356 MPG. DEPT. 614 THE Marine REVIEW STANDING ORDER ft j. 0. No. --= Machine N cass I~ Jorge" o 1S 07. het LO ii Name of Pi and Operation ° Fic. 283--STANDING ORDER SLIP. THis 18 PLACED ON THE STANDING OrDER BOARD AND SHows LocaTION oF Work. wera OCPY "eG. DEPT, NO, as a ie . a MINOR MATERIAL aeticie Soe OAD Ore Te ----- . MaAKiMUN. CC _. MINIMUM. ZOO 77 Ship. 7 A Date. HAF 7LO ' Vs : : ays : Job Order No... (THe 7 3: : : i i 35 3 3 s i x , of LGD Lhe -O°x 3" y-/2-/d £0 Mert Wh gry\350 "16-19\ / 20. A, ¢ EADING MAN Fic. 29--MatTertAL SLip FURNISHED TO THE MatTerrAL Man sy AssIst- ANT ForREMAN. NO. 4 ve 7. oe oe: OBJECT eo 7 pA TE U-//-/O cHECK No.__2/72-_. NAME ee. PAY LE ae <f ati a TOTAL a APPROVED BY:- LA 2S (ENTEK BUT ONE 30OB ORDEX ON KACH CARD) Fic. 30--WorkMan's TimME Carp Gors To Main Orrice AFTER CHECKING By ASSISTANT FoREMAN. FOB. 11457, eC | Ype 4S V-2/-10| &5 TF ns 39D | 2243S] 34 a | §D 2-3 | 351 oe Nis: 223A 3 alla lal ees Yio 50 |3-4 | 263 Moe (05| 3-8 |464 2fe/ \|yo| [3-21 az¢ Fic. 31--Stocxk Carp For SHop STORE. records frequently and picks out and has recorded such as can be used as standard costs. In addition to the detail record of time kept on each job on the instruc- 5. & A. Form 129 4. 1-3-10--200m. DATE NAVAL SUPPLY FUND STUB REQUISITION DEPARTMENT ler September, 1910 ~ era. vert "1/7 2 - Le : oS: x ee "oe # ges ema ooe Maximum eccat career | tsar rare Sen ue, | inventor InvENToR? mmyentons Sones ponte ot Fic. 32--INvVENTORY CARD FoR SHopP STORE. tion cards, each man makes out his own time card, Fig. 30, for each job on which he works each day. These 'time slips go to the accounting de- partment in the main office and from them the pay roll is made up. They are also posted.under each shop to the job number and it is from this record that the total cost, including, usually, work in a number of shops, is ob- tained. The total pay roll each day is checked out against the total cost shown from the job order cost cards. It will thus be seen that there is some duplication in the records. This dup- lication pays for itself many times over, as it enables detail costs of each operation to be obtained, and it ena- bles the foreman and shop superintend- ent to obtain immediately a job is completed the direct cost of each op- eration. A reasonable stock of ordinary ma- terial is maintained in the shop store. The main supply of material is, however, in the main storehouse, which is drawn on for material not in the shop store, and for replenish- ing the latter. There is an accurate record kept of all material in the shop store. The records are kept on a stock card, Fig. 31, which shows all receipts and issues, and on the inven- STUB NO. JOB ORDER TITLE 7 URLS HA > |. \ rag CHECKED BY .-< 73-2... __PPPROPRIATION : : lL L poe ee es LOK LILO ailing a FOR MATERIALS AS FOLLOWS: A PRICE ot ESE ER eee STOREMAN To entan | cass || QUAN CALL OR No. TITY. INVOICE MO. ITEM AND DESCRIPTION AMOUNT UNIT PRICE | EXTENOED } meee ceq-|-o-~--p---||-noenee-pne---=-| Fic. 33--REQUISITION FoR MATERIAL FROM Main STOREHOUSE.