August, 1910 ft, of water. The oil fuel pipes are to be of annealed seamless copper with flexible bends, conical joints met- al to metal, with a cock or valve at each end of the pipe conveying the "TAE MarRINE. REVIEW fuel from the tank to the carburetor or vaporizers.. The machinery is to be submitted for survey annually, and Practically all parts are to be -exam- ined, the fuel tanks and all connec- ol/ tions being, if deemed necessary by the surveyor, tested to" the "same pressure as when new. The screw- shaft is to be drawn at intervals of not more than two years. TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND-TON FLOATING DOCK FOR BRAZIL HE floating dock hav- ing a lifting power of 22,000 tons, built by Messrs. Vickers sons <& Maxim; of Barrow, tor" the Brazilian govern- ment, began her long yoyage in tow of two tugs to Rio de Janeiro, a distance of nearly 6,000 miles, on July 14. This floating dock is pri- marily intended for the accommodation of the three new Brazilian battleships of the Dreadnought type, which have re- cently been built in British yards. The structure will serve the purpose of a much more expensive graving dock at Rio de Janerio, and has been built in a fifth or sixth of the time that would F Loatrnc Dock FoR BRAZIL OF 22,000 Tons. been masonry have required to construct. 4 gtaving dock. In inviting tenders and designs for this dock, the Brazilian government simply specified that the dock should be capable, when floating at its moorings in the port of Rio de Janeiro, of lifting and carrying a vessel of a displacement of 19,250 tons, the pontoon, measured at the line of the keel blocks, being 2 ft. above water level... Designs and tend- ers were submitted by the following eight firms: -Cammell, Laird & Co., Birkenhead, £182,500; Vickers Sons & Maxim, Ltd., _Barrow-in-Furness, £182,700; Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Ltd, Wallsend-on-Tyne, £212,500; Gutehoffnungshtitte, Ober- hausen, Germany, £195,522; Brom- berg-Hacker & Co., Bromberg, Ger- many, £211,200; Societé Anonyme des Forges et Chantiers de la Mediterea- nean, Toulon, £262,326; Blohm and Voss, Hamburg, £302,022; and Mary- land Steel Co., Sparrow's-Point, Mary- land, U. S. A., £369,181. Messrs. Vickers Sons & Maxim,. Ltd., were given the contract, being able to give delivery in eleven months, as against twelve months by Messrs. Cammell, Laird & Co., Ltd., whose tender was the lowest. Taking £182,700 as the cost of the dock complete, 'this works out at under £8 10s per ton of lifting capacity, or about £7 10s per ton, ex- clusive of cost of towage to Rio de Janeiro. The dock is of the Clark and Stand-