414 ESSEL accidents were numerous during Sep- tember, giving the ship yards abundant repair work. There were three total losses, the car ferry Pere Marquette No. 18 which foundered on Sept. 9 on Lake Michigan, the steamer New York, which 'foundered on Lake Huron on Oct. 2, and the steamer Frank L. Vance, which burned to the water's edge at Milwaukee on Oct. 4. The steamer Pontiac of the Cleve- land-Cliffs Iron Co.'s fleet struck at Watson's Reef, St. Marys river, and was so badly damaged that she had to be beached. She was released on Sept. 13 but was leaking so badly that it was necessary to again 'beach her to prevent her from sinking. She TRAE MarRINE REVIEW porary repairs were made. She was later docked at Cleveland. The steamer Clifford F. Moll was caught very suddenly in a fog while entering Niagara river and naturally got out of the channel. She swung broadside to the current and it was necessary to lighter 3,000 tons of ore before she could be released. She was taken to Ecorse for repairs. The steamer Lakeland was struck by the barge John Smeaton in Little Rapids Cut near the Sault, cutting a hole in her from below the water line to the deck. After being temporarily repaired the Lakeland was docked at Cleveland. The cause of the acci- dent was the parting of the wheel- chains of the Smeaton. The Smea- ton's steering gear again became dis- abled in Lake St. Clair and she had the misfortune to shear into the steam- er Corunna, knocking a hole about 10 "GO. s§ fleet. October, 1910 ACCIDENTS TO LAKE VESSIELS D. R. Hanna were in collision in the St. Clair river. near. Sarnia. The Brown was very badly damaged, it 'being necessary to put a canvas patch 125 ft. long and 40 im. wide on her starboard side to take her to Cleve- land: It will take about two months to repair her. A curious accident happened to the Maritana of the Pittsburg Steamship In attempting to pick up the barge Maia off Lorain on Oct. 1 she got the Maia's anchor chain caught in her wheel, which wound around the shaft, disabling the Mari- tana instantly. Dynamite was used to 'break the anchor chain after which the Maritana was put in dry dock. The steamer W. S. Mack ran ashore on Poverty Island and was released after 1,100 tons of her cargo of ore had been jettisoned. Altogether the month was quite Sit Mt A Bradley, 260. 5 uk Grounded 'in thick weather; released on 2lst, after lightering 700 tons of coal; docked at South Chicago on 28th; sixteen plates damaged, finally succeeded in delivering her ft. long in her port side forward. prolific in accidents. Following is the cargo of coal at the Sault, where tem- The steamers Harvey H. Brown and summary: DATE. NAME OF VESSEL. NATURE OF ACCIDENT. LOCATION. Sept. Str. W. A. Rogers.......... Collided with the Gogebic; both boats slightly damaged......... _.- Buffalo Harbor. Sept. Str. Northern Light?:). 3.7.3 Backed into a dock-and broke her quadrant; docked at Superior : : POLS PEP AS Meee lena soon cote eer na GG Medes ee Ore Duluth, Minn. Sept.. 7 Sit, Wm. J. Olcott: 3: 62... Ran into a dock damaging it considerably; steering gear disabled; : : : docked at. Ecorse Sept. 15; repairs completed Sept. 20......... _. Above Grosse Pt., Detroit River. Sept. 9 eur Challenge Caught in fish nets and began leaking; vessel was beached and is ee ; : toought-to. be total: losses... oe 8s es eee, Be pote eeataiues Lake Michigan, near Sheboygan. Sept. 9 C'rf'y. Pere Marquette No.18 Foundered in storm; cause unknown, but thought to have been © ; after compartment filling with water through broken or open i ; deadlight, followed by bursting of bulkhead; 28 lives lost........ Off Sheboygan, Lake Michigan. Sept. 12 Wier Pottiac . ose Struck, damaging bottom on port side badly; captain beached her ' in 20 ft. of water; released on 13th, but leaked so badly that she was again beached; delivered cargo at Soo and was temporarily : : repaired; left Sept. 20 for Cleveland, where she was docked.... Watson Reef, Soo River. Sept: 12 Str. Milwaukee ....... peace' ss Hit pier while leaving port, damaging her bow; went back for re- : WSs eee gh eck eee ERE Beaters eee et care okt . Chicago Harbor. Sept. 13 tr, Chas: Rictz.. 