338 THE MARINE REVIEW August, 1910 ACCIDENTS TO LAKE VESSELS CUIDENTS to lake 34 accidents oc- curred, five of them being collisions. There were two. total losses, the tug T. R. Wiehe, which was destroyed by fire near Escanaba, and the barge Grace Whitney, which was run down by the steamer Ogdensburg at Bar Point. The most costly accident was that of the steamer Zenith City, which stranded at Point Au Sable, Lake Superior, on July 27, smash- ing about 60 plates. A singular acci- dent happened to the steamer Parks Foster, a large hole being blown through her bottom from an explosion of dyna- the substitution of the steamer City of Cleveland in her place. The new steam- er attracted much attention at Buffalo and has proved so popular that she will be retained on the Buffalo run during the balance of the season. Meanwhile, the Eastern States is plying to Cleve- land; Thee steamer D, -G;- Kerr: ran on the rocks near the Limekiln during a dense fog on Aug. 3 and could not be released until about 1,200 tons of ore had been lightered. Her injuries, how- ever, are not extensive. An accident which is now undergoing the most rigid investigation is that of vessels during July mite in the Chicago river. The ma- the steamer Lake Shore, which not only were es ae ne of the a ae eri Pee aout 100: 44 of timber off: the OUs an some 0 isabled, necessitating the withdrawal oO ' ; lis; but ran the f them serious. In all, the steamer from the Buffalo route and south pier walls, bu n the full length of the Poe lock and actually struck the upper gates, opening them a little. By this time, the steamer began backing and the pressure of the water mitered ° the gates perfectly so that no further damage resulted. The cause was doubt- | less a misunderstanding of signals be- tween the bridge and engine room, but ' the case will doubtless be most 'thor- oughly investigated, as accidents at the locks have been too frequent of late. The parting of wheel chains bears its usual quota of accidents. DATE. NAME OF VESSEL. NATURE OF ACCIDENT. PLAGE. July 7 Siro De Oo Mills: oe i Hit. Kaine block an passine through bmdpe.c.7 0. ui. . cea eee ey Ashtabula, uly 7 Ste Parkes Poster? o3.50 ose Large hole blown in her bottom through mysterious explosion of Gynanive + COGKeG at CHICHOOS Mee ie ace Saleen sic haere Chicago River. July 8 Boe Nei oie oe Struck south lightship at Limekiln Crossing, tearing off her davits, most of her stanchions, and @estroying the cabin................ Detroit River. July 8 Str Wor eRe Lines 8. Ran aground at head of island; released on 9th, uninjured........ Harsen's Island, Detroit River. July 8 Gin, Master States. . 5 oes ess Machinery disabled; high pressure cylinder, cylinder head and re- verse gear broken; repaired at Detroit; completed repairs July 19 Lake Erie, off Buffalo. July 9 Bir sMagcie Marshall i... 02. Ran aground: while light on shoal 'was. out....%. 0.0 over ce ee Grant Island, Straits of Mackinac. July 10 Sire. Refers Reiss... cs ca es Collided wath str. Caledonia: not? damaged 0.5.3", oc. ee ae Detroit River. July 10 in. CaledO Mia i ys Collided" with str Peter Reiss nom anjuned.: os cts, eae te Detroit River. ; daily. 14 tt le Be GOWle, coc One man drowned by falling off staging while painting side of boat Off Conneaut, Lake Erie. July 11 Sta AL MICK Gea oti. Ran aground; released on 13th after lightering part of coal cargo.. Colchester Reef. ; tt ROM Sate Aintree os Brokesherwheelss repaired: ate Debroit yi ccccexk cota cayeaseeios wasele Lake Huron. Vadlye15 Str. Ontario ...........0--.. Grounded while entering harbor... <.. i... RS ae ae Wy. oy a Buffalo Harbor. July 17 mrs Olas. HOC V i vera. ce a Threw bucket off her wheel; detained at Sault Ste. Marie, where : diver steplaced came... 7... - De ae Go i Se re cai es eee Lake Michigan. July 18 Sie ROQuOls ie ce as sae Disabled by breaking of rudder shortly after leaving Lorain; towed ne Glevelamca ton TepaltSoc ce cen ea Oe oso Lake Erie. July 19 Behr. Jane: Ralstomu.. 4%... 0.3. Sprane a leaks while moored at dock and: sank... 0. 