310 heaters were placed at various points in the oil pipes to raise the oil to the proper temperature. A_ large heater was placed in the oil pipe suc- tion, another was placed in the dis- tributing pipe at the entrance to the shop, and two were placed in the attention to the regulation of the shop. This seemed sufficient, but dif- heaters. ficulties were immediately encount- Another serious fault with the or- ered. It was found impossible to iginal installation was that inadequate provision had been made for remov--- a AK r Z : | Pome [4] | Oil is delivered to oil pump by gravity from main tank either a Bill'g. No.ko lil direct. or through circulating tank. If through tank, close Me a a a) valves A and D and open BC. The oil supply will be con- ' ; TA =A lif trolled by ball float installed in tank. | Za Ik Suction to oil pump: Close valves GH, all other valves on Lr £ : line open to heater and pump. From_ pump open valves down | Ii] to mixer, where oil is put under an air pressure of 3) pounds eat vib oS and again heated before being sent through system. The oil v | ito steam supply ao > ae Oil Furnace all aie Ee nw Coal Forge |, THE MarRINE REVIEW oil in the dead piping had been used. Consideration was given to the plan of placing a heater at each fire. This involved long leads of steam piping' and, furthermore, it was not thought that the smiths would give sufficient Supply in mixer is regulated by connecting ball float in mixer valve on oil pump. Close valves P, J and K to meter oil to foundry, smithy and ship fitters' department. tii, Also close LM so that oil will not return direct to tank. { Smithy return oil: 'system so as to allow all unused oil to re-enter tank. (circulate before working hours, lift relief valve I, close Q and R, open H, and start pump. ,and over entire circulating system. Close M, open all other valves on Bas Oo Oil will then "pass around mixer August, 1910 Conditions Necessary for the Success. ful Use of Oil. Unless the following conditions are fulfilled, difficulties will be experienced in burning oil: -(1) The water must be effectively removed from the oil. (2) The oil must be uniformly heated, the temperature depending on the gravity of the oil. For oil of. 15 to 20 degrees gravity the tempera- ture should be from 115 to 120 de- grees Fahr. (3) There should be no long leads of dead pipes, allowing the oil to fall below the required temperature. The oil supply should form a circuit, so that surplus oil can be returned to the supply tank. (4) The oil in the supply pipes should be uniformly heated before the hour for beginning work in the shops. pa Ti V 7 BE} | = ak "3 rb--<-----<------<--}, < y QA [Js fa x ve i 3 H A ty 7 aut 1 { I! < = (8 a i a | | Ls | ; ot ne | | a Tong a 7 2B. Tragh : Iv A Y oO Rack | ie | | +i ! ra lll | Oil Furnace ql a fs O y | . ! ! Y Zia to | ' -- a Qa I> Me 2 33 3 ig 6.0. 1 ! \ | a iz Ogwage Block ) ES I Cl 39 B lh & oO 3 te 1 q x : Hb Vv fea | ql he ¥ > a qn |g eyig | fill of, M4! eo LSV TT Wh ir 1 Wey 6 oe 3 [_]38 a 2 1g, ! E q ty S oe 18 Y lA (ea hh a Zz é i pg ; q & I oo e e | 1 he { . 5 IS 1 aan t ls p Hj === Ur i si peCale pte i} iby Ij "yl faz eee i 21 B if EF yo ree ed bay \ | Eo 1 i Ve Sie? oa L148 j me a | SHA Ji iA it Pe ) V) 6 ! 0 Be Ae 2 2 4 | » Crane : ! j f= I aS =4 OA v < Biles x0 toe ; 2 | Galvanizing Plant i 36. ba He | wae fo ate aE Ag | Oil Furnace, M Th 1] 4p} Oi Bloom] |} ; 4 1 ees ey i i /es |B VY anvit,| Bending Y ; )_Furnace pad en El hea py el AS Y Slab Se ep ee ee i S Bese peering Semen re ot kd a V{; tlle L ; eh b> H--S Hus ->¥---- -->|- 1 ! 12 ! ' : pet I : if Lo Poe Wk a he oe Com \ Oil Furnste| % iy ee ee H-~ | | x \ 2 \ presi Crags a oe oh 5 ' f I= daha + A388 log 3 f v : pie ieare st sed ta | Desk] 77 3 Png: | . v oe Fy pa Le SN J) lt fal Da ce Hl {ie eo Px | NS | Furnacef/ ; _ Building No.42 ce Fe ay latform © 2 s = : : om eee aa een Dee ee eae | U ee 9 = ci - Tool Rack /| ALITY Aa ss orcs Oil Furnace -d oY 18 Bran 24 77 [I IN} 26 |! | 1 Oil Furnagel 'el med AT BKo------- | Round Ly QQ. du | 27| Ia Store 3 CTT 0) aN Sere eres => St SS SS I = FS HH =e hee Rod Rack Oil Furns 48 Dem || Water Closet! 2 ; ax 1A ry Furnace is 4 & 2 . ~--. ie Material Stowage "/ ey a rspeae Pig, 1--GrNERAL ARRANGEMENT OF SmiITH SHop. keep the temperature uniform. For the oil used, 15 to 20 gravity, a tem- perature of 120 degrees Fahr. should be maintained. In actual practice it was found that the temperature varied from 90 to 160 degrees. One fire was getting oil so cold that it could not be atomized, while at another fire the temperature was so high that carbon was deposited and the burner was clogged. Another difficulty experienced was due to cold oil in dead pipes. When the fires were started in the morning, cr if a forge not in use near the end cf a line was started, a satisfactory fire was not obtained until the cold ing water from the oil. It was at first considered that by settling the water in the main supply tanks and draining, no trouble would be ex- perienced. In practice it was found that frequently the fires were put out by water. I received but little aid from the shop in meeting these dif- ficulties. The foreman then employed had but little experience with oil, and he was no great advocate of its use, while the men openly opposed it. Un- der these conditions, as I was per- sonally responsible for the installa- tion, it was necessary for me to over- come the difficulties, and this was finally accomplished. (5) The oil pressure and the air pressure should be reasonably uni- form. (6) The burner used should be of a type that will not easily stop up, and should be easily regulated. Burn- ers suitable for the higher gravity oil used on the Atlantic coast are not suitable for California oil. General Arrangement of Oil and Air Apparatus. The general arrangement of the shop,,is shown)in).Fig. 1, and the air and oil piping is outlined. The ar- rangement of the oil pumping and oil circulating. systems is shown in Figs.