October, 1910 TAE MARINE REVIEW 415 was pushed up several ft.; will take about two months to repair her;: 100 ft. of starboard side and 50 ft. of deck taken off in Ary dock shes eater ei Oise oe ak ay ewe ee Ves Swor arene Sept. 24 Tug Rooth .... Nig. Stripped all buckets off her wheel on sunken obstruction.......... St. Clair River, near Sarnia. Sept. 25 Str. United Lumberman...., Severely damaged by fire; cabin burned off ana Several peopre Near Port Huron, St. Clair River. burned, but no lives lost; loss, $5,000. ieee -. N. Tonawanda, N. Y. : str: Leonard P. Miller..] .. Steering gear disabled in heavy sea; anchored at Cove Island and then (went to Detours)... Sie ale tee sod Cree NC. A eiMleke Stee, «s+. Lake Huron. Sept. 27 Str. Sierrac. Gir Couple of buckets thrown off her wheel........ ajaa\e elas) sidelvedie sts of - Ashtabula Harbor. Str. Wi Sh Mack. ee +... Ran ashore; three tanks punctured; released Oct. 4, after jettison- . ing 1,100 tons of ore; went to Escanaba for temporary repairs... Poverty Island, Green Bay. Oct... 1 Str. GMieritana "020 In endeavoring to pick up barge Maia caught. Maia's anchor chain 5 in her wheel shaft and was seriously damaged; dynamite used to break anchor chain; docked at Ora eee ye Lake Erie, off Lorain. Oct. 2 St. Bee) L. Le Bartha: 2) Sprang a leak in heavy sea on Lake Michigan; sank in 20 ft. of . water near dock, for which she headed at full speed when leak was discovered; crew taken off by, lifesavers ic ve es) --». Muskegon, Mich. Oct. 2 Str. eNow York. ee Foundered in storm: crew rescued from yawl boats by Str. Mataafa, passing; heavy seas caused leak which put out fires; pumps were ; of no use. 'Total loss. .t4y et. ee aikiagnes Lake Huron. Oct. 3 Strs. BBR ooo ee vss Ran ashore 7 iinet einige ieia, be Orato Scrstaca yeame Poplar Pt., Lake Ontario. Str. Hiaduras) 2 Son 6 Struck; docked at SUPENOP Suh soul ease eee ee eee Buffalo. Oct. 3 Str..Gogebicw, 0 ees Dragged her anchors and went on beach under breakwater......... Detroit River. Oct. 4 str. rank, L: Vance... 3. Burned to water's edge; crew fescued.. 60. uc Off Ludington, Lake Michigan. CASTING LARGE PROPELLERS IN MONEL METAL ECAUSEs of. ste. nee sistance, to corro- sion, its strength and _the readiness with which it .may be machined, Monel metal, a compara- tively new alloy of nickel and copper has made its appear- ance asa growing factor in foundry prac-. tice for certain classes of castings. TII- been erected and put in operation by the Bayonne Casting Co., Bayonne, N. J. This plant is the' only one of its kind devoted exclusively to the melting of this alloy and its capac- ity for such work is on a large scale. There is now being carried on at this plant some _ interesting work, among which is the casting of large propeller wheels for battleships of both the United States and foreign twelve propeller wheels for two large battleships now building for the Ar- gentine Republic in the yards of the Fore River Ship Building Co., Quin- cy, Mass., and the New York Ship Building Co., Camden, N. J. These will be in one piece, about 15 feet 6 inches in diameter, and will weigh 16,000 pounds each, and together con- stitute the largest contract for Monel metal castings ever placed. The company also has on hand the cast- lustrating the broadening use of this metal, a new and modern foundry ' especially designed and applied to such casting practice has recently ing of four propeller wheels for the United States battleship. Florida, which was recently launched in the countries. Recently there was taken by this company a contract for the manufacture in Monel metal, of the 000-PouNnD Monet Mera -Propercer, IN A STeeL-Linep Pit Fic. 1--Morp For A 16,