202 Tide Tables for 1915 The United States Coast and Geo- detic Survey, Department of Com- merce, has recently issued the General Tide Tables for the year 1915, which give in advance for that year the times and heights cf high and low water at the principal ports of the United States and at a number of for- eign ports. Besides the general tide tables, pub- lished annually in advance, separate reprints are issued of the portions re- lating to the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States. These tables are on sale at agencies in the principal seaports and may also be obtained from the office of the survey in Washington at a nominal cost, the object being to get the information in the hands of the public. Neverthe- less, it does not seem to be generally known that the tide tables can. be ob- tained in this convenient and inex- pensive form. Besides the information given for a large number of standard ports, a table is included by the use of which the predictions may be extended to a large number of subordinate stations. Tables are also given by which the height of the tide may be deduced for any time intermediate between high and low water. There are tables of the moon's meridian passage, the equation of time, the moon's phases, apogee, perigee and declination. In- formation is given by tables and dia- grams as to the direction and velocity of tidal currents in many localities. The mean local time of sunrise and sunset is given for every degree of latitude- from the equator to 68 de- grees north and for every fifth day, and a table is provided by means of which the local time may be changed to standard time. Another table gives the time of beginning and end of astronomical twilight. A calendar for the year is: also included. The tide tables contain a list of the agencies for the sale of charts, tide tables, and coast pilots issued by the survey. The laborious work involved in the prediction of tides is very much les- sened by the use of a wonderful ma- chine constructed in the office of the survey and probably the most com- plete of its kind in existence. This tide-predicting machine performs me- chanically many of the _ necessary processes of computation, and does the work of 90 to 100 computers. In this ingenious mechanism, by means of a chain running over a series of pulleys adjustable to conform to par- ticular conditions in any locality as ascertained by direct observation, ef- THE MARINE REVIEW fects corresponding to those of the forces causing the tides are mechan- ically produced and combined in such a manner as to present, both graph- ically in a tidal curve drawn upon a roll of paper subdivided to mark the intervals of time and numerically by means of pointers on dials forming part of the machine, the times and heights of high and low water at the station for any period in the future. The accuracy of the machine is far im exces@-of all that is required: for producing the actual astronomical tide, but on account of meteorological conditions the mariner must expect to find more or less fluctuation from the tubular values. : The tide tables are of interest to navigators, port authorities, commer- cial organizations, fishermen, yachts- men and in general to the maritime May, 1914 public. Information derived from them is published daily in newspapers in the principal seaport cities, and is used in many privately published al. manacs and guides. F. W. Jackson, well known around the whole chain of lakes as the ma- rine agent of the Standard Oil Co., has perfected a storm oil anchor for use on life boats, power boats and yachts. It differs from the old sea anchor or drag in that it is equipped with a galvanized iron tank or can with an automatic feed to liberate storm oil, enabling the boat, if dis- abled, to heave-to and hold on until picked