Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), January 1914, p. 42

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42 Date.--Name of Vessel. Sep. .. Sep... Sep. . Sep. Sep. Scr ep. Sep. Sep. -- Sep. Sep. oe ep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Oct, Oct. Oct. a Oct: Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 30 30 30 30 30 30 * CONT: MDD 10 Oct> Oct... Oct. Oct. Oct. 14 15 15 Ook o- Oct.: Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct, 16 Ag, 16 18 18 18 18 19 21 24 24 25 26 28 28 29 Bin, Be OND OM ecg tees ee Str. James PP; Walst.s so 5% Str, Helen €...2.. peeves ees cus Str. Andrew Carnegie ......... Stree Matitin 6 psc cees cae. Fes es Str. Meaford -........ eis es ws Bir Atl aNaSCd: tes hehe sous Nees Sir. ©. A. Congdon...23... Cais Str. Douglas Houghton ....... Sch Melvin' Si? Bacon: 2..265..5 Strs John We Gates ice. Ji.c 65's Strac NGM Sede cic aso ccle es Str Je Be Ketchum. ois. Size Beaverton. 2.5.66. sec. Str: "EFhomas: (Fs Cole. oes vee. 6: Sie Coralia Osis. Se ee si ces Ste Jas. . "Davidson... eee Str City of London... Str: S. Morrow Ber ee Sees trae Str. ae De ARES css ee Seen Sirs Prince: Rupert... i. 65% Str. Joseph Wood........ Rane Str: Dhomas Adams. s55..3% 23 St. Western Star...:i... 500. Str: George Craig... .....3...% Str. GW. Biphicke. 25.8, . 2% SET GGDILEL ee cae eis ee aca Str City of , Rome... ose ee Str eZ NOLtON Sy. cc. wes Str.- Chas. "Weston.s..: 0.64. ue Ste © © Waldo... ese a. Str Necpawanh <2 61. te Peeks Ste. ©. C.. Pande 3s Colo aie. Sir Ehomas Waltets. ....... 5... Ste John. Diancan: os st ces Sir. CepneuS. secs as oSuece Str, John Lambert ...........- ht. FOSKa ee es ee Sir OW. Aj Rogers eos osc et Str salt Bross. sis ss SG emer era Str. Lackawanna. cess. seca. "Str Mastern: States. . 060s. ois oe Bir Biekerdyke. 2 660. von cas oe Bipes WMiasabay Cie ks Ce baa a tes etre fron, City oes. os BROW Fc er es Hanae sales Sir le. Tanna ses ees Boe, Warsala <.0 0a ee Str We Aw Paine. 3 eee. Str rank ©, Ball) ks Ste Motwalic. ns cs ee ye Str Coe WwW Miphicke sc. a: Bee = GC... Thomas. 2... ee. Bge. Matanzas ee Str. Mapleton = 3 ae Bee. Petudineton: 4.2. ...-. 2. Sand: Steak. Ee, Doville........ Str. Pere. Marquette ......:... Baee i M Cdd ys. evi recs css THE MARINE REVIEW Nature of Accident. Arrived at Duluth on Sept. 23 with a few plates loosened as re- sult of storm; went to Superior®ship yard for repairs after un- adin, Se eis Ee Be CNET ECs SADE Pikes SSIS Ces PEN oe wie oes Coelbe: of hatch covers in storm and _after deck house badly damaged; stopped at Houghton for repairs..........-+++- Ran aground; released on Sept. 23........ seedees Ae ee rete Damaged by fire which started on dock while she was unloading ; Upper. works. sCarréd =, Ves fi. Us ese pb PUG hs Spore poe ees ee Ran ashore in fog; released after lightering several hundred tons HOL Coals NOt, Gamaped: 0 2s eas te oa nem 6 a ee Collided with Str. Rosemount; repaired at Collingwood........... Hit north pier and damaged her port bow; temporarily repaired. . Hit the breakwater and damaged her quadrant; made repairs at PANE OEE tories se -ba o ive owe ey She ee ates oa thet e teens nes gases e Collided with barge Bacon when her tow line parted; fantail broken in several places; proceeded and was. repaired at' Lorain, from which port she cleared, on Oct; 205 25 2.65 cae. te ee ee eees Collided with Str. Douglas Houghton when her tow line parted (in tow of Str. Aztec); stem broken in two and_ upper timbers badly broken up; temporarily repaired at Sault; arrived at Cleveland Oct. 1 pretty badly damaged and two or three weeks Fequired TOL TEpalts ers wees oie se ca le eee eena phate tees ee eheey Ran aground on a sand bar; released, uninjured................