Accidents to Lake Vessels Since the opening of navigation many accidents, some of them of a. serious nature, have occurred. even of them are either total losses or to- tal constructive The tug Charles A. Trinter was totally de- stroyed, by fire at Vermillion on April 25. The Canadian steamer Iona, coal laden, took fire, on Lake Ontario on May 20 and burned to the water's edge, the crew escaping in lifeboats. The little steamer Jo- seph CC. Suit "was - accidentally hit by the City of Detroit III approach- ins, the dock and was sunk. The Canadian steamer Bothnia was sunk in St, Clair river in collision with the steamer S. S. Curry, on June 26, being practically cut in two when the Curry sheered into her through a disabled rudder. The steamer Sid- ney C. McLouth was destroyed by fire on Green Bay on June 28. The steamer Viking ran ashore at Split Rock, Lake Superior, and will prob- ably be abandoned to the under- writers as a constructive total loss. The steamer Columbia, of Niagara Falls, was badly damaged by fire at Ogdensburg on July 5 and may be a total loss. losses. Five men lost their lives in an ex- plosion on Standard Oil Barge No. 88 while lying near the Great Lakes Towing Co.'s yard in the Cuyahoga river. Iwo lives. were lost by the bursting of steam pipes in the en- gine room of the steamer James Davidson on Lake Superior. The steamer James H. Hoyt met with a serious accident by grounding near Garden Island, damaging 81 frames and 13 plates. Captain Thom- as' Garrity was dismissed from the service of the Pittsburgh Steamship Co. on account of this accident, The steamers P. P. Miller and Vic- tory were in collision in' St. © Clair river, the Miller endeavoring to pass the Victory, both upbound, while a downbound steamer was approaching. The collision might have been seri- ous, but was avoided by skillful man- euvering. : An analysis of the more important accidents will develop the fact that practically all of them could have been avoided by careful observance ofthe rules of =navication. ~~ THe summary is as follows: Some of the losses will entail con- siderable repairs, notably the steam- er G. J, Grammer, which was, sunk in Queen near Corsica Shoal, Lake Hu- ron, on July 14. She was raised and taken to Port Huron where tempor- ary repairs were made. Later she went into dry dock at Cleveland where three weeks were spent in making repairs. The accident is sup- posed to have been caused by the steering engine of the Northern Queen choking. In coming down on the Canadian side of the river on July 14, the Steamer W. K. Bixby hit the light-- ship Kewaunee which had been an- chored over the wreck of the sunken steamer Joliet. The Bixby dragged her length over the Joliet and did considerable damage to her bottom. Repairs on her will amount to about $30,000 as about 70 plates were dam- aged. The steamer G. Watson French collided with the steamer Mataafa off Grosse Point, Lake St. Clair, on July 27, damaging the Mataafa very badly. A survey at Toledo shows that her port side is broken in and bent for a distance of 100 ft. with se- vere buckling of the deck. She will be about three weeks in dry dock. The accidents have been sufficiently numerous to keep the ship yards busy Losses of life have also occurred. collision with the steamer Northern for several weeks. \ Date. Name of Vessel. Nature of Accident. Place. Jane = 8. Tue. Townsend Davis... 27k... Cut through by ice and sank: floated Jan. 23..0..55°.- 3. Erie, Pa. Hal. 8 ott Ball: Brothers... ., 3.0.02; Damaged by fire; cabins badly burned; damage estimated at $6,000 Duluth, Minn. Mar. C. F. Pere Marquette 20...... Damaged her wheel in ice; repaired at Milwaukee................ --_---- : Mar. 13° C. F. Pere. Marquette 19...... Ran aground; one plate under engine room punctured............ Near Manitowoc, Lake Michigan Mar.16 C. F. Pere Marduette 16.2.2; Damaged by fire; temporarily repaired at Milwaukee............. --_ Mar. 19 Stre Conestoga... os. 6 aha. Stranded; docked at Milwaukee for new wheel................... Donges Bay, Milwaukee, Sit, -Klora, Me Hille O Crushed im ice and) sank) to be raised: 630 ee eek Near Chicago, Lake Michigan. _-- C. F. Marquette & Bessemer Broke her wheel in heavy ice; released herself; docked for repairs WN Os) si tov hetestemn beating, On une 7.2.58... _ Near Conneaut, Lake Erie. mon ie oir Sahatay 6 ee eee: Lines parted and she hit Str. Schoonmaker, damaging one plate.. Ashtabula. Ape c0 (Stee i... Barium: ci. ole. Engine trouble encountered shortly after she left port; put back to breakwafer erica ner yi oe nee Ro Se ey Near Milwaukee, Lake Michigan Apt, 24 Str. Powell Stackhouse. <2..-, Stranded; No. 1 tank leaked and forepeak filled with water; re- leased after lightering; unloaded at Milwaukee and then left for . South Chicago where she was docked; left dry dock May 22... Lansing Shoal, Lake Michigan. Apr: 24 Ste; Selwyn' Bddye ss 20 Hit Chicago Ave. bridge while coming out of harbor; leaked..... Chicago harbor. pe 25 ue. Chas. A. al rinter,......... Bicned loss, SOOO: se ere a ee aes oes Port 'Clinton, -O. C. F. Marquette & Bessemer Woy Leg brea a) os ae, Wamagedwiwo bow plates in ice... 06... 0. i ------ tr, (Chas, A. Westons. :.. a0. Hit by Str. Congdon which broke away from tugs and had two Plates «damaged -o.i5.5.. Peele eeee Cents ate CNet a igh nese ci Wenn ete Milwaukee, Wis. Apt. 60) oir. Simon, Rangel 0205. cect Dirandeds teleaced bye tug Harding, (0.1 ¢.0 Grassy Island, Detroit river. May 1.5 OF Bee No: 88.0.2. 0.402. Damaged by fire caused through explosions; five lives lost; barge not seriously damaged, but will have to have new booms, spars Peon sedis he tr ee ee NR er eS Cleveland, O. May 2 Str. Empress of Midland: .... Ran ashore in fog; released on eighth by tugs and went to Col- Cabot's Head, near Tobermoray, lmewocd Omny for repairs, 06s). Ont. --_----- mit. James HH. Elovt.:.).. J: Struck and was docked at Superior upon arrival there May 6; leaked leit dey. dock May 28.00.00... 45 et Straits of Mackinac. Stu, Purret Court 3237... os Rang cemoumde: nad to lighter, oo. .6 ee eee Fort William Harbor. May. 4 Gravel "barge Sie. ee: Hit by Str. Wyandotte while turning; hole stove in barge, sinking IBVERE SeOnST Nant INS AAR Ta eee ee re aaa Menominee river. Wingid Str oApassiz® 6 ay. pa DAR ARTOUNC ey oe ie oe. Portage Lake. May = 5 Str. Prank Rockefeller... 2.7, Collided with Str. E. D. Carter in thick weather; bow stove. in to forward bulkhead; repaired at Superior; repairs completed May 18 Superior, Wis. Was 5) tr Eh Garter, 3... Collided with Str. Frank Rockefeller in thick weather; three or : four plates in bow damaged and anchor broken............... Superior, Wis. May. 5 sir, James. Davidson......; Rah ashore in thick weather; released on May 7 after lightering 75,000 bu. of grain; reloaded lightered cargo and proceeded on Met tip. socked at Toledo for repairs,......°:........02.0... Pelee Island, Lake Erie. lays Str Cherokee. ee. Ran aground at lower end of Island; released May 7 by dredging Fighting Island. Sit. Mrancis. © Robbins. <.0.% Struck in heavy weather; leaked badly; all damage on_ starboard side;, docked at Superior; 17 plates had to be removed, 10 of which were replaced with new ones; 35 damaged frames; ten or Peer On make. TENAaitsr. 24... 6000 ei 8 oo ec ee. Manitou Island. Stree, Po Mr ih es. aes Struck in heavy weather; only slightly damaged...........0..... Manitou Island. Wax 6 Str.) America i. oe)... a. Ran aground; tug and lighter sent to her; released on May 8; : ae heed eteuained at Manitowoc,.........4.,.0..... 2.08 White Shoal, Lake Michigan. Str. Bethlehem: (0.8) 64: Struck on her way up lakes; docked at Chicago; bent rudder,