Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), January 1914, p. 44

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Nov... Str. James. Carruthers'... ; Nove: 5 Bac Halsted 372s se eee ee & THE MARINE REVIEW Bouaderea im spurm: 22 lives lost. 2 oe eas oe er es ee Foundered in StOTMLs C5 8 ee ea so PRP eee Sess High wind tore out her deck winches and as anchors could not hele ohae ee ae hold her she pounded against concrete wall of dock, sustaining -, oe oe damage a OV ee. eached in storm; release ec, and later docke : Ney Bee ey ee oe ies ph ge oe allah wah A Rage Sey wee wanes oundered in storm; seven lives los Cee ee ee tet eee ete epee eee Nov : ae aie ee Badly pounded in storm and lost forty hatch sections ............ Noe Stk, Meatord <6... oe ci. Stranded in storm; slightly damaged................. Settee eens Nog | Sin Seoiith) Hero co 4.3. cues Stranced in: storm;. slightly: damaged: . Crist sich. etek. sa s4s oso Mee Se Sakode 6 ok i be Stranded in storm; damage estimated at $1,500............... oo Moyle Ger Go OW Bretich: . 2.6... One of columns of engine broke; picked up by Str. J. S. Ashley a BASS : and towed to Duluth; repaired at Superior ship yard........... Wov. ie Sit. Mapleton i. 06i 00. c. 0.400. Ran ashore in heavy fog; released on Nov. 20 and proceeded..... i Ran aground on west bank in heavy fog; released on Nov. 22 Oe er Pee Milbonay se aler WeMtering large part of her stone cargo; one tank leaked; e twelve plates damaged; docked at Poledoijn acco. pee oe 8% Nov. 19 Str. Andrew Carnegie.......... Struck east bank in heavy fog; released..... pee eis Nov 20 sin An b. Werient. 6a sce Ran ashore in fog; released on Nov. 21, uninjured............... Noyes. bug Kenosha .0 0. ci ee Roued Over, Honted. on Nove Alice. vies cane ne dine pes eis ce ons Nov: 7 Str, "Neptune: .<..: hee ee sees Bioke her rudder wile backitig into ca Sips ii ssce ces ee sence ns MGV Dit ee EL eCla S056 pie hares Ran ashore; released Dec. 6, after being on about two. weeks; StGdilen in (pretty bad shape ce eee es neice s aha e teeie Novect Bee. Parsons ei... cee be es Foundered in gale; loaded with coal; crew saved.............. are NOV, 25. Str. W. H. Wolt (Wood)... .s. Struck, damaging her bottom; water poured into her so rapidly il that she turned into Amherstburg channel to Callam's bay, rest- ing on sandy bottom; grain cargo damaged; floated Nov. 6 and patched wo; docked "at "Cleveland Dec. 7 css ee eee es Nov; 24 Str City, of Bancor Go. cc. Struck on east bank while two lights were out; punctured 1 and 2 cOimpartments. on -port side; docked 'at Toledo os. if. se... Wee's Ran hard aground with 150,000 bu. flax; deck cracked across and Nov. 26 Str. Nov... Str." Mazard NOV. 29 Str, -Gogeiicw we. Jom s Wov. 29° Str, Codorus' eee Midy. 60. Str euron 6. ae ea Nov. 30. Fuse James HH. Martin, . =. Dec. Stree Manitou ve. Deer 7 Str he Cr Balls ees Tee Bt Seta nee ne se Dec. 8 Stir James Hi. Shrisley .. Dec. 8. Sim: Manistique. 620.030; Dec. < Str Edward Buckley ::.. Dec. 8. Sit: WG. Pollock'... & Dees 13 Str "Ar EB; Nettleton:*.... <. Tow. Nicholas'. 