July, 1910 THE Marine Review ago? SHIP CHANDLERY - ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES LAUNCH DELIVERY SERVICE CREE RE NRE : The Erie Mill & Marine Supply Co. 11-15 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. The Marine Boiler Works Co. Manufacturers of High Grade Marine and Stationary Boilers of all types, Stacks, Tanks, Plate and Steel Work of every descrip- tion. Repair work attended to promptly day or night. ESTIMATES FURNISHED PROMPTLY ON REQUEST LONG DISTANCE PHONES 2 East 45 : Toledo, Ohio ANG... TYPE B Greatest facility fur repairs and also for cleaning interior and ex- terior of tubes. No screwed joints. No cast parts. All wrought materi- al. Largest grate surface for floor space. Lightest, most compact and easiest steaming boiler made... TYPE A Over 100,000 H.P. in use in United States, Russian Mexican and Brazilian WNa- vies, Commercial Vessels and Fast Yachts. Anytube can be replaced without disturb- ing any other tube. Forty tubes can be re- moved through ooe hand hole. Curvature of tubes just suffi- cient to avoid expansion troubles and not interfere with circulation. MOSHER WATER TUBE BOILER Co. WORKS: OSSINING, N. Y. OFFICE: 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK - Ballin Water Cube Roiler Company Portland, Oregon SECTIONAL BOILER with VERTICAL TUBES The only truly Tubes and Headers seamless drawn steel tubes All Generating PERFECT CIRCULATION -- NO SEDIMENTS --- DRY STEAM SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION Terminals of tubes expanded in place Every Tube or Header can be Inspected and Cleaned _--______-- INSIDE _ and OUTSIDE Every Tube and Section can be taken out and replaced without disturbing any other Tube or Section Perfect Combustion --- Light Weight -- Greatest Efficiency CATALOGUE AND PRIGES ON APPLICATION SALON FATES wate 206k BORER