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Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), September 1910, p. 380

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380 Welin Davit and Lane & _ De Groot Co. The Welin Davit and Lane & De Groot Co. are removing their main office from New York to Long Island City, though for the time being the office at 17 Battery Place will be retained. The "company reports an unusually successful season. In the boat and launch de- partment its sales have increased about 50 per cent over last year's sales. The company sold during the soring of 1910 some 10,000 A B C life preservers, manufactured and delivered 180 life boats, 20 rafts and 18 steel and wooden launches. It has just completed and delivered a 28-ft. launch to the Coast & Geodetic Survey and six power boats to the Light House service. The new Goodrich liner Alabama, which went into commission on the great lakes during the latter part of June, is entirely equipped with the company's life saving apparatus, including boats, davits and life preservers. These davits are fitted with a new lowering drum arrangement { which. is an in gear of its kind and the Alabama is the first to carry it. : The Olympic and Titanic, the two White Star liners now building, will be entirely equipped with Welin davits of the double quadrant type which permit cf carrying two boats under one set of davits. On the basis of this design the British Board of Trade has made a new ruling, permitting the carrying of one boat inboard provided it is stowed di- rectly alongside a boat which is placed under davits. Orders booked for Welin' quadrant davits in recent months include the fol- lowing: Steamers--Ancon, Isthmian Canal Com- mission; Christobal, Isthmian Canal Com- mission; J. A. Chanslor, Associated Oil o.: Bear, San. Francisco. &~ Portland Steamship Co.; Beaver, San Francisco & Portland Steamship Co.; Daniel Wil- lard, Erie Railroad Co.; Gen. Geo. H. Weeks, United States Government; Gen. S. B. Holabird, United States Govern- ment; Gen. D, S. Stanley, United States Government; Alabama, Goodrich Transit Co.; Aloha, Curtis James; Fulton, D., L. & W. R. R.; Honoluluan, American- Hawaiian Steaniship Co.; Seminole, Southern Pacific Co.; Navajo, Southern Pacific Co.; Ensinal, Southern Pacific (o.; Melrose, Southern Pacific' Co.; Rikers. Island, New York City; new ferry, Newburgh Ferry Co.; new steam- ship, building at Dubuque, Ia.; hull 108 (building at New York Ship Building 0.',, Works), Merchants and Miners Transportation Co.; hull 109 (building, at New York Ship Building: :,Co.'s Works), Merchants and Miners Trans- portation Co. innovation. on every British map and THE Marine REVIEW September, 1910 SUMMARY OF NAVAL CONSTRUCTION. --1910-- Name of Speed, --Building at-- ; Per cent of completion Vessel Knots. July 1. Aug. 1. BATTLESHIPS. Hiotida 2505655 iS 20 Navy Yard, New. York... 2.0... ecceess 68.8 71.0 Atala < iets esses wens aioe SNe New Work 652 4B 3 CO 4 hain oes wc ge ee 80.0 83.2 Wome 0s a8 se Dts Wil. HCraMp, 26 (SONS. oe ht ore vine 28.4 32.3 ARKANSAS a os Sas as 20% NeW eV Obi Sitbee COM GK iUue tse ciecele cee 34.6 39.5 TORPEDO BOAT DESTROYERS. Paulding cies c sc isa INO. 22) Bath Prom WOLKS so i hse eee cpa ree csi tin-e's 92.4 93.4 Drayton 546s os es ee No: 23. Bath tron WoOrtksi0 ii cio otis eee h es ca ee es 86.1 88.1 MOG cy es) ice eee No, 24° Newport' News S- B:. Co.%.....0..69... 92.3 97.1 Berry Sei eee eee as INGi. 252" Newport, WWews 5.2.3. #Go: 20. a. 89.7 91.5 Perkins) ho i eB es No: 26 (Bore River: S.. BLSCo. ile i. 86.8 92.3 Sheree ee he yaee INoiicy | Moree River Sen be COM vine sc svi ftce ues 83.8 88.4 MeGalli erie as ING. 28 NEW VODK "SiR CO i iis tee a tras os 85.4 89.6 BUrrOWS osc e losin ates let ENIOG Oe INOWa LY OF in Ore Gh Oi. ier wics siete wae seiee we 85.2 87.5 Warrington! tors. 2 44 NG 30" Wie Cramp SONS eee ie cc tees ea se 74.4 79.5 IWavrantccs. sus esas INO She Wile Cramp Gb SONB. ca cir os oes clas vioere 79.1 80.8 Monaghane ot ke evr: ING. 032" Newport JNews: Si Bi Co... i. coe ee 2000 28.4 PEGI 6 oiice alsa acai eae INios 33.5 Bath. sit On. 3 WORKS 5 sisi e bseca tecerus cireaiaiiehe aie atp 49.9 S67 Walken verre ok ee atte Nig: oan Wore miver (9. Ba. CO... ek ies ecu. 39,1 47.6 WAMMANEN" fig ce se Ok cies ING 30 NEW MMOL Oy os COt ta see ele melee sees 48.5 56.3 Patterson. cca ests 5 INO) 36.5 Wi Cramp. & Sons... 2600.6. 