262 Ice Breaking Tug James Whalen The ice-breaking tug James Wha-. len which was constructed by the. Bertram Engine Works, Toronto, has attracted more or less attention since she went into commission in 1905. Her leading dimensions are: Length over all, 108 ft.; length between per- pendiculars, 98 ft.; breadth molded, 24 it., 'depth at side, 14 ft. 5 in.; mean draught light, 10 ft.;, mean draught with water ballast, 13 ft.; gross registered tonnage, 313.4; net registered tonnage, 156.26. The Whalen is. built of steel THE MARINE REVIEW During the winter of 1912, she broke ice 57 in. thick at the dry dock at Port Arthur. She keeps the harbor of Port Arthur and Fort Wil- -liam open, as well as a channel 29 miles long to.open water all winter. The Whalen carries a crew of eleven men with accommodations for as many more. She has a passenger license. During the season of navi- gation she works in conjunction with three large wrecking barges equipped with wireless and two 20-ton derricks on each, as well as a full line of wrecking pumps and air compressors. These barges are capable of carry- Tuc JAMes WHALEN BreaAkING 4 Fr. oF Ice throughout with .water ballast for- ward and aft, her shell plating being double for half her length from stem. The frame spacing is 24 in. to within 14 ft. of stem, the 'orepeak being 15 in. and the balance 18 in. She is equipped with fore and aft compound engines, 20 and 40 in. cyl- inder diameters x 36-in. stroke, sup- plied with steam from Scotch boilers, 12 ft. 6 in. diameter and 12 ft. long, allowed 156 lbs. pressure. Her bunk- ers have a capacity for 100 tons of coal. She has four pumps, 8, 5 x 12; Goose x 7; 6, 4x 7, and 434; 24. x 4. Her towing machine is 14 in. x 16 in. She is equipped with a 5 k. w. elec- tric plant, steam steerer, searchlight and gasoline launch. ing 1,500 tons. The whole wrecking outfit can be got in readiness for work on an hour's notice. Dacde's Wastage of Steel Vessels During the past ten years, 29 iron and steel vessels have become total losses on the great lakes. These ves- sels include the iron steamers Clarion and Kifssia, and the - British-built steamers Turret .Cape, Theano, Ban- nockburn, and the 'Canadian - built steamer Ottawa. Of course, there have been total constructive losses of steel vessels as well, notably the steamer E. L. Fisher, which was sunk in Detroit river, but as these have been raised, repaired and August, 1912. placed in commission again, no atten- tion has been paid to them. It will be observed that the loss of steel tonnage, considering the number of ships and the volume of freight moved during these years, was not large. Some of the losses, of course, were unavoidable, as for instance those which were swept on the north shore of Lake Superior, during the great storm of 1905. It must be admitted, however, that. some of them were avoidable and would not have oc- curred at all, had the rules of navi- gation been carefully observed. Five of the losses have elements of mystery about them which will never be solved. No one knows what hap- pened to the Bannockburn in 1902, the Cyprus in 1907, fhe Clemson in 1908, the car ferry Marquette & Bessemer No. 2, in 1909, and the car ferry Pere Marquette 18, in 1910. No one came ashore from the Bannockburn, the Clemson or Marquette & Bessemer No. 2 to tell the tale. One man came ashore from the Cyprus, but gave no responsible reason why this steamer should have foundered in a sea that was not disturbing much smaller craft. But the greatest mystery of all was the foundering of the car ferry Pere Marquette 18, in which 32 members of the crew were actually saved and not one of them knew what had hap- pened. Following is the table: Carrying capacity, Name of Vessel. gross tons. L911 Str Joliet ves. ace e. QC GL: Str. John, Mitebell.- i:1.. 7,500 Str... Durret (Capes: se2 3,100 1919--Str. Frank H. Goodyear. 6,990 Str. Wie ©. Moreland <3. 12,090 Str John = Sharples... 2,800 Car Ferry Pere Mar- quettei Now 18.) occa. 5,090 Carrying capacity, gross tons. POO StricMtitanta (ts hae: 4,500 Str Clanton ee of ON, 3,000 ein: John? 7B. 'Cowle....: 6,500 Stree Ottawa. foo: es oe, 3,500 Str. Rassta 2s oe 2,800 Car Ferry Marquette & Bessemer No. 9250. o. ae Carrying capacity, gross tons. 1908--Str. D. M. Clemson..... 7,800 Rke. rt. North Stari .2: 3,000 1907--- Str 'Cyprus. 2800. oe 7,900 T90G-setre Grecian. faa cso) ck 3,255 Str: Eheano (2.07... 32: 2,690 1905---Str. Sevonay i3.... 0.55 4,590 min Hbrupia pei oS 6,250 mtr. Chos. .We Palmer. .: 3,190 Str. Lafayette <2 6,588 Scho Madeira ss). a8 7,000 Sir. Vera ee oa 3,272 : mtr, ita He Owen. 23 2,900 1904--None. 1903---Str. Queen of the West. 1,500 1902--Whaleback barge 129.... 2,509 Str. Bannockburn' :...... 3,090 The John Rohan Boiler Works Co., of St. Louis, are building a sand dredger for L. H. Yourtee, of Chester, Ill., 100 ft. long, 20 ft. beam and 4 ft. 6 in. deep.