August, 1910 2 and 3. It will be remembered that much piping already run was utilized; also that made after the first installation; these numerous changes were account for the two causes indirect Jleads shown. For the sake of clear- ness the diagrammatic sketch given in Fig. 3 shows the arrangement finally secured, and which proved to be en- tirely satisfactory. An auxiliary tank of 409 gallons ca- pacity, marked 4, is filled by gravity from the main supply tanks, the supply being controlled by an automatic float valve which keeps the tank about two- thirds full. The tank is fitted with a steam coil for heating the oil to a temperature of 120 degrees Fahr. and with a gage glass which shows the amount of oil and water in the tank. At the bottom there is a valve for ' drawing off the water, and at the top a vent pipe for escape of gas. The suction from the tank is taken a short distance below the level of the surface of the oil so that the pump cannot draw water, unless the tank is half full of water. The pump B draws from this tank and discharges into a strongly built small tank, C. The throttle valve of the pump is con- trolled by an automatic float valve in tank C. The pump also has a suction from the main supply line and from Teserve tanks near the shop, so that in case of accident to the first supply, there are two other sources which may be utilized. In this suction line there is a large theater. There is a small air compressor which has an au- tomatic pressure control set at 30 bounds, and the discharge from which is led to the top:.ot: the tank.C, put: ting the oil under a pressure of 30 Pounds. Air pressure for this tank . May. also be obtained from the high Pressure air mains, there being a comnection with a reducing valve fitted for this purpose. In the ab- sence of air pressure the oil pump itself could supply the pressure, but - the pulsations of the pump result in a slight unevenness of the fires at the forges, From the tank C the supply pipe is led the circuit of the shop and from MNS icigcuit short leads -arevtahens to the; furnaces and forges. The supply main finally returns to the auxiliary tank 4, and at the tank in this main there is a relief valve set at 15 pounds. There is, therefore, a complete cir- cuit, but to control the pressure: in the Supply pipe the return circuit 'annot discharge into the tank until the relief valve lifts, The pressure at the beginning of this circuit is, there- = through the 'TAE MaARINE REVIEW f , COMPRESSOR ROOM ~ Capacity 45 Gallons N i X gs 8 Loe rs . Ew ett iE 8 . He * Ray FS Return Oi 4 £ dg PP Ba from Smithery ___ Oil Circulating Tank | Oil Meter # & g a 2 Vent Filled. by Gravity | Oil Meter to Smithery a AS Cc _------S == || to Ship Fitters £ Es 7 SSS SSS SS Gas o38 ; g er) TSteam Coil to Atmosphere. See o aes re : ae 2 ena moe s A < a & Qn g a eo is og ¥ a5 G AP 3 oe 5 28 ga are 28 : 3 RAs is eG 5 r Sa a3 38 ey as 28 a4 ~~ ay ee AR oe "oe Oil Meter G Fouttir B X & =a WI ™ g : A 9" eo > as Sy, I eee I>) j 2" PS 21g" () Aux.Air \ L F u oe Auto Reducer on oReceivér Oil Heater | mn! ' b= H.P.100 Lbs.Air Main Se Rs q Be ( Set at 30 Lbs,"") 4 HS NIN 0 oe : oe oe he ete Q gs R x Oil Pump Sig \ Moy Oil Mixer Mixer Fitted, ne -- Sy oa with Ball Float and Valve, Con- nected to Throttle on Steam. Supply to Oil Pump. (Air Pressure in Mixer 30 Lbs.) a il ami? Fic. 2--O1. Pumpinc aNp CrrcuLATING SYSTEM. fore, 30 pounds and the terminal pres- sure 15 pounds. In the morning, half an hour before work begins, the relief valve E is lift- ed and the pump B started, drawing from tank A and discharging back supply main into the same tank. The heater in the tank heats the oil, the cold oil is removed from the pipes, and all is heated to a uniform temperature by starting time, when the relief valve is again set. During the noon hour in cold weather the oil is circulated in the same man- ner. The water is drawn from tank A as soon as any shows in the glass. Air for Atomizing. The general arrangement of the air piping and the location of the blowers are indicated on the general arrangement plan of the shop, Fig. 1. Air is supplied by three high-pressure positive blowers, each of which is cap- able of delivering 1,200 cubic feet of oa To Forges _-- From Forges And "Furnaces, --> -- Return Meter By Pass 4 409 Gat. Cag Gravity Supply | nk To Tank; Frome ise To Pump --E- Relief Valve Set To Lift At (5'Pounds | From Clayton Air Compressor 30 Pounds Pressure ~ Tank Fitted Witb Float Connected To Throttle Of Oil Pump To Stop Pump When Tank Is Half meee A 1 To ForgesAnd Furnaces C)-- > od -- Drain f Check Valve Delivery Meter Smal} Tank By Pass. 45 Cal Capacity Filled { --B-- Oil Pump Gravity Supply From Main Oil Tanks By Pass And Suction From Reserve Tanks oO ©. cease --s --> Fic. 3--DIAGRAMMATIC SKETCH OF FUEL OiL SySTEM.