HE most serious ac- cident to the lake fleet during August was the grounding of the steamer "thomas 8... Cole, flagship of the Pitts- burg Steamship Co.'s fleet, about 6 miles off Detour, dur- ing a heavy smoke on Aug. 24. Gen- eral regret is expressed in lake cir- cles over Capt. Morgan's misfortune, 'but accidents will happen to the best -of men, The Cole was bound up light and 'she went on hard for over half her length, puncturing a number of her starboard tanks. She was exposed to southerly and westerly winds, atid '.4s the weather was fresh every effort TAE MarRINE REVIEW was made to expedite her release. The wrecker Favorite was rushed to her assistance and released her within a few hours after reaching her, much to the company's surprise and relief, as it looked like a long job. The Cole re- turned to Lake Erie and was docked at Lorain. Examination of her bot- tom revealed the fact that she had 92 damaged frames and that 45 plates would have to be taken off. The Darge J. Hy -Pellett, to the Kelley Island Lime & Trans- port Co. was in collision with the car ferry, Marquette & Bessemer No. 15, between Ashtabula and Conneaut, on Aug. 10. Her: bow was °* crushed in practically to the collision bulk- head and the wonder is that she did not go to the bottom. Capt William belonging September, 1910 _ ACCIDENTS TO LAKE VESSELS Kelley, master of the Pellett, was knocked into the hold by the force of the collision and was pretty badly shaken up. The Pellett was in tow of the tug W. B. Sanders at the time. The Sanders towed her to Cleveland, where she was put in dry dock. The steamer Moses Taylor ran aground in a fog near Sarnia and broke her shoe. A description of the repairs to the shoe by the thermit process will be found elsewhere in this issue. The steamer Schoolcraft was sunk in collision with the steamer Amazon in. the St. Clair river. .Her. stem. was pretty badly twisted, but after tempor- ary repairs were effected she. was taken to Buffalo. id DATE. NAME OF VESSEL. NATLRE OF ACCIDENT. LOCATION. Atig. 4 Ste Avon ic. cae ek. es Collided With {Ott SO. WN eS SP Arenitey cau: a. ee ee tee ns Sim ea le ease Welland canal. Aue 45 tue. joe Harris: 7... ees iite-by Str. Starmeca: repaired: at Cleveland sy. aii 5 Sais. see «oe oe Cuyahoga river. Auge 4 Str s. N: Parents. este. os Wollided: with Stra Avot a eck et aac bis Ibe oss vee nis late aye Aue oo Sine Canadiana 9.3.04 0s. Fender strake ripped off 25 ft. while trying'to. make landing inCrystal Beach, Lake Erie. : gale: all fenders on -starboatd side ccarried: AWay ...o0e so6 ke vec ae Welland canal. aie 7 Ste, Hunonie (62 a Machinery disabled; stopped one day at Sault for repairs........... Near Sault canal. Aug. 8 Bge. Montana «...........+.-. Sprang a leak; crew taken off and tow line cut from Str. Fair- dnount; latter picked up by. passing steamerz.)...........7. OL eines Port Clinton, Lake Erie. Wie. 9 Str. ©. Tower. co... oe. ee Dank ap here mooumes, locking, passage... .orac. cores GG ces eee Milwaukee. ue. 9 fue Welcome 25226 c ee een Eroke «down; stowed to port by Tue, Dunkirk... ju 8. oe Lake Erie, off Cleveland. (Ane.10 Bee. J. WH. Pellett.............Collided with car ferry M..&,B. No. 15; bow. crushed in almost : back to collision bulkhead; docked at Cleveland; M..& B. 15 not amigo edie. era ae Cs sii Gta wet see st ule sity Gone Hem Snes Lian ure tte poet Ashtabula and Conneaut, ake Erie. Aug 12) Stim Moses. Taylors: 2... en. Ran aground in fog; released herself; shoe broken off close up to a r stern-post and two buckets lost off wheel; towed to Cleveland and Sas on Aug. 17; shoe welded by Thermit process; new rudder De OLN Se pega gas sa tain ea Mannie Wiel miclare ava teo eye) ci CORE. tales Gro sie eis get ae Ne Sarnia Str: Clai iver. mag (> cot. BoB. Osleres oo eo scat Bi adeds released on Aug. 17 after lightering 1,000 tons of coal; cree, © saeee Gide mot reload: /all) of. lishtered Caroo 2020 ee ee, Middle G tae i inde. iS, Lig. Bopths (0.0 7 cee Broke hex shart: while: pulling on stranded Str: 'Osler... :............ ge Clair oe vad ONL ee Stl PADd ye eo is Ss cee e = ney but released herself; pumps kept her free and she pro- ; ' SCM OR een eer ay Cay aig een ee er ea ee Shara e pieces te cis pate A i Duc 18 Stro Amazon)... Ae Polisded with Str. Schoolerait;. not. damaged.:..,............. <4. ee Bo cae oo Pues Str Schoolerant 6.55 es oes Collided with Str. Amazon; bow badly damaged, sank in shallow : : water; stem twisted; temporarily patched up; repaired at Buffalo.. 'lai aoe a ee ae Me ee on ae and cabin damaged while landing...... o nee oe ' Aug. tt; oover asOn ee eae teering gear broke and she ran on bank; released herself.......... B _ i i -------. Str. Neebing ..........eeeeeee. rounded; broke couple of buckets. of wheel... 2... 2:...... 000... Coe Hee Ae ion 2e Str. mina ©. Tyson... ves os. 6 pe owing iy swells from passing steamer; 215 tons of coal : . eas well as boiler, dumped into river... 60. 3 'Detroit ri ue. 22 mtr, -Oodensbute (32.2. -5 os ces es Ran aground when steering gear became disabled.................. Elli Pe Poin it ri r ae DecamMe, "disdiled so yey ts =: Ihott's; Point, fi : Aug. 22 Bin Reynolds. ee oe oe eee rae parted; by dropping both anchors saved herself from ee ae ae ke MURS MOCKS Cy, Gael en opiate w carges c citar tena Se ee a re Head of Livingstone channel, De © Aiie24 "Sire "Lhomas hs Coles. 5 bk Stranded in heavy smoke; released on Aug. 25 and taken to Detour: ee e nes on aes side leaked; docked at Lorain, Aug. 30; ' u ; Lames damavedsand 45, plates: taken off...) 2. -2. 2 eo ee : i Aug. 24 Str. Homer Warten 3050.04: Grounded at turning point; released herself, Uninjufed. 2.6635). Me ieee ne ee mie 25. Sir, Bennington 02.265. ce sss ss Hatch covers and woodwork damaged by fire while lying alongside ne #6 ee a ung CLOVAUOU iets tele oe tug oa te ee Mee Ogdensburg, N. Y ug. OG. Hand ge. cos clea agr sor Re eo eee: aa ie : oe - ae Sac pas: pon aground; released by Tug H. (Dz Goulder, Ce eae Grassy Island, Detroit river. BER rience eee ene an aground; released on Aug. 27; reloaded lightered cargo Suc i Mug. 20 ochn, Alice B. > Norris... .2...7. Beeted fl ctor ee ie Ne Whitehall ichi Aug. 26 Str. Powell Stackhouse......... Struck by car ferry Grand Haven; number of plates damaged oe Milw uk evi eee mugeo Str, Bilearia..../.2.0.005.. 0.4 Stopped for repairs to broken crosshead.............. ae Canadi dis ie Aug.:29 © Str. DAS fee toe Psa Mon aecound: released by (ug Goulder,. 400.5). 0 Near ih oT k i pains tr Castalia oes. os. es ss Struck an obstruction, puncturing compartment No. 1; stopped at oe we ; Baie ' re ae were put aboard 'and she left tee . or eveland, where she was docked,.......:... i = ' Anugeoi; Str, PARAM occ sy « Ges Grounded on a reef; released ee eae: Ge Too re aes Pore ey, Wi) Ke Bixby. 20.5505... -Collided with Str. F. B. Wells; starboard anchor smashed, hawse ae oe ' Oe ua a number of plates dented; repaired beloce she iled; : inj Se is ae as es es SUN Res re ote tte sete Ashtabula. Bie eee ee Raber's Point, Mud _ lake: The Western Dry Docks Co., Port Arthur, has placed orders for one large plate shear, one bending roll, one angle shear, drill, with the John Bertram & Sons Co., Dundas, Ont.; for electrical equip- tad one lathe and jone .,,, ment with the Canadian Westing- house Co., Hamilton, Ont., and for pumping, machinery with the John Inglis Co., Toronto. || Roy: M. Wolvin has Organized the Duluth Shipping Co., With H. H. Dunham in charge of the Duluth of- T € fice and Roy A. Williams in charge of the Cleveland office. Arthur H. Vogel, of Milwaukee, was the lowest bidder for excavation work in the channel in Niagara river, below the Black Rock ship canal lock. His bid was $532,100.