October, 1910 THE MARINE. REVIEW 419 \ EE "WE HAVE SHOWED YOU" how, with the aid of UPSON'S IM- PROVED SOUNDING MACHINE, your boat can be kept from grounding, BEST, U. S. NAVY and NAVY but if you have not yet installed a machine, or if for any other reason, have GRADES BOTH SPUN and UNSPUN AN ACCIDENT PLUMBERS' SPUN OAKUM AND COTTON You Will Want Established 1840 GOOD LIFE BOATS OUR MOTTO: "QUALITY, FIRST, LAST, ALWAYS" We carry all sizes, 14 to 22 feet, with independent tanks, in stock. Nearly 70 years of active business made ane only by ' All boats approved and passed by "Square Dealing" a | U. S. Inspectors. Rush orders our specialty THE UPSON-WALTON CO. W. 0. DAVEY & SONS Offices and Factory 164 Laidlaw Avenue JERSEY CITY, N.J. CLEVELAND i BROKEN STERNPOSTS AND =~ RUDDER FRAMES WELDED Po | Geo. L. McCurdy _=% Process sanctioned ay Hee (okeeL Hoe ' the British Corporation for the Survey and Regis- CHICAGO ILLINOIS try of Shipping. The Thermit Process enables you to weld brok- en sternposts, rudder frames, shafts, etc., without removing them from the vessel. All of our appli- ances are portable and may be brought to the job. No outside power is required with the exception of a small supply of compressed air. ] N S U R A N C E Thermit is a mixture of finely divided aluminum : and iron oxide which burns up and produces liquid HULLS and CARGOES steel at a temperature of 5,400° F. This is poured into a mould surrounding the broken sections and the intense heat of the Thermit steel causes it to dissolve the metal with which it comes in contact amalgamating with it to form a homogeneous mass when cool. Pamphlet No. 20-E tells all about it. Write for a copy _and for "Reactions", the Thermit Quarterly. hmidt Thermit Co. DIRECT REPRESENTATIVE OF LEADING Eee Bas Street, New York -- AMERICAN AND FOREIGN UNDERWRITERS 432-436 Folsom Street, $an Francisco. 103 Richmond Street W., Toronto, Ont. :