6G (ae. 33.0 40.7 SUBMARINE TORPEDO BOATS. Salmon oe aes eu IN ORL ON MOLE URIVEr = Outed, -COnies «sears wee ore witha 6 97.4 97.8 Carp hens nies sa es Wor 20" Uhion tron: Works i532 seco ees te oe 58.6 60.0 Barrachda cence eas Now gic Union (ron = Works ies ee eens 58.6 60.0 Pickerelcs sive eet Nioge22-bhe Nioran.: Come oie sn eee oe Soak 56.8 Skate ie oleae wees INOw 23. The: Moran: Coss. beak es eneree S34 56.8 Skipjack wives cee Non 24 « ForermRiver Sa Bi Cone eo eee weciah ae 45.3 48.6 BtunecOn oes ees Noe 25° Pores River Si Bas Coma io Oe 43.7 46.2 'Phirashien, jas 229. soe INO? 26 (Wan. Cramp (&) SONS se, Sree 6.4 7.9 PEUMAl te Pigs icle cae skis INO. 27" Newporte News (S. (Be Co... boca: 28.3 29.9 Sealer eons Cts (Clake)s Newport. (News: S:. BitCow ei se. 51.2; 52.2 COLLIERS: Cyclops ae sis ae TS WrmisCramp Se Sons. nee, Roto. 79.3 84.3 ONO Oo iis nie crue ere sh Manyland Steel Co. hes ahs 34.9 37.9 Seneca Chain Co. The Seneca Chain Co. has just award- ed contract for the construction of its new chain and forging plant, at Kent, to the" Mt. Vernon Bridge Co., Mt. Vernon, O. These new buildings will cover approximately an area of three and one-half acres and will be construct- ed entirely of steel and iron on con- crete foundations. A large quantity of new and modern power and operat- ing equipment will be installed with a view of securing the most economical production with the greatest efficiency of operation. The capacity of this new plant is somewhat larger than that of the old plant, destroyed by fire on Dec. -10, 1909, and with the plant at Mans- field, will make it possible for this com- pany to largely increase its output. It is expected that the new plant will be completed by November or December 1. Two new testing machines will be in- stalled, making it possible to manufac- ture the largest size of chains in use today for any purpose, but especially in the line of anchor cables for large steamers and battleships. A Curious Occupation Probably no hill in the world, says the London Graphic, has had so strange- ly..varied a history or played so im- portant a part in the affairs of men as that) at Greenwich. meTiRe granite line across.) the foot-path On its summit is the 'inieridian from which. the longitude chart is calculated. All England sets its time by the mean solar-clock. There is a large galvano-magnetic clock fixed on the outside wall of the observatory and divided into 24 hours. There are still many who believe this clock is kept going by the sun. They do not know that the fixed stars are the real time- keepers from which Britishers check their daily progress. To this galvano- magnetic clock in the wall comes every Monday a woman, who makes $2,500 a year out of the queerest occupation in England. She sells the time to London watchmakers. Her name is Miss Belle- ville, of Maidenhead. Eighty years ago, the then astronomer royal suggested to her father that if he took the corrected time of a certified chronometer every week, he could no doubt find numerous clients. So he bought a famous watch made for the Duke of Essex, one ofthe sons of George III, and soon worked up a business with it. When he died, his widow sold the time till she reached the age of 81,,and then she handed the business over to her daughter. When Miss Belleville visits Greenwich at the beginning of every week, her "chrono- meter is corrected and sshe is given an official certificate, From that her fifty customers correct: their' watches and clocks. 425 q an Hi The torpedo boat 'destroyers Drayton was launched from the ship yard of the Bath Iron Works, Bath, Me., on Aug. 22.

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