October, 1910 THE MARINE REVIEW 421 SHIP CHANDLERY - ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES LAUNCH DELIVERY SERVICE The Erie Mill & Marine Supply Co. 1113 Main Street. Buffalo, N. Y. The Marine Boiler Works Co. Manufacturers of High Grade Marine and Stationary Boilers of all types, Stacks, Tanks, Plate and Steel Work of every descrip- tion. Repair work attended to promptly day or night. ESTIMATES FURNISHED PROMPTLY ON REQUEST LONG Sap ae Toledo, Ohio Tue Cuartes Warp ENGINEERING Works CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA WATER TUBE BOILERS, MARINE ENGINES LIGHT DRAFT RIVER STEAMERS, YACHTS Steel Boats for Export, "Knock-Down"' or Sectional'! seacienieamanieaeats wren eon me Ballin Water Cube Hoiler Company Portland, Oregon The only truly SECTIONAL BOILER with VERTICAL TUBES ing Tubes and Headers seamless drawn steel tubes All Generat PERFECT CIRCULATION --- NO SEDIMENTS --- DRY STEAM SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION Terminals of tubes expanded in place Every Tube or Header can be Inspected and Cleaned --_____--- INSIDE. and OUTSIDE Every Tube and Section can be taken out and replaced without disturbing any other Tube or Section Perfect Combustion -- Light Weight --- Greatest Efficiency CATALOGUE AND PRICES ON APPLICATION FS FMA POE MA OC EE BIER eg