+- Struck, While eEntenine POrbins cos 6s Gece see sie ce ee Ney Gok ees Collided with Str. Beaverton; stem broken...... whew eo wie pee teas Collided with Str. J. B. Ketchum; hole 18 in. diameter ripped in Side ang four "plates damaced' (24.... ce eot ees wae oo tae Rie wea it Nor 5 docks shiehtly damaged a. oc is ee as eee ee ee wee Woosh am ANCHOR fcuk oie ee eas els cs ea wee hee hee Steering gear broke and she ran aground; released on Sept. 30 after lightering 60,000 bu. grain; reloaded lightered cargo and SAed OCH ly We ere Oe hy Oe Cea wis el me ees reare aby eee Collided with Str. J. S. Morrow in heavy fog; sank in 34 ft. of water; crew escaped; cargo of wheat sold to Armour & Co., Mee OC IU a cnc wap ceed ev eee Nee Fe ee oe 1 Collided with Str. City of London in heavy fog; hit on port side near No, 7 hatch, tearing large hole in her; beached, and docked at Ecorse Oct, 1; 8 plates taken off and tank top dam- aged. About one week in- dry dock: 05 sic. cece ie cee Collided with Str. Prince Rupert; hit at No. 11 hatch, filled up and was run hard ashore to prevent sinkine; decks buckled; floated Oct. 5; made repairs and left on Nov. 9; docked at Toledo, Oct. 15; about 60 plates damaged and interior consider- ably damaged; repairs estimated between $35,000 and $40,000; titee weeks "or MmOre in, dry dock. 6. ef pe ree Collided with Str. W. D. Rees; stem twisted to port and hawse pipe broken, some plates damaged and forepeak full of water. ~ Cément patch put on: and she left Oct-40 6 2 ee ae fe hie 6 Grounded owing to low water; released Oct. 4....2..........006 Ran. aground; released "after. lishtering 9.46562. ei) Sc Ran deround; floated' unininred a oie ee cer Ran ashore; released after lightering 400 tons of coal............ Hit forward of boiler house by oil barge Calvert (in tow of tug' Sarnia City) which took a sheer; considerably damaged......... Threw bucket off her wheel; stopped at Reid's dry dock, Port Huron; for repairs. h.6 Ree ee ea ee ee Stopped at Port Huron Oct. 4 with disabled machinery; repaired at eb Ort CHUTONG es. eee ae res ee Pit iy ott, Chas: A Westone. a) eo a ea Hits Nottons, slichth. damazed-< 603.22 Ran aground; released by tug on Oct. 6 pituek: aid. somewhat damaved),.45; 65.025. oe eUCHed iy water's edeen "Crew escaped... <0. 20.. oo eS Ran aground while turning around in fog; released, uninjured.... Broke her stern tube and had to be beached; pumped out and taken to Kingston for srepais =... ck Ran ashore in fog; released herself; docked at Ashtabula on Oct. 15 and repairs completed on Oct. 24; eight plates damaged.... Ran hard aground; released by high wind, uninjured.............. Became disabled; picked up and towed to port by Str. Lambert... Mouched -bottam of river... ee ee Collided with Str. Arcturus; a few bow plates damaged. Arcturus HOt eda MaCedne Gna A ey i Lost her rudder; arrived at Duluth on Oct. 20: new rudder in- stalled and bottom damage repaired. Left dry dock Nov. 3..... Host Hem tucdder: docked at Moorse. 