418 Oil Fuel on Destroyer Roe Considerable interest attaches to the recent tests of oil fuel apparatus on the torpedo boat destroyer Roe, built by the Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co., and de- livered to the government on July 14. The Roe is the first of the destroy- ers designed for oil fuel to be deliv- ' THe Marine REVIEW Although the use of fans for forced draft and ventilation is common in all navies and in the merchant marine and for supplying blast to oil burn- ing forges and furnaces in industrial plants, it is believed that the United - States navy has, in these destroyers, made the first applicaton of fan blast to the burning of oil in naval ves- sels. The fans adopted on the Roe October, 1910 "Some years ago, we fitted the R. M. S. Aragon with two sets of Quad- rant Davits, the R. M. S. Araguaya with four sets and subsequently the Amazon and the later boats the Avon and Asturias throughout. The first- named of these vessels has now come in for refit, and the owners have de- cided, notwithstanding the expense, to dismantle and discard the old type of Stacks oF Unirep States Torpepo Boat Destroyer Roe, Durine Test with 3-In. W. G. Arr Pressure. ered and the department officials have in consequence been deeply in- terested in the working of the system. 'revolutions per minute. "Strocco" Forcep Drarr FAN witH Di- RECT-CONNECTED STEAM TURBINE ON New Torrepo Boat DEsTROYERS. UNITED are of the "Sirocco" type, of vertical design, and direct driven by Terry steam turbines. The fans have a diameter of 30 inches but are supply- ing 2,300 cubic feet of air per minute at 5-inch water pressure and at 1,400 The entire design involves many intricate prob- lems, which were, as the tests demon- strated, satisfactorily worked out by the American Blower Co., builder of the apparatus, -- The boilers of the Roe are of the Thornycroft water tube type, built by the Newport News Co. The ac- companying photographs, taken dur- -ing dock trials, show the almost en- tire absence of smoke, even under abnormal conditions. The enlisted man in: the navy is. said to be very much interested in oil fuel and in the consequent abolition of the dirty job of "coaling ship," an expression which will now have to give way to "oiling ship." Trade Notes The Welin Davit and*Lane & De- Groot Co., 'Long IslandipCity, N. 3¥V., just received a letter fnom their Lon- don house, 'an extract "of which fol- lows: STATES TorPepo Boat Destroyer Ror, SHOWING SMOKE WITH 3.2-IN. W. G. Air PRESSURE WITH Om BurRNERS OPENED EXCESSIVELY. davit, and to refit the ship throughout with Quadrant davits. We have this morning received the order to execute this work." The Atlantic Works, Inc., T:wenty- eighth street and Gray's Ferry road, Philadelphia, have recently shipped one of their B-17 bevel band saw machines to the Old Dominion Steamship Co., for their plant at Suffolk, Va., and one of them to the Henry Diebert Barge Building Co., for their new vard "at Chesapeake City, Md. The Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co., 2 Rector street, New York, have just issued the first number of "Safety Heating and Lighting News." The purpose of this particular number is to provide detailed information of various equipments of the company for rail- road use. The edition is well printed, is' copiously illustrated and contains much matter of interest in relation to the lighting and heating of railroad cars. The Canada Foundry» Go. has pur- chased the plantof the Canadian Ship Building Co., at Bridgeburg, Ont. and will turn it into a structural steel plant.