394 that the tests conducted by the Geo- logical Survey showed that Pocahon- tas was only 6 per cent higher in ef- ficiency, and the service .tests in the French cruiser reported above agree with the Survey reports very closely. Obituary _ Frederick Meriam Wheeler died at his summer home, Westhampton, Long Island, of heart disease, on Sept. 15. Mr. Wheeler was born in Brooklyn, N. Y. His father, John Wheeler, a native of England, married Jane Meriam, of Brooklyn, a direct descendant of Joseph Meriam, who came to America on the ship Castle in 1638 and settled in Con- cord, Mass. Mr. Wheeler was gradu- ated at Summit Academy, N. J., and 'subsequently attended the Polytechnic Institute at Brooklyn. He studied me- chanical engineering for four years un- der Henry J. Davison, of. New York. He afterwards took up hydraulic and marine engineering as a_ specialty and for over 34 years was associated with the -George F. Blake Mfg. Co, He was a director and secretary of the company and later a director of the In- ternational Steam Pump Works, which absorbed the Blake company. : Mr. Wheeler was the inventor of the Wheeler patent surface condenser. He organized the Wheeler Condenser & Engineering Works, whose plant is lo- cated -at- Carteret, N. J. He was also connected with the Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co. He was one of the charter mem- bers of the American Society of Me- chanical Engineers and the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. He was also a member of the American Society of Naval Engineers and the En- - gineers' Club. He served as a member of the advisory council of the Engineer- ing Congress at the Columbian Exposi- tion. In 1876 he married Florence Wilmer, of Montclair, N. J. Mr. Wheeler was prominent in social circles in Montclair for many years. He is survived by a widow, two daughters and two sons. Trial of Torpedo Destroyer Sergipe The official speed trial of the tor- pedo boat destroyer Sergipe, built for the Brazilian government by Messrs. Yarrow & Co., Ltd., of Glasgow, took place last month on the Skelmorlie deep water measured mile at the mouth of the Clyde,and the contract speed of 27 knots carrying a load of 100 tons was easily exceeded. The actual speed obtained was 27.676 knots on the mile, and 27.605 knots during a continuous run of three hours' duration. The trial was under the supervision TAeE Marine REVIEW October; 1910 SUMMARY OF NAVAL CONSTRUCTION. 1910; ildi Per cent of Completion. Name of Vessel. Building at. Aue 4. Ee BATTLESHIPS. . : ieee elie TL 74.2 Penis G ees sas Navy Yard, New York........ epee Vie chee vara es New York S. i. CMs hai hiss Cb ete ee eves 24 ee 85.5 Mien cosas sieeo wr Wm. Cramp ODS foc civ vies 6 cess: settee eeees : : a anes PUL his eee ee New Mork S.0 BB. Go. esi cera ese ee ois eee oes 39.5 43.9 TORPEDO BOAT DESTROYERS. See ee ee meaty LEO NWOLKS o00 ois c 8 eos Re cise Cibo Wee eee ss 93.4 98.9 Paulding eee. esc e = Bath Iron Works........+sse+eesees 2 Drayton. Pte ahs ec siete Bath Lrdn 9 WOLKS « cc0 ed oe fo 6 Se hs ois lee se oe a oes 88.1 91.7 ROC Sek oe see cia es Newport News S. B. Co... ss se cece eee c ere eees 97.1 99.3 TCERY Pie cao tats aves ok Newport News S. B. Co......eee es esee eee eee 91.5 93.5 Perlans os ie Gere BorceRiver, S. Be CO ia. cow ise ees wie g's 92.3 93.8 Sterettw as ori i elie Bore River (95 2B. Coie. ccs oes ee ea ee es 88.4 89.8 McGalli sie er New Ok (9) oss COM es ou eee ta ces 89.6 95.5 BULLOW Sie fsb ut ae soot PE VOT Sr BO CO8 scl ik g Bees ere a aeotee ear ses 87.5 92.7 Wear tiitetOticg.' sss .'5 6 » «06 Wan Cramp (8 SONS ioe eee ares Ree ke ss 79.5 81.4 WAVEATE esc ier a aie testes Aime (CEA Dp Rr SONS hu wins oe 6 ae oes a ere fie ans 80.8 82.0 Wromarhans cay ewe is so on Newport News = S: Bi Co... ee ee ee eo, 28.4 2t:s ASTID DOs Cac te ne sue slates