3. 5 Struck; docked at Kingston BANC Aa 6 0B 8810S 6 We VRTie§ 46 Sel ee 01,6 wb ca 1a) Sale a wie ee) Air pump broke; picked up by Str. Easton and towed to Kingston for wepains pe ee a eR eee eer SB rounded with careo. of limber i.6..0 08 se ee Hit byote Moses Naylor. and sank (...0..70 0) Se Collided with Bge. Marsala; fantail and rudder and several plates damaged; later grounded at Bar Point owing to low water; re- leased herself; docked at Cleveland on Oct. 21 and repairs com- Pleted on Oct..25: stern. badly twisted. "7. tie (In tow of Str. J. B.. Eads). Collided with Str, L. C. Hanna. Sera Sliontly: twisted a5. ihe Ge es ee ee jane apeound owine to low watetr.. 623 oo Be Pe Struck bottom while going in south entrance; forward tank shoved MO aide tate pedker ne sess. eo a ER A a Ran on rocks. coal-laden, in heavy gale; released on Oct. 23 after lightering 500 tons and coal cargo sold to Reid's, Port Huron. Stern post open and keel from engine aft badly damaged....... Sprang a leak in storm and was beached at Cone Point: later broke in two; total loss; insured for $20,000; part of wheat Garter Saved. ete id SUmra., e s ee y (In tow of Str. Maunaloa). Hit by Str. Chas. S. Price amid- ships; six plates dented and twelve frames buckled above water line; was upbound, but turned around and came to Cleveland in tow of Str. Hill. Str. Price not damaged and proceeded.... Ran ashore twice while entering channel, (in tow of Str. Ama- Bayle 6 8 Slee er ere neh ge ve 6:06 086 6. we zomas) released, after lighterine: 200° tons... ..6..0.-e sc bie ces Collided with stone wall and punctured her bottom: docked at Lorain-on Oct. 27 and repairs completed on Oct. 31........... Collided with Str. Coralia in high wind storm: docked at Suverior and received new forefoot and considerable new nlanking on port side; left dry dock Noy. 3. Str. Coralia slightly damaged, Die ROCCANCR wees ee ars ak OM ee es ke ln. Lake Shore bridge closed on steamer: badly damaged Hit a fish tug and was. pretty badly damaced.................... While being towed out struck the channel bank, twisting rudder giock: vepaired ......, FL iene UA January, 1914 Location. Sandusky harbor. Milwaukee. Cedar Reef. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Fairport, O. Soo. Soo. Entrance to Conneaut harbor. Buffalo, Welland canal. Welland canal. Duluth, Minn. St. Louis Bay. Livingstone channel. Off Point Pelee, Lake Erie. Off Point Pelee, Lake Erie, Vidal Shoals, St. Mary's River. Vidal Shoals, St. Mary's River. Toledo harbor. Algonac, St. Clair river. Milwaukee harbor. Baby's Point, St. Clair river. St. Clair river. St. Clair river. Soo river. Soo river. Algonac, St. Clair river. St. Lawrence river. Green bay. St. Clair river, Lake Ontario. St. Martin's island, Green bay. Lake Ontario. ; Near Oswego, Lake Ontario. St. Clair river. Conneaut harbor. Lake Superior. St. Lawrence river. Lake Huron, © Portage river. Cleveland. Lake St. Clair. Lakes St. Clar: Toledo harbor. Buffalo. Near Middle island, Lake Huron' Lake Erie. Bar Point, Detroit river. West Neebish channel. Ramey's Bend, near Port Col- borne. Duluth, Minn. Toledo, O. Ludington, Mich. Duluth.

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