3... breaks on port and starboard sides through which part of cargo ran out; constructive total loss; released Dec. 14 and towed to eo Alpena for temporary repairs; to be docked at Port Huron..... SESS Ran ashore; loaded with cement; released and towed to Port Hu- MOM POG. VeEDAlt seg ee ee ee tan oops Cees Ran "apround winle trying to. entet fiver; 5... ..... 6. ae Soe Ran on rock bottom; released on Dec. 1 and went to Mackinac island, reloaded lightered flour cargo and sailed on Dec. 2...... EES Struck lightly and punctured one Ga oi kok one awe eee es 4 oe While (moored at. dock. "hlled and. sank. 3c. 04.2 oe a es ue as Pom aSiOle oi ene Le ee a Paes Collided with Str. Sierra; several plates cracked on port side in line withe her anchor Gece Ge Os Collided with Str. F. C. Ball; damaged on starboard side......... Soo cheee 'Struck bridge draw and stripped buckets off her wheel; collided with Wrecker: Manistiqtie js. sco fk ns ee Ba litt by ott. eobrisley, and sprung a leaks 2. eee Ran aground; released on Dec. 10 and went to Port Huron to be MOCK eM eee ee he a ee eg Bes Windows broken in. by heavy seas in storm ...¢-). 04000000 Sodiste Badly damaged by fire; pilot house, observation room, captain's room and "pdssenger quatters destroyed' ..0..0-. °c January, 1914 Lake Huron. ce Green bay, Lake Michigan. Gary, Ind. Harbor Beach, Lake Huron. Gull island, Lake Michigan. Lake Huron. St. Mary's: river. Lake Superior. Lake St. Clair. Fourteen Mile Pt., Lake Supe- rior. Drummond island, St. Mary's river. Livingstone channel. Livingstone channel. Grosse Point, Lake Michigan. Chicago. Erie; Pa; Near Alexandria bay. Off Oswego, Lake Ontario. Livingstone channel. Livingstone channel. Off North Point, Lake Huron. Off Rockport, Lake Huron. Thunder bay river. South Graham Shoal. Off Point Aux Barques, Huron. Menominee, Mich. Killarney, Lake Huron. Lake Mud Lake. Mud Lake. Alpena, Mich. Alpena, Mich. Harbor Beach, Lake Huron. Lake Superior, Milwaukee, Wis. Index to Advertisements "Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. 47 Amertean Blower .Co;........ 27 American Engineering Co. ... 2 American Krupp System Die- sel Mngine Co. 3.2. . Front cover American Wine oye a oa) OM, American Ship Building Co.. 11 American Speed Indicator Co. 49 American Steel & Wire Co.. 32 mvostrone Mtr. (Co... fo: 51 psuton- Valve Co. 67.4 30 Automatic' Transfer Co... <, 34 Babeock & Penton). 622025); 48 Babcock --& = Waltox. <0 2], 30 Baltimore: Qakum "Co......: 42 Bartlett, C. ©. & Snow Co" 48 Bath. Jron «Works, Ltd.i... <. 28 Blackmer Rotary Pump, Pow- en Se Mis. Co. 18 Boland & Cornelius. 222: 49 Boston & Lockport. Block Co. 41 Brauer, Justus, & Son, Inc.. 49 Breymann, G. H.,; & Bros....- 44 Butalo. Dry Dock Co. :) 13 Byerley & "Sons 7200.03: 8 Case, A. Wells; & Son. ...2., 42 Chase Machine Co........, 3: 49 Chelses Clock Co. -3. 3. G2 15 Chicago Ship Building Co... 12 Cleveland & Erie Machy. Co.. 47 Collingwood Ship Building Co. 14 Commercial Boiler Works.... 47 Continental Iron Works...... Coty; Chase: & Sonienus. 6% 32 Curr Raopert 2. 