up. The anchor being to windward, the oil spreads about the boat and kills the combers. The an- chor will be marketed by the Upson- Walton Co., Cleveland. SUMMARY OF NAVAL CONSTRUCTION. Per cent of completion. April 1, 1914. March 1, 1914, \ Per cent Per cent Name, or No. of Contractor. Total. onship. Total. on ship. week BATTLESHIPS. New -- York e...0... Wew ovork: Navy. Vad. dieses. s ciate cas 99.5 99.5 98.1 97.9 Mexagecrecr ters hee Newport News SB. €oi. cscs te. & 99.0 99.0 Nevada Os cee eee cs More Rivero: (B. COes veins sinc ets 61.3 49.0 57.8 42.8 Oklahoma = wai... New OY otk: Se 3B CO. iii. wae ees 65.3 61.7 63.2 58.9 Pennsylvania ...... Newport News S. B. Co.............. 2327, 16.4 19.5 12:3 ets elena ae toe New "York: Navy "Yards ccsscescss cee 858 aise 7.4 aes DESTROYERS. Downes: Wr... se. New Ore Or DOO, oni a oie sein eas 95.1 95.1 94.5 94.5 Balen ose we Wane Crampre SOns. 2 oe. sce ~ 97.3 97.3 O Bren= 235. ne oS EW Cramp (6 SOUS... ciwien cel oes es S51 51.4 46.6 41.5 Nicholson ......... Wm; Gramp <&< Sons... 6655. 63 ee ee 5S eS 49.3 45.2 39.7 Winslow 20040 os. Wane Cramp. &: SONS secret wc ees ws 49.4 44.4 44.0 38.8 McDougal. ....0.. Bathe oilron Works ei. 2a eres is cases 85.4 84.3 Pad 74.2 COHN oie 28 i Wore River -S:° FR. CO. e300 is nee SSi1 45.32.5535. 1 ages ErICSSON ee cs Wew -Vork (S:- Be Coe. vos ies cue 5357 51.5 49.8 46.6 PueKere ns op ke ores Riven S. b CO. ise nc cewek 8.3 leas 7.6 ves Conyngham ....... Win. Cramp; &4 Sons:. 085...) joi. 5.4 4.4 Potter: 2.0503. e: Wyrm Cramp. G SoOns. ev eves ces c sce SZ 4.3 Wadsworth 2.5. 3 ath Erode Works. caries er ees 13.9 10.3 Jacobs; Jones. 33:60: ew Vout 6b, Con. Geicd- Ga ea. 9.5 9.3 Wainwright: ....2.. New. york. S: Be Gor... 0... oD 9:3 ; DESTROYER TENDERS. Melvilles: i208 Sees. New-York S.2-B: i C0 wceecc sche ee. 41.5 39.7 36.5 34.4 : SUBMARINES. G4 (Q)a American Laurenti Co. (Phila.)...... 96.4 95.5 96.4 95a Gee) Wake IT. B. Co, (CBridgeport)......:.. 89.7 89.7 89.7 89.7 Gwe (er st ae oe: Lake T. B. Co. (Bridgeport).......:. 81.6 81.3 81.4 81.1 Bele Me, Electric Boat Co. (Quincy) .......... £ 99.2 99.2 = Poe ee a Teas Electric Boat Co. (San Francisco).... 94.0 94.0 92.4 92.1 SA sae tae igne i oe Misetric Boat Co, (Seattle) .......... 92.7 92.0 O17, 90.9 KOS Electric Boat Co. (Quincy). 2... . 32. 92.0 92.0 89.8 89.8 RG Pleviric Boat Co,. (Ouiney) 2.20.55... 92.0 92.0 89.8 89.8 eae i eas Electric Boat Co. (San Francisco).... 86.2 84.9 85.3 84.0 LST ae anit Seek Electric Boat Co. (San Francisco) 85.1 83.8 84.9 83.6 Teal oe Electric Boat Co. COuiney) 22.00 25, 26.4 22.6 22.8 19.0 be ee Electric Boat Co. (Quincy) .......... 26.4 22.6 O25 ee : Gites seme A cos ce Electric Boat Co. (Ouincy): .... ... 3. 26.3 22.5 22.5 18.7 ee Se ane Blectric Boat°Co. (Ominey). ....:..... 26.4 22.6 224 18.6 Se ee Lake T. B. Co. (Bridgeport) ....... a 4.2 ie a is aes Sao e Lake T. B. Co. (Long Beach Cay oe a ee sees LP veeeeeeeecin Eee | Bo (long Beach Cal). |_| ea pe ee Blectric. Boat Co. (Quincy)..:....... 17.8 .137% 14. oe We Wi ee ee Portsmouth, N. H., Navy Yard....... : nee oo soe ea tery aces Plectric Boat €o. COuincy).. . vis... aoe a es -10 Prete eee ees Electric: Boat Co. (Oumey).0 : ! SUBMARINE TENDERS Nuon. a New London S, & E i ; Sonar ' eB. uincy).. : : ' 40.4 Bustinell 2723) cee) Seattle Constr. & D. D Saas nb a an cs FUEL SH oo Se Mare Island Navy co Bcc 43.8 41.1 37.3 33.6 visio Mare tsland Navy Vard............. 24.9 18.6 20.5 14.4 6.B.19 § MISCELLANEOUS. Giccksue wo ee Cra & Sons... 92.7 92.7 86.7 eee t y Pp Oo Boston Navy Yard ransport No, <1}... 3 Philadelphia Navy Yard, : ; : : : : oe ao ee os ae (1) Contract s forfeited, ves (2) Conditionally delive *Delivered March Oo tee sels being completed New York d at Philadelphia yard, Jan. 22, 1914. +Delivered March 26, 1914, {Delivered March 17, 1914.