ASA CH EOI WW ORS cp ce he beets le Ne eee die ele 863 boy, 62.6 Widllse. oe aes Cred os OPA CRIVER OSes CON ON eatin Midge Vee wee ees 47.6 52.8 PaWrabookeiake mony ure eee en ger rayon New York SB. Cone.) cies ee ae ee 56.3 65.4 PHtterSOMa er cok cece Wat Cramp ©& Sonsini eee ae ee 40.7 44.6 SUBMARINE TORPEDO BOATS. Salinotesy. Cece ces Pore Rivet Sos = Con ar. Pe ee te Manag ies ess 97.8 98.4 Cate fics osrec ensures. Wniom Tron = Works 16.6566 o ie oes ecg oe oe 60.0 62.0 Barracuda cin c6 oc at ee Winton: "ron. W OrKkSs..s ae ee ca oe woke yes ee te 60.0 62.7 Piskerel ec cee ss Metie WOnatin COne . Siecle. cepa es Sin ca ate wis ale 56.8 58.1 Sate esi ae eee ee fie Motam: (COr. esate te ane wok We Nga tise a 8 e's 56.8 58.1 Skipjacks.. 00% siaiise usw eee Mone | Tavern, 5. eC Ona icrsiace a rein ale ose we 48.6 54.0 WLUEREOM Maite eatin oes Hore River 9078s sCO: 66 ee es ie pice es 46.2 92.5 MUEASNEI es oe WV ITI CHAIMP: CC) DONS. ics os 0 Seca sie cco eels 79 10.8 LAU echoes ne ol ets Newport: NewS. bet COnrc ci ieee rs aie wit tis 29.9 31.8 Sedle a: Gut laradis Cale tones ss Newport News: oO: Be COs. s es eee, ccs deere es 52.2 54.4 COLLIERS. CVGlops eee ieee coe ee Wane Cramp @ SONS. 66h yee i cee ee ences 6 84.3 89.9 INE DtUNE os os ete Mayland Steels. COcrs cic ccscts os se ui ce ece es Saree « 37.9 43.2 of Capt..Amynthas. Jose Jorgo, Capt. Ribeiro da Costa, Capt. Alvaro Rosau- ro' de Almoida, Lieut. A. Marques and Lieut. A. F. da Rocha, representing the Brazilian naval commission. The Sergipe is the last of the ten destroyers ordered by the Brazilian government from Messrs. Yarrow. The first seven vessels are now in commission in Brazil, the eighth has just left the Clyde, and the ninth has been handed over to the Brazilian authorities and will shortly leave for Rio. The dimensions of the Brazilian destroyers are: Length, 240 ft.; beam, 23 ft. 6 in. They are propelled by two sets of four-cylinder reciprocating engines 8,000 H. P. collectively, bal- anced on the Yarrow, Schlick and Tweedy system. Steam is supplied by two double-ended Yarrow boilers of the latest type. Ask for Bonus The Canadian government has been asked to give an annual bonus of $250,000 for fifty years for the con- struction of a dry dock and ship re- Par Diaht at St, John, N.-B.-and a dry dock and ship building plant at Levis, Que. The companies making the application are Harland & Wolff, Belfast, Ireland, McArthur & Perks, 'who built the Manchester ship canal, the Canadian-Pacific, Allan, Dominion, Manchester and White Star lines. So many of the big liners are now con- ducting a regular service to Canada that the question of adequate dry dock facilities has become an urgent one. The sum mentioned for the construc- tion of the Levis yard is $3,750,000. The oil-burning, turbine-driven tor- pedo boat destroyer Terry, built by the Newport News Ship Building &. Drywisgck Co., Newport News, Va. develope@ 32.188 knots an hour on her standardization trials over the mea- sured mile off Lewis, Del. The new steamer Verona, built by Martinolict Bros., Dockton, Wash., to - run between Tacoma and Quartermas- ter harbor, is equipped with Seabury engines furnished by the Gas Engine & Power Co., and Charles L. Seabury & Co., Consolidated, Morris Heights, New York. Her water-tube boilers are supplied by the Taylor Water Tube Boiler Co., of Detroit. The steamer is 124 ft. long, 22 ft. beam, and 7.7 ft. deep. Under an agreement participated in by owners of vessels in France, Ger- many, Norway and England, all craft not having their loading marks plain- ly on the side midway between 'bow and stern by Nov. 1 will be subject to fine. Circulars to that effect have been received by consuls of the coun- tries concerned to whom complaints of non-compliance are to be made. The rule does not apply to American vessels. bes ir]