220 ditures during the year by the North- ern Pacific, Great Northern, Union Pacific and Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound railroad companies in the improvement of their terminals TAE Marine REVIEW Following the Milwaukee, the Union Pacific (Oregon & Washington) ac- quired an ocean terminal on the tide- lands. Then the Great Northern came from Seattle to share unexcelled pri- Pucet Sounp Iron & STEEL Co.'s PLANT ON and the recognition of the fact that millions more will be spent in the near future, gave a remarkable impetus to business in all lines as it seems cer- tain that owing to its unsurpassed wharf and dockage facilities, Tacoma is destined to become the main entre- pot for the great future commerce with the Orient. of Tacoma, which in the year 1900 totalled $22,803,773, was $41,185,762 for 1909." Tacoma has an area of 40 square miles and a population of 110,000. A total of 974 vessels entered and 920 vessels cleared from the port of Ta- coma during the year of 1909, the in- ward registered tonnage of which was 1,989,298 tons, and the outward reg- istered tonnage 1,005,303. The inward cargo tonnage was 339,504 tons and the outward cargo tonnage was 770,- 118 tons. A total of 1,330 American vessels, with a tonnage of 855,916 and 1,312 foreign vessels with a tonnage of 1,- 030,683, entered, and 1,410 American vessels, with a tonnage of 924,112, and 1,344 foreign vessels, with a tonnage of 1,240,981, cleared from the Puget Sound district. The development of Tacoma's har- bor has for many years been hindered by inadequate railroad facilities. For 35 years Tacoma has remained the terminus of one road. In 1905 the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul de- termined on an extension from the - Missouri river to Puget Sound. The ocean commerce PuyaLLup RIVER. June, 1919 2. The Union Pacific and Southern Pacific. : 3. The Tacoma Eastern (now Mil- waukee). 4. The Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound. 5. ihe (Hawley). Beyond the Pacific & Southeastern to the east and north is additional waterfront acreage available. The harbor and yard development of the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound may be classed as typical of the new era on the tideflats. The Milwaukee has 247 acres. In width the main tract is 1,685 ft. On the east side the strip is 6,600 ft. long, and on the west side bordering the Pu- yallup fiver, 4,200 ft. The channel into this ground has been dredged 1,500 ft., with a width of 250 ft. and a depth of 35 ft. The ultimate length of this channel is 3,500 ft. The possi- ble waterfront of the Milwaukee, of sufficient depth for the largest ocean steamers, is given as three miles and a half, created by this plan of dredg- Pacific & Southeastern TONNAGE RECORDS OF TACOMA FROM 1898 TO 1909. 2 2 wn ' . bd te . ¢q WHA Dea "S ¢ 3 © ob Soe ae gee Year. s a Bes Buo Eas Bas eS pa a wy 3s HY z Or 3 0. ESR Sars Gees eS ae ciaian oeoteos 610 594 783,578 781,056 5723 11 852,378 LO Oi ee oes Gr toa rensees oo Cues 541 548 718,723 F255 82" 86,913 854,698 TODO eae Sues wei ee sss 702 693 950,701 917,332 127,287 999,359 OOM ee ee ia ce er 852 847 1,042,428 1,024,863 152,920 1,208,417 TOO Die en eines ne 888 890 1,069,738 1,064,098 167,329 1,112,609 HOS een ae enn eer calle fo 852 805 980 735 1,036,401 169,390 1,055,941 LO OA log Ooms ea perenne seca 741 760 896,595 909,628 213,193 858,103 POO S rsh et ee ere 818 799 1,079,210 1,053,199 279,333 761,333 TOG es ae ee es 926 918 1,651,031 1,594,615 278,278 757,369 TOQUE Saat cen ees Fe ee Soe Oa 831 2,054,601 2 109,283 347,773 868,569 NOOB icy Cte es ae ee tle 819 810 2,018,812 1,995,077 308,479 752,979 OOO re Seas wane 987 915 2,041,862 2,055,962 343,759 764,508 DEEP SEA TONNAGE FOR 1908--1909. ee 1909. 1908. Ween seq auhivalen Vi ea ee OO Se os Aan 987 819 Ween sea departures: 0.0.8 ee 915 810 dmwacde tepistercd tomiage. 4.06 es 2,041,862 2,013,812 Mitwand. ceoistercd tonnage 0.65.65 ce, 2,055,962 1,995,077 pplnward causa sponnage 32.062. eee ie, 343,759 308,479 CUlbw and eauwo tonnage). 0 ee ae i paw 764,508 752,979 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS FOR 1908 and 1909. _ IMPORTS. 1908 : 1909 1908 1909 1908 1909 erage Heres Coastwise Coastwise Total Total ipts receipts receipts receipts receipts receipts $11,072,776 $10,693,988 $7,853,700 $8,664,166 $18,926,476 $19,358,154 EXPORTS. 1908 1909 1908 1909 Z 19 1909 Foreign Foreign Coastwise Coastwise foe Tee Be eens shipments shipments shipments shipments 490,762 $8,258,594 $9,688 083 $13,040,281 $23,438,845 $21,298,875 orities of the Northern Pacific. The ing and filling in until the harbor is Pacific & Southeastern has acquired 177 acres of tide-lands beyond and ad- jecent to the Milwaukee terminals. From west to east, the head of the bay is now occupied in this order: 1. The Northern Pacific and Great Northern, made and the necessary land adjacent for tracks and warehouses is built up. This plan can be duplicated three times on the same frontage of 1,685 {t. between the Milwaukee's east line and the bluff, and with the same