Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), February 1914, p. 81

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Bulk Freighters Built Since 1902 Showing the Splendid Fleet That Has Been Created in the Great Lakes in Recent Years TTP ct acces ; ' Ss 2 HIP building for the bulk freight BULK FREIGHTERS BUILT SINCE 1902 FE. H. Garv............. 569 10,500 trade of thé erent: lakes fon ee Year 1902, S. M. Curent... 00.000. 500 8,000 past year or two has been quiet, Soa Bee abe ivan Co OM oe 2 Be . he : ame feet tous, We BR: CoRrBv.. 3 a but the aggregate as viewed fOr the A. GC. Beaweegc. 66 800. Wel Pare 300 "3000 past decade is considerable. A great o i ney oe . 366 4,800 a A, Rocers ......... 545 10,000 : EM. Sacnpers 400 5,500 OWELL STACKHOUSE..... 52 fleet of vessels has been brought into W. H. Gratwick........ 436 6,200 ELC. PRIOR as 369 1 500 existence during the past ten years and W. W. BROWN .c° (25s 366, 4,800 JOHN @STANTON = 00 524 9,000 HS. Wit kinsone 325 390 5,000. JoserH G. Butter Jr.... 545 10,000 the sudden accession of so much float- James CAVERN oe 436 6,200 csieal Ps WHITE 60, a6 436 6,200: : BRANSFORD ye 436 6,200 : Bixpy............ 5007 8,000: ing 'property has: developed: fiany Raswiia 434 6,200 James: B.. Woon:. 3. 534 9,500 problems of operation. Private enter- Seon RE Ag ee? bee 4,800 Beer A ee betes 524 9,000 : ' : SULTANA. 2A ta 3 4,800 EORGE : MSSEL Sone 484 7,600 prise in responding to the demands of - ne Watson go ee 400 5,500 Hoover anp Mason...... 524 9,000: ; : ap START 400 5,500 EBtER: WHITE 20.0) ay 524 a oe has outstripped POVEMNINENT Ware oNoppincnam =. 400 5,500 FRANK oJ... HECKER. : 484 pee al aid. A more comprehensive and o E. STEWaRT........... 376 5,000 tes G. ae wos po aws 531 9,300 : : WZON es 366 4,800 PRANK Ci BADLe.- 3. 550 10,000 elastic system -is needed and more oS ek 400 5,500 Boones Joneses. i oe 550 10/008 co-ordinati ' a M. als PEC te ee ae 366 4,800 JAMES, P. -WaAtsH. . occu. t 500 8,000 o-ordination required among the vari- w.c. Ricuarnson....... 374 A002 ous departments of the government - t ae Se 434 6,200 Year 1906. i. i 3 : ; PNG ce Sees Ra 434 6,200 service having 'to-do Withlake "trade fiigsin Bo Nye 400 5,500 Josep Setuwoop ....... 545 10,000. Contrary 'to general belief, the great- PANAY .---.-- ete e nets 366 4,800 B.D... Carter. 524 9,000 ee fae James H. Hoyt........-. 376 5,000 Crrartes -S.. HEBARD. 7... 524 9,000 part of the tonnage constructed T[ranx H. Goopyear..... 436 6,200 Lortus Cuppy .......... 545 10,000: during -thé past decaie bac heen by Moses Tayror ..-.....+-- 436 6,200 ABRAHAM STEARN ....... 545 10,000: : : Grorce B. Leonarp...... 400 5,500 Divin (2s Nosron 500 8.000. - independent interests, that is to say, HH. B. Hawsoop.......... 434 6,200 Jon .SHERwin 4,.4..... 534 9,500 Dit eats bho: et ee. 440 900 Hages, Covrsy 2.0 | 569 10,500 are 1n no way associate CHARLES « BRATTIEW 65400, 3: 220 2,000 Harvey' D: 'Goutper 545 10,000: with the mining andjemelting of ore 77°" (PANe 2 $76 «3,000 J. Piguront Morcan....- 600 12,000 in other words, the vessel-owning in- Year 1903. Sy Ficus Sr eee ae T3000 terests ; Hee SARLING So oe ee _ 545 10,000 pure and simple. as S: KEERD e608 20:9 2,800 ao WESTON: (gc 569 10,500 ee W MACK eS es 374 4,900 ENRY. H. RoGers....... 2 600 12,000: Beginning in 1902 Hurrsurt W. SMirn..... 434 6,200 Wm. G. Portacn 25. 400 6,500 SUNAD OA Cs ae as 436 6,200 J AOS INIDDER es ee ee 552 10,000" From the beginnin ROBERT Y WALLACE So cota. 259 2,800 JOSHUA. RHOADES ...:.... - 440 6,500 © ©s ne of 1902 to the ANNA C.0 MINCH: fo 002.0% 400 5,500 ALY eC LOWNSEND ce ee 602 12,000 close' of 1913 inclusive, vessels aggre- Monroz C. Smitn....... 400 ae NorMAN ie REAM. gs 600 12,000: : : CG, WARNER: 5 ou 390 5,250 Henry A. HawcGoop...... 552 10,000 gate 1,247,600 gross tons Ce Te eee vale Sarees 255 2,800 Wa. EB. . HITZGERALD. .. .;.. 