0 as Damaged while out in storm on lake, sprang leak after entering : TINGE CAN) SANK OO. oy ve cosine i eae Pe aie es . Cuyahoga River, Cleveland, O. Sept. 14 sehr. J. B.. Newland: . 2... ... Struck a reef; crew of four rescued and taken ashore............. Off N. Manitou Island, Lake Mich. Sept. 15 sit: City of 'Holland... 0... Slightly damaged by fire while tied up near Main Ave. bridge..... Cleveland. Sept. 16 ~ Str. Winestone cs oc res Broke her shaft at inner bearings; will be.out of commission for ™~ Bae , : balance. of seasons. a. says 3s. aS) sherhler eae porcalleraicie se ave ciatretere ete Ob case re Near Kingston, Lake Ontario. Sept. 16 Mud Scow ..... Bee ae. Upset by wave of passing steamer; one man drowned............. Buffalo River. Sept. 16 tro Mera etOn ew. sy oss cs Struck; docked at Buffalo; No. 1 tank punctured................. Ogdensburg. Sept... 17 Stic. Clifford: Fe Moll: 2o2.., Stranded on rock bottom in fog; leaked badly; lightered 3,000 tons ; of ore; released on 24th; docked at: Ecorse.....¢........:.2..., Niagara River. Sept. 17 Str. Perry. -G: Walkers. .: picuck: docked at: Lorain, Sept. 20.002 ice. cv esk cot ecole. Bar Point, Detroit River. Sept. 18 Sin, Wine Mo Millis 33.3: Tore bridge-tender's house off Muskego Ave. bridge; completely. de-. : ae molished. the: building... ee ae, car ita ore eeeee Milwaukee, Sept. 19 os Matesrer Ds oe Struck by Sti. Empire City; upper works crushed and badly dam- ; BON RN eon ee ce: Pee ect rs tts clk ee Ashtabula Harbor. Sept. 20 Str. Wakeland 25 Sec oe Hit by barge John Smeaton on port bow, cutting hole from 3 to 6 : ft. wide from below water line to upper deck; temporarily re- paired at So ooeees at Cleveland, four plates taken off; re- é ; .. pairs complete Choe Guiana Gore stun ce rnc Se it api : Sept. 20 Bge. --ohn Smeaton......... Wheel chains parted and she collided with Str. Lakeland; her stem Boe Pebiee Out meat Sault was pushed in about a foot, towing chock cleaned off and port Sept. 20 side hawse pipe broken; temporarily repaired at Sault........... Little Rapids Cut, near Sault. Pa roo sce ees HOGS e enna ce wae h wren a MEW m pees. Eos wctabees ¢ Detroit River. Sept. 22 mic. Western. States... 2... mapncenng rod. of high pressure cylinder broke pushing cylinder ee av ead out; temporarily repaired by her engineer...,............. Of -E i Eri Sept. 22 Str. Wottisiana 22) ope, sane perouteyy one gear broke; Uphicred part of cargo and was ee hake Erie 'i released on th... ieee ars lee Cros Se one hele. cc Bel i Sept. 22 Sime Paravictee oer. le: oledee: ae Boston; both boats slightly damaged, but neither oe an uk fe one stopped ;.....% ey bli lee hee e cs olde Te. it Ri Sept:: 23 Bge. John. Smeaton.......... teering gear disabled, causing her to sheer into Str. Corunna just a chy ee preone oe on down trip; stopped at Ecorse ship- ard an en went to Lorain to be docked: 11 pl i Sept. 23 tt. Coninnat 7. sos. 62 ae pixuck Py poe gobs eaeaion: hole 10 ft. long Bae ees pero' Clute. ; 1 : port side; leaked badly; stopped at Ecorse f repairs. . i Sept. 24 Str, Bethlehem eae 2..«. Ran 'ashore ;. badly broken aeidehip, Beck ty feel a co. OG : hatch having parted about 4 in, break extending to main : deck a ae port and. starboard side; also two other breaks; released ' e 3 a ct. 4; temporarily repaired at S. Manitou SIAN South Manitou Island ke Micl ept. 24... . Str, tikespatsext oe. a amaged while in port; docked 'at Toledo for new wheel Buffal Ee Sept. 24 min DD, Ro onanna.. . ey Collided with Str. Harvey H. Brown. and struck on Middle ground : ee OT plea on ee Es lightering 300 tons; towed to Reid's dry- » earnia, for tempo its; wi i i i Sept. 24 Str. Harvey Hi: Brown te Collided with D. R porary repairs; will be docked at Superior. °3St. | Clair River, near Sarnia. . - Hanna and struck bottom; relea to Cleveland to be docked; "when she arrive Pees canvas patch 125 ft. long and 42 in. wid spar deck torn away from side of ship and ji ed at Cleveland had € on starboard side; n a number of places hers Sea Si a a a ha a a Bi Se I a a a CL i eg al acelin l a lel i sie ah Nis Sh Oa ee