August, 1910 318 TAeE Marine REVIEW field self-docking design, and the fol- the fans, motors. etc. A distilling special pte ie ae dock is be- lowing are some of the leading dimen- plant has been provided to supply ing towed to Rio de Janeiro by two sions: fresh water for 750 officers and men, powerful Dutch tugs, the ropes being used for towing purposes being no Oo dock 25° £ fae (800d cocking Aad Saueny hes 18 in. thick d th ' t: : : : : ; 1 ee 5506 ments, electric ventilating fans, etc. less than he ar ane Seek ll Overall length of dock over pontoons 500 6% have also been installed. A gangway pay out 170 fathoms between the tugs Overall length central section........ 165 3 ts the and the dock. The cost of towage it is ae length ae eae section...... oe 2 at one end of the dock connects sie We ac verall width o ERs ee orci vols 8's o dhe i am said wl e an e dock 1s Overall depth of pontoon at center... 18 334 two walls, and two traveling ste ae Overall depth of pontoon at foot of cranes, each capable of lifting five due at her destination early in Sept- WHS paca ie oes Fe ha ek ole oe LE DI Overall length of side walls, includ- tons, have been fitted, one on each ember. : : : : Gon ee cH tae ee 450 6 wall. The three sections were launch- The following 1S a. [test of graving vera eight of side walls above pon- : see Won dock. oo. 5.. ee es 45 6 ed on the 7th, 8th and 9th of June, docks of over 10,000 tons lifting power, ae ea a ean ee 63 3% and afterwards bolted together at a built or now under construction: Overall width of side walls at base.. 18 0% Overall width of side walls at top.. 12 6% VE A ie WAG eg ae nie le tiig ts 6 Ves 6 be hea 100 < on Maximum draught of vessel ........ 30 . = Height. of. -Keel> blocks 37.064 5.6.6 s. 4 6 sg be 3 Depth of water required to dock vessel = ee 2S ee 'of 30 ft. draught, including 6 in. g o S aie for troughs and 5 in. clearance.... 53 3 & a9 5-5 Freeboard of side walls .....:....... 10 6 ' e @ Z Eu The dock is built in three sections BSI > S 8&8 and is extensively sub-divided, but the Date of os 2 es flooding or pumping out of the com- Port. completion. -- Builders. Tons. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. . : , a AEavana (now at Pensacola) 1897 C.S.Swan & Hunter, Ltd. 12,000 4500 820 270 partments is operated from one cen- siamburg (Vulcan 1)....... 1897 C.S.Swan & Hunter, Ltd. 11,500 5100 820 240 tral house, situated in the starboard Hamburg (Blohm ard Voss) 1897 Blohm & Voss, Hamburg 17,500 5600 880 320 f : Brooklyn, Us! Gos. + siwss 1900 Morse Iron Works...... 10,000 4660 920 260 wall. The Westinghouse electro-pneu- heh ee ee ee 1O0l . Augsburg 9Co, as ons coke 10,000 4660 920 260 : ees UL Sick 1902 Maryland Steel C 183000 525° 0: 7100-02 28-0 ; ; : *Algi ONES, arylan eel Cov... ; matic system 1s adopted Foy OPEL ES . suerulns o 1902 ©.S. Swan & Hunter, Ltd. 17,500 5450 990 330 the valves, and there is an indicator *Hamburg (Reiherstieg I1).. 1903 Flensburg Ship Building Co. 11,000 5076 760 220 : Hambure (Blohm, and? Voss): 1903. Blom (& Voss....c..0.. 17,500 5900 1110 290 to show the level of the water in each Rottetdam so .éccr ry at. cas 1904 Swan, Hunter, and Wigham Weck ' BG Richardson; Ltds-:..:.. ,60 88090205" 2570 vem ene There are three pow RR oe ee ee 1904 Government Arsenal, Pola 15,000 46010 846 330 Gli pumps i each "well. contiected -4htemen ooo, 1906 ee ee, Sake eis : : 3 wes COMED ieee Saco e ae ; 23 0 to two continuous main drains extend- C,,it. (Philippine Islands). 1906 , Maryland Steel Co...... 18,500 5000 826 376 ing the whole length of the dock, and Tsingtao eee eee 1008 Anssbure" Con O0, o eee 16,000 4100 980 360 : "Kobe Dl aes ott ya oe <siete tne 1909'- Mitsu. Bishi: Co. ....3.. 12,000, 532 6..:70-:0 260 any one of these pumps can be used Hamburg (Blohm and Voss) 1909 Pee eae Stree 35,500 90-8 "111 0 29.6 i *Rio "de el aneltOs osteo cis «06s 1910 Vickers, Sons axim, ~ alone to empty its own half of the ele eres aren 22,000 5506 1000 300 dock. The boilers, engines, and dyna- *Hamburg (Vulcan II)..... Building alae ag Oe oot e 9 108 6 3210 wey wm la Wee oe ee eee ote oaees ole eis Building Government Arsenal, Pola 32,504 $6°0. 1116: 37-0 mos are placed on a 'tween deck 20°" wan cterdam IT ee tc! Building Nederlandsche --_ Scheeps- ft. below the top deck. There are oe _bouw, Moatschappiz.... 12,000 4596 760 200 ; : PPOrtsMOuth oof hk Gk becca Building Cammell, Laird & Co., seven boilers, six steam pumps for fire muttding St weenie nt sravicges, 32000 680.0 1130 36 0 Za i BA MOMCEINESS ay aha sc elca .... Building Swan, Hunter, an igham and wash down service, and two dyna Richardson, Ltd. ..... 32,000 6800 1130 360 mos for lighting the vessel to be Bigt oe es aee es Building Howaldtswerke, Kiel 40,000 6560 1410 35 3 docked and supplying current to work <-Awning Frame. 7-7 Dimensions----_,, Note.--All docks marked thus * were designed by Messrs. Clark & Standfield. i el dt a a it! ek f 7 4 1 ' pest i : 1! Sy eee 3 iH : | ' | 1! i : ee 'i 1! i, Engine Deck : My i \ engi :aieinmeiiceesiscmtari ; if ae iy yl : A ; x ---- 2 Frame in way of Boiler in ey ------ 81 ei | Oy ec tt : | if { 1 ez, Central Longitudinal fi ' ' AL ONOIN Rater ene Uaneae i f k pa ge oe ae | 8 | v ty ws Sin Ss f it DS SY = re | 3S gs . Sy a) §3 LS | Ni ER SS | Fi ge S8 Hl i! A | a S Shi | + +24 I | i | = Ss 3 Ee 180 PR co be ery 2 de q " ee é, 3 A i a day = = a le AUS ieee *O ~7---ahe-~-T -S- 24-G 220 8 OY M12 13 Min, nl6 17:18 19 20 Bhs SO ES & Noe a i a ee I eee ee 1356 'Overal entres gd Eee er Geen 25°0 Sec Ge 'i I a Ns Non Watertight Bulkhead in Pontoon & Braced Frame in Side Wal! "SIF Transverse Sections CROSS SECTION OF DOCK --~y-- Breathing Plate in Pont & 7 Habe side Wane Oe ua cic a Tia iatael