412 mooring, the booms can be folded back and the entire tower shifted at will. oe The machinery in each tower is identical and consists of a main hoist- ing engine of the double-drum, two- cylinder type and reversing turbine engine and a double-drum engine for raising and lowering the booms and traversing the tower. Each tower carries two 60-H. P. boilers and a 1,000-gallon water tank. The cable for operating the cars carrying coal from the pier to the bunkers and the one for operating the: cars from the bunker to the ships are TAE MarRINE REVIEW Bureau of Mines The act establishing a Bureau of Mines in the Department of the Interior, ap- proved May 16, 1910, became effective July 1. As originally approved, the law contemplated the transfer of the entire Technologic Branch of the United States Geological Survey, the mine accident in- vestigations, fuel investigations, struc- tural material investigations, the entire personnel, property and equipment, to the Bureau of Mines, but the Sundry Civil appropriation act approved June 25, amended the law to such an extent that the structural materials investigations, October, 1910 fully equipped testing station at Pitts- burg also goes to the Bureau of Mines. The Bureau of Mines, therefore, in- cludes the. mine accidents and fuel in- vestigations for which an appropriation of $410,000 was made by Congress. The total appropriations for the Bureau, in- cluding salaries, rent and expenses of removal, amount to $502,200. The work of the Bureau of Mines for the first year will be a continuation and expansion of the work carried on by the Technological Branch of the Geological Survey. The law in itself provides for a variety of other problems that properly belong to the Bureau of independent of each other. They are, however, interchangeable and are ar- ranged so that cars can be transferred from one track to the other. Each car is equipped with a cable grip to per- mit of its being attached or detached at any point. The cars are dumped automatically where desired. The' general contract was held. by the San Francisco Bridge Co. The cable system, however, was supplied by the C. W. Hunt Co., of New York, while the foundation work was done by the Snare & Triest Co,, of New York. CoALING STATION AT TIBURON. including the personnel and equipment for these investigations, went to the Bureau of Standards, Department of Commerce and Labor. Carrying out the spirit and intent of the law so amended, the Secretary of the Interior has transferred to the Bureau of Mines the investigation of mine accidents and fuels, together with the personnel and equipment of these investigations and has transferred to the Bureau of Standards the structural ma- terials investigations and the employes of the Technologic Branch of the Sur- vey engaged in these investigations. The Mines and which should eventually be undertaken, such as methods of mining and metallurgical processes, but these activities will be deferred for the most part until Congress gives additional authorization in the shape of adequate appropriations. The spirit of the de- bates in Congress both on the Bureau of Mines legislation and on the appro- priation items emphasized the desire to regard the mine accidents investigations 'as urgent and this will be the feature of the work, In all, $310,000 was appropriated for mine accident investigations. Of. this