63: ae Mia tna 4 Dake Buagine Co, 3 e438 Delaney, Pi 8 Corns) ee, '47 Detroit Ship Building Co..... 1 Dixon, Joseph, Crucible Co.. 31 Donnelly Wm. T0056 48 Drown, Thos. & Son-.:.... |. 49 Dunbar & Sullivan Dredge Co... 44 International Mercantile Ma- Durable. Wire Rope Co....;. 32 PINE ROL: Sie ae eke 37 International Oxygen Co..... 33 Eckliff Automatic Boiler Cir- Tapered, Jr We nei eae ee ts - Cilater CO, i ee 37 d : Edwarde Mis' Co...) 0.15; 43 Johns-Manville, H. W., Co... 15 Electro: Dynamic Co... 7. 49 "Jobmston Bros, 200... st... 4 Kahnweiler's, David, Sons.... 51 Falls Hollow Staybolt Co..... 39. Kingsford Fdy. & Mach. Co.. 47 Mederal- Graphite Co... ....2.. Zo Weremer, (Gob eer 48 a W., Cons. 30 etchet We & AL Coys, se. eb Lane, C. M. Life Boat Co... Fore River Ship Bldg. Corp. 49° Te Mois Scientifique oo 40 Furbotn, Konrad: <5... 22. 25 Lidgerwood Mfg. (CO 5 7 Pipe oe, MC. ee, $5 Lorain Coal & Dock-Co...... 45 frefietal Electric Co. ......,.. 19 McArthur Portable Fire Es- Sailchwiet, Albert J: 4... 3... 48 Oo es 33 Goldschmidt Thermit Co...... Otay PR cas 49 Goulder, Day, White, Garry MONA (CO. 2 Oe ee 32 Duncan... 5h. 48 Manitowoc Ship Bldg. & Dry Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Dock Cone ee af Con ee Ao. Machin Batriss Co. 3: 51 Great Lakes Engrg. Works... 20 Metallic Packing & Mfg. Co.. 45 Great Lakes Welding Co..... 42 Michigan Salt Works........ 44 Griscom-Russell Con. 3. 7, 2 ae Agua ek le. 43 Milwaukee Dry Dock Co..... 13 Morse; A, J,.°& Son... 2: 48 Hell, Gea Coal Co... 45 Mulholland Hatch Fastener Hand, John EE. & Sone Co., .39 On Ge ae 41 pees ee ree Nae 45 law good, ae Once oss 49 New Berne Flue Cleaner Co 36 Hickok Co eh 18 ; ; Bac Holding, Meee Da & Nicholson Ship Loo Co... .. 29 OIE OO Tes lak ok Heme Rubber Co.-. 7.75. 3: ey Oglebay, Norton & Co......., 50 Hoyt, Dustin, Kelley, McKee. Oils Steel Co. Ltd. 50 Hane & Andrews... 2 48 Hunt, Robt; W.; & Co.?..... 48 Patterson-Sargent Co. ....... 39 Hutchinson 8 Co; ie 49 Penberthy Injector Co....... 52 Hivde Windlass Co.:..-...:.. og Pickands; "Mather & Co... : 16 Miva, Alexander: <.,.2..2... AG Pittsburgh Coal Co. ...,. 7 52 Raymond, james - Rs, 3.00: ¢ 39 Richatdson, Wi. & €o.-:.; 49 Reid) John, & Coe. sa 48 IRitehies oH. (Sie& Sons. cco s: 41 Roetker, "Hs Bier a2 Ross. Valve Mis: Co... 650. 39 Safety Car Heating & Light- IG COs ee ee 18 Sebrader's, A. Sons, dnc, .... 42 Schuette Recording Compass OO woe ee ee 43 Schutte & Koerting Co...... 2) Seattle Construction & Dry Dock Coe osc 14 Sherites -Mior Cost 2 41 slipping World: i363: 42 Siggers -& Sisgers 3... 48 St..Lawrence Marine Railway ' One Bie NR a me ee ae 4 Starke, C. H., Dredge & Dock Ose ee es ne ana 44 Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co... 26 Sullivan, Mio ne oot 41 Superior Iron Works Co..... 43 erm. Steam. Furbine Co... . 41 Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co. 24 Toledo Ship Building Co..... 9 Trout He Ga Co... 42 Wpson-Walton Co.) 2237... <. 3 Vance & Joys Co... 20.70 49 Walker, Thomas & Son: Ltd: 4 Warren, Cady & Ladd...... 48 Waterbuty< C00 ee 3 oo 5 Watts, J. Murray i TI = epee I emenerereinapmensinieniecnicnt ieee

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