440 6,500: capacity on a single trip have been - os Smit. es! aoe ee : R. ae Se 552 = 10,000 : : 2 : SE IRERR Gee yo a 3 ETER IDENER. 600 ~12,000 buut. for, independent: mterests;. 25 Gagne 2 436 6,200 James S. Dunuam....... 400 6,500 ' acai ' ; Jon OSWARPUES «) ac... 209 2,800 Die MORREDE Os oes 602 12,000 eat vessels ba Wireert L. SMITH.:....- 400 5,900 SAMUEL MATHER ........ 550 10,000: pacity of 858,000 gross tons on a sin- Joun aay Stet ee ae a SHELDON "PARKS . 9... .a- 552 10, Oe : : : Avsrrt M ARSHALL..... > James. F. Morrow........ 440 6,500 gle trip for interests that have their EEG: ae oe ee ees ae pate 2 GARRETSON ......... 540 10,000: Own mines or furnaces 'or both D. M. CLeMson...... See ' be dS. IRERRE SS be ok eens 605 12,000 : Lours WoopruFF .....-. os 436. 6,200 Witiram =P. Snyper..... 550 10,000 The year 1913: was one: of an ex= 42° Davison... oe fe JaMEs: DAUGEEIN =. 3.2. «: 22 10,000 cellent movement of freight, and not- GrorcGe C. Howe....... oe ' MEGHIGAN. ofc 0 10,000: Go Ne PARENT... iee ey on 255 2,800 ISHPBEMING (G00. 20e 2 us 550 10,000 withstanding the fact that stages of James H. Rem........-- 468 6,900 fool. Waukee. 6. 445 6,700" C ; G. Watson FRENCH...... 376 5,000 Joo. SHEADEE. ca eevee 550 10,000: water were much improved and. that: <couous- 4.3.56... 436 oat Joun MITCHELL..:...... 440 '6,500 : pee ee ee EN We GILCHRIST. 0 oh 6,200 EuGcenr ZIMMERMAN ..... 500 8,000 every vessel carried a fair increase F. W. Gucurist. aa0 ; ; ey WEERS oc oes oe 436 6,200 SiGRRA © PE ees ee 458 6,800 - In cargo per trip, all the vessels were & L; Teepand. 20026. as oe ee ae reasonably well employed throughout e a PS Bene © 375 4.900 - : the year. ere See we eens see eae we ANDREWS ....... Be: Has BERRY G. ALKER..--++-- : 3H KENNEDY cc oo 0 The program of new construction 7 ©. Giese (es 436 Sane 7 oo bee Baa 97000 for 1914 as so far announced is a mod- ee: Beets oe oan Tomas nee Ge ae 600 7 000 a Sa NVAISCONSIN: 2 iene) 8 oe eee see , i is N Ee en : erate one. Of the seven bulk freight- eee © HOLMES.....--- er bot Mienay Pures (2). 600 12,000 F. ; TERE rg en : Te Lo DeCRAre oo ,000° ers under order, five of them are for Wes Ae ee 334 2'100 oe = oe oe ee sane independent interests and two for in- ee Howanp 2 _ gene Cirantes Q. JEnxrns. 3: 524 pone : j F EOR ee RAL oes ee tS EM LOCK OS Saree wip a ieee terests that own their own mimes. Kensincton ..---+++-+++>: 380 5,000 Wie Mee Mies 605 12°000- There is appended herewith a list of Yy Jay C, Morsg..........- 552 10,000 ear 1904. ODONAE: Vis. ee 440 6,500: bulk freighters constructed on the Me <n ee nine a4 6,500 : Pee oe EI MBRYA oe ee ; VPRUS sc. 2 es ee lakes since 1902. Since the comstruc- PMNs Wivian ....s...- 436 6200° Sarr lane Coy... 552 10,000 tion of the Wolvin in 1904 only one Aveustus B. Wotvin. a eo ie Case ioe eee ae o oe RCSL eg ESAS S eee ae se ee ER UR Ce Seg Ge ate TG NA TO OOM are NIe ARD ES oie) Sieve a we a eee ' vessel less than 400 ft. in length, the See Motien 3°. -5.- = 6,200 1) Survey fe ea 7 pees : BRS¢ os bee Epwin Wi ae ea R. W. England, has been built on the Bart Baomem IN 376 5,000. <Anrnus H Haweors - 569 10,500 reat lak f bulk freight trade ; VERONA oop ec ee 440 6,500° & akes for the 8 Ns Year 1905. Wma. A, Hawcoon........ 552 10,000 except, of course, the canalers, while ADRIATIC 60sec be 440 6,500: 38 vessels of the 400-ft. class and over, francis L. Roppins...--- 200 ee DEES BOREL sas pees as pee po 107 vessels of the 500-ft. class and JAMES CN oS Son 8,000 Cuartes W. Korcuer.... 440 6,500 PHitiep MINCH .-- ee 524 9,000 Tuomas BARLUM .......- 500 8,007 f the 600-f goes over, and 31 vessels of the Hit. phagerwer wa ee. 545 10,000 CALDERA 0 ee ee 524 9,00 DM 524 9,000 THowas F. Core. -.....-- 605 12,000" class and over have been built. tO Hane Oe

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