July, 1910 water loss 2.2 tons per 1,000 i, h. p. per 24 hours. On the measured mile trials six runs were made in alternate direction so that the influence of tide was balanced, while the boiler pressure was not to exceed 250 Ibs.. There was no limit for revolu- tions or air pressure. In table III, the results are also given for these six runs. The gunnery trials proved equally sat- isfactory, a complete broadside of eleven 47-in. guns being fired simultaneously with a broadside of ten 12-in. guns, so that a record in the way of broadsides was established. Admiral Bacellar fired this tremendous broadside, and everyone of the 21 guns responded. THE YEAR'S SHIPBUILDING. During the year ended June 30, 1910, there were built in the United States and officially numbered by the Bureau of Navigation 1,502 merchant vessels of 347,025 gross tons, compared with 1,362 of 232,816 gross tons during the fiscal year of 1909, showing a substan- tial increase of 114,209 tons. On the Great Lakes 47 steel steam- ers of 146,896 tons were built, com- pared with 36 steamers of 88,426 tons 'during last year. Fifteen new were launched, was the Wilhelmina, The schooner Wyoming, 3,730 tons, bunt at Bath, Me, is the daroeee wooden vessel ever built in the United States. The first square-rigged vessel launched since 1904 is the brigantine Viola, at Essex, Mass. Of the year's steel ocean steamers the largest of which of 6,974 tons. of Seattle. "TAE Marine REviIEWw DUWAMISH MAKES GOOD. The new Seattle fireboat, Duwamish was launched and put into service in February, 1910. sent out for a private: trial by the fire department crew. The photograph shows one 2/4-in., three 2-in. and three 11/2-in. nozzles working, using in all - On May 18, she was 289 CUNARD STEAMSHIP CO.'S REPORT. The following financial report of the board of directors of the Cunard Steam- ship Co. for 1909 is commended as a model of lucidity and brevity. It omits no detail of importance: The accounts, which have been duly New SeEattLte Firesoat DUWAMISH IN 9,300 gallons of water per minute. On May 20 the Duwamish had her first fire call to the plant of the Independ- ent Asphalt Co., but June 10 brought The Du- wamish worked her monitors for 40 the first real fire fighting. minutes and pumped all night through hose connections in quelling the con- flagration in the north and waterfront The Duwamish handles well, develops a speed of 15 miles an hour and is proving. satisfactory in output 67,268 tons were barges and canal boats every respect in protecting Seattle's Following is the table: 20 miles of waterfront. Wood. Steel. Sail. Steam. Sail. Steam. : Total. : No. Gross. No.~ Gross, .No. (Gross, Nia. Gross. No. Gros-. Atlantic and Gulf... 111 £5,355 389 11,877 7. 3,954 44 82,333 551 ce Patto Ries 04. 6 38 2 LS eee ad 92 oe es 9 1,758 238 beer A 32 7 A1Gs | 255 41,842 iweat Lakes 0... geo 197 i Oe Western 'rivers .... -1 S50 04k eo cee 4 123 158 4,175 Total 127. 17,159 931 26,003 8 3,986 103 232,609 1,169 279757 __ During the corresponding year ended June 8ross tons were built in the United States an 30, 1909, 1072 sail and stean vesses of 171,864 d officially numbered, as follcws: Wood. Ste 1. Saul ae Steam. Sail. Steam. : Total. No... Gross. Now Grose, No. Gross... Ng. Grcss. No. Goss. Atlantic and Gulf... 108 18.835 305 ~ 9,781. 8. #072. 23 -23610 Gyt | 84008 oo te. 7 Op ee 7 79 ee 17 287 . 204 tl see 1 499 ped 742,410 ft tikes |... : 99 1644. 1. SIR 86 SB A266. OO Rd Pere civers ... lo ES yer a ee ' Wes AA a 132. 19.901. 86S 26720 9. «7985. 66 117958 L0ee Wzi Ged a | 2 : COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. <2 aieomnecn -- 1909. a No Tons. No. Tons. ee te 1.169 279757 | Scil and steam -4.---++-+-e- 1,072 171 864 ee 333 o268 | Miewicgeds ee 0: 8, on ees. 1,302 347,025 vot ee ee 1362 232.816 Pres Ree 6 Ss « kb 6 ws . sue year, Action, May 18, on Her Triat TRIP. certified by the auditors, show that the profits for the year, including £3,582 6s 8d brought forward from 1908, amount to £664,002 12s 9d. After debiting in- come tax and interest, reserving £376,- 483'18s Od for depreciation of ships and wharf properties, and transferring £66,- 598 9s &d to the insurance fund in set- tlement of claims and expenses for the there remains at the credit of profit and loss account, £86,988 3s 9d. The directors: regret that they are un- able to recommend the payment of a dividend as they consider that their first duty is to strengthen the company's re- serves; they have, therefore, transferred £80,000 to the reserve fund, leaving a balance of £6,988 3s 9d, which is car- ried forward to the credit of profit and loss account, 1910. The balance at the credit of insurance fund stands at £400,000, and the re- serve fund has been increased to £230,- 000. There has been paid during the year £130,000 to the sinking fund for the redemption of the stock established un- der the government agreement. The balance of the £1,600,000 4% per cent mortgage debenture stock created during 1908, amounting to £800,000, has been issued. The company's passenger business dur- ing 1909 showed a decided improvement over that of the previous year. Emigra- tion to the United States increased con- siderably, but this was offset to some extent by the fact that the eastbound third class traffic was sensibly less than in 1908--that year having been abnor- mal. It is satisfactory to report that