256 THE MarRINE REVIEW Power Boat URsULA NIGHT SCHGIOL FOR APPREN.- TICES. A night school has opened by the Phoenix Enginering Co., been recently Tacoma, Wash., for the benefit of its apprentices and other employes who care to avail themselves of the opror- tunity. The Phoenix Engineering Co. oper- ates machine shops, forge shops and foundries, specializing on ship construc- tion and repairs and on the manufacture of marine and boilers. . [he engines courses of study are designed to fit in with the particular work in which the company is engaged, the aim being to build up skilled who will a personal a corps of workmen have interest in the business. The subjects covered at school are mechanical etry, arithmetic and lectures on shop practice. As soon'as they are sufficient- ly advanced the apprentices are given the night drawing, geom- wiTH Deck JEMovED. practical work in the drawing room, while their days, of course, are spent in the shop. Sessions are held twice a weck so that the course will not be a -Lurden on anyone's time. The instruc- tion is given by the department heads. The school work is carried on without expense to the apprentices. NEW WIRE ROPE TABLES. The American Steel & Wire Co. has just issued a new set of tables of strengths of wire rope. The methods employed in measuring breakage strengths of different forms of wire rope have heretofore been based upon the indi- vidual wires in the rope and the tables of strengths in common use have been constructed accordingly. The new tables are based on the average of the different sizes and kinds of wire rope as obtained by actual tests on a large number of specimens, and the new tables now Tepresent the standard adopted by "all American makers of wire rope. The June, 1910 new tables give a strength approximate- ly 10 per cent lower than that hitherto accepted, the difference being accounted for by the fact that a number of wires when twisted into a rope do not all sus- tain the same proportion of the load, due partly to indirect pull and partly to the fact that all wires are not subject to equal stress'at one time. TRADE NOTES. The Alberger Condenser. Co, and Alberger 'Pump Co. announce the re- moval of their office to the West street building, 140 Cedar street, New York. The. Pennsylvania Steel Co. and Maryland Steel Co. have located their Chicago offices at No. 1005-07 McCor- mick building, 193 Michigan boule- vard. The Upson-Walton Co. announce that manufacturers have advanced manila rope one-half cent per pound, which has necessitated a change in list prices. The company is sending out new slips to be pasted in its 1909 catalog. The Upson-Walton Co. has leased, for a period of years, a cordage plant in Newburyport, Mass., which it will op- 'erate under the name: of .the Lyman Cordage Co. The factory has been put into, first-class condition and equipped with the best machinery and is now turning out rope under Upson-Walton Co.'s personal supervision. The Standard* Chain Co., Pittsburg, Pa., has just issued a new catalog, de- scriptive of the many styles of chain manufactured at its several plants. The company represents that it has the most modern chain plants in the world, that its plants are conveniently located for serving customers, both east and west, and can guarantee prompt shipments from stock. It is prepared to furnish welded chains of every description from the smallest to the largest sizes. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL... BE" RE ceived at the office of the Light-House Board, Washington, DD. ©. until 2 o'clock« p. 7m, June 28, 1910, and then opened, for furnish- ing the materials and labor of all kinds neces- sary for the construction, equipment and de- livery of the twin-screw, wood, gasoline-pro- pelled light-house tender Palmetto, in accord- ance with specifications, copies of which, with blank proposals and other information, may be had upon application to the Light-House Board, Washington, D, C., or at the office of the Light-House Engineer, Charleston, S. C. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- ceived at the office of the Light-House Board, Washington, D. C., until: 2 o'clock pi oun; June 28, 1910, and then opened, for furnish- ing the materials and labor of all kinds neces- sary for the construction, equipment and de- livery of the twin-screw, steel, steam light- house tender Aster, in accordance with speci- fications, copies of which, with blank propos- als and other information. may be had upon application to the Light-House Board, Wash- ington, D. C., or at the office of the Light- House Inspector, Portland, Maine.