September, 1910 "THE MARINE REVIEW 381 FROM EAST TO WEST THE ROBERTS ¥ Proves Best for High- Class Marine Service Write for new Circular "Illustrated Opinions" 160 Pages of Illustrations and reproduced letters. SOLD AT Portland, Me. Jacksonville, Fla. Chicago, III. Seattle, Wash. San Francisco, Cal. The Roberts Safety Water Tube Boiler Co. 112-114 CHESTNUT STREET Phone, 49 Red Bank RED BANK, N. J. a S : = : ik s i ' "23 Embrace the following essential features: a6 , hd Be Simple design, perfect circulation, large com- "* bustion chamber; greatest heating surface possible in fire box; latest and most efficient method of separating steam from water; water in sufficient quantity to prevent exces- sive fluctuation; mud-drum to receive pre- cipitation; expansion provided for every part; accessibility of all parts for cleaning and repairs; small space required; strength, weight and durability. |