; number of bottom planks broken.......... Lake Michigan, near Racine. Apr. 23 bee. Constitutions... Lost quadrant in gale; towed to Marquette fOr repairs Hie ne Lake Superior. ; Apr. 23 mtr. Curret: Cape... 0G. ... Ran ashore; bottom badly damaged; towed into Goderich. harbor.. Lake Huron, near Goderich. Apr. 24 Top? Zenith soins one: Became disabled; towed to Chicago, where she made another start Lake Michigan. . : Apr. 24 Str Geos Wi. Peavey oni. sos: Ran aground on rocky bottom; out 1 ft. forward; released on 27th Seneca Shoal, Lake Erie. Apr. 24 Ste. (Northern: King, Wheelhouse and forward cabins crushed in by gale............... Lake Superior, Apr. 25 Str Cly dese asa es i Broke all buckets off her. wheel; repaired at Buffalo.............. Niagara River. Apr. 27 str, Glenmounty. 3 ca ceo: Steering gear broke; ran aground; released on 28th, after : : OURO re es ee ee ee St. Clair Ship. Canal. ; -Apr. 29 Str. Robert Mille. 5 css 2 Eccentric rod broke; picked up by str. Clement and taken to Wetroit for' Trepaits... 2. .ce.c. . MN oe are RA eons egestas ees Off Presque Isle, Lake Huron. May 1 Str. Saronic ee Dlechine: pear and. cudder damaged. , (628.6 Sons' a jenn Lake _ Superior. . May 1 mir. Martine Mullen: 3,7: Stranded, owing to parting of wheel chains; released, uninjured... Stribling's Pt., St. Mary's River. May 1 Bee Harold... ee On entering canal, took a sheer and struck bank; one blade of a oe, Gaede NLOKed CO ee CO a hs Are. ee ee anadian Sault. May 2 SteoSt. Pauly. oe Dragged her anchors in gale and was driven on bank............. Port Huron. May 3 Been Halstead cs oc Struck the south pier in gale; badly damaged; deck load of lum- ber, unshipped;) went to bottom of Duluth harbor; lumber Rameiis Demon Mehtered Ole a ee" Duluth Ship Canal. Str. Mary A. McGregor.. Ran ashore; lost foreboat and foreboat iron; port side of keel damaged for about two-thirds length of vessel; docked at Wlevelades Fe ee Oo eS oO ie Georgian Bay. in ye Weut yrs oe ee Broke crank pin and returned to Port Huron for repairs; delayed CMCC AG ee ee ee ee Off Port Sanilac, Lake Huron. May 4 Bee; i yrones: ! ee i Pe. Driven onto str. Schuck by gale; hole punched in her port bow just below water line; No. 1 tank and fore peak full of water; TeDaiete Ate Chee SAU Meee Me nce he ck py ree, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. May 6 Mire Pedi ee ks Struck muddy bank in channel; released on 8th, after lightering; eee foe Oy 1 eo ee Detroit River. May 8 Stry (one Bddy. set ae: Ran ashore; out 5 ft. forward; lightered; leaked and was in Pct Perea re reo, oe es dooce. eo. Gravelly Island, Green Bay. The Marquette & Bessemer Dock & Navigation Co. has given contract to the American Ship Building Co. for a car ferry to replace the car ferry Marquette & Bessemer No. 2, which was lost on Lake Erie last December. The new car ferry will be somewhat larger than the old one, being 350 ft. long, 56 ft. beam and 19% ft. deep, with capacity for 30 cars, The Anchor Line steamer, Octorara, built at the yard of the Detroit Ship Building Co., underwent a_ successful trial trip on April 23. She will be commanded by Capt. Edward Martin. The construction of the new ship yard which the American Ship Build- ing Co. is building at Port Arthur, is proceeding satisfactorily, and it is ex- pected that the plant will be in opera- tion before the close of the current year. The Pittsburg Steamship Co. has made a five-year contract with the Submarine Signal Co., of Boston, to equip all of its steamers with sub- marine signal apparatus. Thirteen of the larger steamers were equipped a year or ago and results of the service have been very satisfactory. It has proved a wonderful aid to lake ships in finding their positions at the turning points in thick weather. more