September, 1910 THE Marine Review 355 Job Order No..45/118...Title re D - Appropriation. CGR..1910........ Gen'l Head. .B..&. 5.6. WoO & Hull Division Sir:- You will please mate one boat doevit and deliver to store for shipment for after davit of first cutter, Use old davit now on yard scrap heap, which can be bent and fitted in conformity with attachea sketch, wore: This work mist be oompletod and davit delivered to the General Storekeeper by friday noon, May. 13, 19106 ESTIMATED COST ACTUAL COST' i L000 ee infernal oe ee ee 2-00. ee ee i sh 2S 000 Ae ee ee Total 00007 3:0 To be returned to office upon completion of work U+5-1. {one _ FORWARD TO SHOP THAT ISSUED THE ORDER AND IF WORK IS SATISFACTORY ORDER WILL BE WORK ACTUALLY COMPLETED .......7.7 <7%7 1S WORK SATISFACTORY? MFG: DEPT, 1103 SHOP ORDER. OUTPUT ACCOUNT ee TITLEY BTITLE .. Tod . SHOP. WORK SHOULD BE COMPLETED BY...., . SHOP az FOREMAN RECEIVING ORDER DATE ON WHICH WORK WILL BE COMPLETED, RETAIN ORIGINAL AND IMMEDIATELY RETURN DUPLICATE. WHEN JOB IS COMPLETED FOREMAN DOING WORK WILL FILL IN ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETIONAND - INITIALED AND RETURNED TO ORIGINAL AND DUPLICATE TO BE FORWARDED TO SHOP IN WHICH WORK IS TO BE DONE. WILL PUT IN DATE OF RECEIPT AND THE FOREMAN WHO DID THE WORK. ORDER WAS RECEIVEDA.-- WILL BE COMPLETED... # "EAT FOREMAN Fig. 25--Main Orrice Jos Orper. ALL Work 1s ORDERED IN THis MANNER. Fic. 26--SHop Orper For Output Account. BASED ON A Jos Orper ALREADY Issuep To ANOTHER SHop. (In DupPticatTe.) foreman. The foreman will close the not yet assigned to a forge. From this inspection and consultation with his tickler file of promises he can learn whether he should take on some addi- tional men or change some of the assignments already made to give pref- erence to work at an early date. 2 The assistant foreman in charge of to the office and places it in the bas- ket provided on the desk of the route man. The route man removes the standing order slip from the route 'board and the order for the work from the file, pins the latter to the in- struction card and places the two in a basket provided on the desk of the job, returning the order with the date of completion marked. The costs of direct labor as shown by the instruc- tion cards will be scrutinized and compared with previous costs, and then will be indexed and filed. The shop superintendent goes over these a division begins the assembly of tools, drawings and material, as soon as a hew instruction card is igsued. He makes out a "minor material" slip, Fig. 29, the material required and he gives this to the material man. If the MFG DEPT NO 228 CHECK No. A4[ 3 issuED_ 4/19. JO competed. 478 __.. 19 By material is on hand in the shop stock it is drawn, and if not the office clerk 1S notified and it is ordered from the : ie | Main store. ei When a job is completed the man in' charge of the gang, after entering the time of the gang, removes the card from the "holder and hangs it on a. hook provided and moves up his next card and starts his job. The assistant foreman inspects the completed job, Mitials the instruction card, and at- faches to the work a tag bearing his Mspection mark and designating the Place to where the work will be Moved. The material man moves the work and takes the instruction card Fic. 27--InstrucTIon Carp IssuED To THE WORKMAN.