* THE Marine REVIEW June, 1910 plate the construction of a sister ship SUMMARY OF NAVAL CONSTRUCTION. to the George Washington, of 27,000 tons d by the bureau of construction and © gross, in Germany. The monthly summary of naval construction, issue repair, shows the aoe progress upon vessels: --1910-- ' : Per Cent of Cage RECORD BREAKING MOTOR. Name of Vessel-- Building at-- se BOAT. : BATTLESHIPS. : : : .- ug 59.0 63.4 The international race or Coupe des BO io recs ies ee Navy Yard, New Yor oo : : : ee . ish, . sees re ee ee a Work Si Bie COs. 8 se ee eins £635 : oe Nations, which is regarded as by far the Wyoming...... ead oe ee oc Wm. 'Cramp & Sons.*%..-.+-..+- So aed 24.0 : : % "Arkansas ........% Bakes Hiies ES oe erin Mew av otk Oe Bi. CO. sl ciwre a iine's 19.5 most important international power boat TORPEDO BOAT DESTROYERS. racing event of the year, was decided Faulding. : 3 oc: Se oP eee es Bath Iron Works .....--.+ Pieces oe . at the Monaco meeting, Monte Carlo, BOTAVION SS Go. Oia er eh i ee oe ee Bath Iron Works ....-+.++-++e+> S : $ : : i. Da ee See eas Newport "News S. B. So ey 4 on Tuesday, April 12, the coveted prize ee a i ee ae Se a N i 2 a, Bro a ares : : ; : ; SS eee ewe AM Sia es "eee dewey: i 60 or oe being won with the utmost ease by the Re ce en okie - a Maes sees ene . ' aoe ; MeCall, cara pt vee S Z aamaciae ten a ee Duke of Westminster's racing launch, peeetesseseesssnsensyss New York S. B. Co.....--..-» -- . Warrington. 000000000000000 Wm one see ess 673 Ursula, which covered the course of 100 Mogren. 2.2 8 Ca cae Wm. Cramp & Sons..... wads nes - 69.7 a kilometres (6214 miles) in the world's ' Monaghan.. {algae So ls Sie a ew Newport News S. B. Co. be ome ET. 5 : ee cs oe aso Bath Wan Works" /.. 0505 dices oes 25:3 oe record time of 1 hour, 26 min., 59 sec, ; Pie cs fans B. aoe 19.4 sas The Duke of Westminster himself was utter son een eee ee Wa (Cramp 2& Sons. 03 oe 12.1 17.8 at the helm, and his wonderful per- SUBMARINE TORPEDO BOATS. formance was cheered to the echo by bannon...... ee Pe oO: Bore River 'Si Bx Co. ue hee. 97 92.7 an iors crowd of SPEC Ors By ALO i ete a ns ee Union Iron Works ........... 45.7 47.6 again winning the Coupe des Nations, Barracudas. se very. ss pa es "ea Wiion, Iron: Works? <4 3 3. ses 46.1 47.6 : Mickerele he Wace Moran 60. o... ccc encase ss 43:3 ee the Ursula has. once more proved her- NOLO, Sa ee ee es me: Moran ICOn aves one ein ees 3 ASeS ' 2 BI ACK ee as Fore. River S. BaCoe.. 050255 Sie ODS 37.6 self. to be the. fastest | Get boat in. foo! Ege is OR Ee Ee ee ak he Shes Pe 'COM sa hes Sseaisie 6 oe p07 Europe. The Ursula was built at Cowes, MTASNO oe ea ies ee a m. ram MS OLS? shearer ow errs : 3 ' ues. LE ie Ca Newport News Se Peto as ot 2 22.2 Isle of Wight, in 1909, for the Duke OR ie ee et os, a ee ieee Newport News S. B: Co.....3... ee A7Z.1 48.9 of Westminster by the Wolseley Tool COLLIERS. & Motor Car Co., Ltd. and was speci- Pyclops ee eee se se ae Wm, Cramp & Sons......... Pe bak 70.6 ally designed to race for this inter- INOS Aaa aOR GA IS Pe Maryland: Stéel Coe rie 5 « 18.24 23.3 national prize. Last year she also won . the prize with great ease, ard making MORE LEVIATHAN SHIPS FOR placed with Messrs. Harland & Wolff, a world's record for speed. She is 49 THE NEW YORK TRADE. Belfast, so it is reported, for a boat ft. 6 in. long, 6 ft..6 in. beam, a total Satisfactory progress is being made Which, while designed to exceed the displacement of lessthan5'% tons,and with the two White Star liners Olympic present express Cunarders in size, is not is engined with two 400-horsepower 12- and Titanic, which are under construc- tion at Belfast, and the launching date of the. former has been fixed for Oct. 20. The vessel is already more than half plated and riveted, whilst the en. gine and: boiler castings are also well advanced. In point of size, the two rep- resent something like 120,000 tons dis- placement -- and luxurious equipment, these boats are said to surpass anything afloat, and their advent on the Atlantic is eagerly anticipated both here and in the United States. One of the upper decks is to be completely enclosed, and will serve as a ballroom or skating rink, and in addition there is to be a swim- ming bath on each liner large enough to permit of diving. The Cunard Co. have also decided to build another 18,000-ton intermediate steamer similar to the Franconia, now building at Wallsend-on-Tyne, and at the annual meeting of the Cunard .share- holders, on April 21, the Cunard chair- man made it known for the first time Power Boat Ursuta 1N THE Harpor oF Monaco. ' that the directors were at present con- sidering plans for a large passenger and intended to compete with them in speed. cylinder Wolseley motors. During last mail steamer of a design that can take The liner is to cost about $6,250,000, and her place in the express service with the Lusitania and Mauretania. The Hamburg-American Line has also summer she was constantly used by the will have accommodation for 4,800 pass- Duke of Westminster for pleasure pur ANECES: poses, and logged more than 2,000 The North German Lloyd also contem- miles.