62.0.0 0.050200 Sandusky. July 19 Str A. GG: Brower ois us NAH MAD TOUNG Nt ee nie a ee Ss {ri Li ae. n ag Dep he eee ee con eel ee nian Gee a a outheast Shoal, Lake Erie. - i : r. ec a oo ea Sprang a leak and was beached ten miles above Ogdensburg...... St. Lawrence River. July Sire Gs AL Boecklings si... @ollided with str. A. Wehrle Jr:"slightly damaged......0...0.. #5. Sandusky. July 20 mir tA Wrenmle ya: cute. Collided with str. G. A. Boeckling; slightly damaged... 5 ¢ io; ghtly BO ret an he Sandusky. July 22 Sere Ee Ree WHE ea ee eee Destroyed by fire... 2 Port B E b oe See A Pret t eee tenet eee et eet e ete tate ete e eee eens ortage Bay, near Escanaba. NUIve24 3 ott. Don, Gordons. ork Ran on rocks in storm; forepeak and No. 1 tank full of water; oe 4 ft. forward; released July 26 after lightering: 10,000 bu. : OMe OMAN eaters elie So Michane ty ees ag rk ae oy is 6 0 oe TE SO Parisi Isl i fis say. July 25 Str. Alexis W. Thompson.... Grounded, owing to low water; released on 26th after lightering; ee ee ee uninjured Be nO a ee ean | Entrance to Gr B Harkor. July 26 Dir.s Renssclaer 7. oa. Hit by a steamer; four plates damaged; repaired at Cleveland..... 'Ashtabula. cr . July 27 ips SNeCNAN eG ei ye. oe. Boa ee west breakwater in shifting between docks and . : broke two. buckets from her wheel...) Pee July 27 min 1. Wo Nichols... ... bees: ae ee parted as she was leaving old river bed; hit dock es : an Tome Men duadranti co. ewes. le ca oe Cleveland, O July 27 ee tl 8 Ries ses ny ine ee io storm Ae we eee Edwards, which towed ee : ; ner; believe o have sunk in Lob water: e Ley ar é Sri July 27 Sir, Zenith Cityuve s7.. o.oo Ran ashore; out 2 ft. forward, and Nos. ay a ee on oe hake Pug ae eed eee es released July 30 after lightering 1,000 ae ons of ore; docked at Toledo for repair USE EA ee i A rior July 29 'Str. Lake Michigan........... ce Bee ae July 31 see. Grace. Whitney... .. +++ Run down by str. Ogdensburg and sank in 30 ft. of water; two : : A lives lost... ... Ose Ue hes aks Lee i es RUN, aie ota aed fee Bar Point, Detroit River July 31 ite aCOMdac er evn re Picked up in disabled condition and taken to Cleveland, where : repairs were completed Aug. ee SO cohen Lak {ri _ Aug. 2 Sir W Ee Mack ooh. oe% Ran aground; lightered 1,000 tons of coal, which she reloaded aa ; . alter= being releasede ne) hee ons ca Mud Lak Aug. 2 Behn sPaunie: Neiliy) cine. Sprang a leak while loading EUG he ne . a d C ig L GLEE Oy BOG ea eC re cc ccs os ce Cleveland Harbor ug. mir. ake Shore...) ce) By misunderstanding of signals in engine room, str. ran into Poe ; lock at full speed ; 100 ft. of timber torn off south pier walls, as_ well as coping of canal walls; narrow escape from very . eo aCe a re, ee Sault Canal Me 3 Dine) GG. Kersey ke Ran aes in fog ; leaked badly; released Aug. 4 after lighter- a ing 1, tons of ore, which she later reloaded in spite of leakage Demet River, near Livingstone hie ; nets k ne E channel. ug. 4 it ARCAGIAL casas acl ees Derrick broke, killing captain of the vessel, John Whiteside....... Port Arthur, Ont. since the last catalog was_ issued. No effort has been made to give a this company was the first in the United States to turn its attention to Brown Hoisting Machinery Company . is detailed description of the machinery handling this class of material. The he Brown Hoisting Machinery Co., or to publish any data of results ob- frontispiece is therefore a very fine of Cleveland, has just issued a catalog tained, as this information is con- photograph showing the old method SEN 5 ee ; entitled "Modern Ore and Coal Hand- tained in other of the company's pub- of unloading ore by means of wheel- de _Machinery." This catalog sim- lications. The first few pages of the barrows. A photograph is also pub- ply illustrates some of the more Te- new catalog are devoted to photo- lished of the three bridge tramways cent installations of Brown hoist ma- graphs illustrating the earlier types of which were built by the Brown Co. chinery, which have come into service ore and coal handling machinery, as for the New York, Lake Erie & West-