January, 1914 the whole is designed to give the vessel a speed of about thirteen miles per hour when loaded. The vessel will be delivered to the owners at the opening of navigation, 1914. The ves- sel has been built to the designs and under the supervision of Hugh Calder- wood, of Barrie. Molasses Steamer Amolco The steamer Amolco, recently launched by the Fore River Shipbuild- ing Corporation, Quincy, Mass., for the Boston Molasses Co., is a single- screw steamer, with machinety aft, constructed of steel to the highest class in Lloyds Registry, being spe- cially surveyed by that society to ob- tain.:the class. 100° AL, and. designed to operate in either the molasses or bulk petroleum and general cargo and Sugar trade. The principal dimensions are as fol- lows:. Length over all; 325 it. 6 in.; length between perpendiculars, 318 ft. 6 in.; beam,' :molded, 46 ft.;' depth, molded: to upper deck, 25 ft. 6 in.; depth, molded to second deck, 17 ft. 6 in.; load draught, 20 ft. The hold is divided into five double tanks with a general cargo space for- ward and aft of same, the latter being separated from the former by coffer- dams extending the full depth of ship. The spaces on the second deck at sides and forward and aft of expansion trunk are also used for carrying gen- eral cargo, these and the holds being operated through large hatches fitted with wood covers and the usual tar- paulins and battening arrangements. The tanks are fitted with oil-tight hatches and may be utilized for the transportation of molasses or bulk petroleum, a special pumping system having been installed for loading and discharging liquid cargo, also a steam- heating system for liquefying cargo as well as to efficiently clean all spaces of steam. The total capacity for stowing molasses is 800,000 gals. and the capac- ity of the coal bunkers about 500 tons. A double bottom is fitted under coal bunker and machinery spaces and di- vided into two tanks, the one under the coal bunker and boiler room being used for reserve feed water and one under the engine room for ballast. The pumping system for handling liquid cargo has been especially de- signed for pumping heavy viscous liquids, such as molasses or oil. The cargo pumps, two in number, are of the Blake horizontal duplex type, with steam cylinders, 16 in. in diameter, pump cylinders, 10 in. diameter, with 18 in. stroke. A 10-in. suction .main of wrought iron extends through the cargo holds on the starboard side THE MARINE REVIEW above the floors, with 8-in. suction branches extending into each tank, each branch being fitted with a steel gate valve and bell mouth suction end. An 8-in. discharge main of wrought iron extends through the holds above floor, port side, with branches leading to each tank, and to overboard dis- charge connections forward and aft. The entire system is so arranged that the cargo pumps can pump from the cargo tanks and discharge overboard from barge direct to the cargo tanks, from. "any. 'one' "Careo tank. to any other and from: sea to any cargo tank for ballast purposes. The tanks may also be filled through the discharge main. Steam coils are fitted around the suction bell mouth in each hold, 37 uptake there is a heater box, around which the air passes before entering the furnaces. The refrigerating plant consists of -- a one-ton ammonia direct expansion type outfit, motor-driven. One ash hoist engine of the Hyde make, 4% in. by 4% in., double-cylinder, is located in the stoke hold. Barges for Panama Two of the six 1,000 cu. yd. steel dump barges, for the manufacture and delivery of which by Jan. 1, 1914, con- tract was let by the Isthmian Canal Commission to the Maryland Steel Co., arrived at Colon on Dec. 18, hav- ing left the yard of the builders at - = x. te cad C oe eS eee Se LAUNCHING MOLASSES STEAMER AMOLCO AT THE FORE RIVER YARD so that heavy oil cargo may be par- tially heated in order that it may run more readily to the pumps. The propelling machinery, located in the stern of the ship, consists of a vertical inverted three-cylinder, triple- expansion engine with cylinders 22 in., 37 in. and 60 in. diameter, having a stroke of 42 in., supplied with steam at 180 lbs. pressure by two single-end- ed Scotch boilers working under a heated forced draft system. The boilers are 13 ft. 6 in. diameter and 10 ft. 10 in. long, arranged in a single stoke hold. Each boiler has three Morison furnaces, 42 in. inside diameter, and three combustion .cham- bers. The tubes are 2% in. outside diameter. The total heating surface for two boilers is 4,000 sq. ft., with 100 sq. ft. of grate, giving a ratio of 40 to 1. Air for heated forced draft is delivered to the furnaces by a fan located in the fire room and driven by a 6-in.x6-in. vertical engine. On each Sparrows Poimt, Md, on Dee. 2. m tow of the Merrick & Chapman Wreck- ing Co.'s tug Rescue. On Dec. 19 they were passed through Gatun locks and towed to Culebra cut. These barges are designed for service with two 15- cu: yd. dipper dredges now under con- struction and have just twice the ca- pacity of the largest barges previous- ly in the canal service. D...J.. Hanlon. & Co., Alameda, Cal, - recently leased about five acres of land on the Oakland water front from the City of Oakland, Cal, for a term of fifteen years and has begun to in- stall large dry dock machinery, etc., thereon. Sealed proposals for construction of the two motor dredge tenders Perry and Skycoak will be received at the office of Lieut. Col. Eveleth Winslow, Room 2, Customhouse, Norfolk, Va., until 12 o'clock, Feb. 12, 1914, and then publicly opened.