June, 1914 LAUNCH OF STEAMER H. M. HANNA JR. The bulk freighter Howard M. Hanna. Jr. building for W.. C Rich- ardson & Co. of Cleveland, launched on Satur- Hay, May. 9,..at.. the Cleveland yard of the American Ship Paidine .Co.,. and was christened by hose Antoinette Paine, granddaugh- ter of Capt. Rich- ardson. This steam- er replaces the Howard M. Hanna Jr., which was lost in the great storm on Lake Huron last November, but the new steamer. is somewhat larger than the old one. Her length over all is 524 ft., keel 504 ft. beam 54 ft. and depth 30ft., and she will carry 9,000 tons. Capt. Richardson has always taken a great personal inter- Was est in every ship iat he has built, and in this latest steamer he has had incorporated a num- CAPT. ew. ber of features THE MARINE REVIEW which from the experience gathered in the great storm of November he believes to be prudent to. introduce. The captain: has always been an ade vocate of the 24-ft. center hatch with CG: "RICHARDSON: AND MISS ANTOINETTE PAINE, SPONSOR 223 openings 12 ft. in a fore and aft di- rection and in fact has for several years built no other kind. In the new steamer the hatch covers are made heavier, being of 15-lb. plate. the coamings raised higher and the Mul- holland fasteners are of a special kind to meet the changed conditions. The pi- lot hotise is the only part of the vessel that has windows invite «In all--other parts of the ship deadlights framed in brass and fitted with. glass 34 inch thick are substituted for windows. As a fur- ther. precaution, each deadlight is fitted: on the inside with: a <€ast --iron shutter. The: sky- light over the en- gine room..<is of steel with four dead- lights in each sec- tion, and the sky- light over the din- ing room is similar. Moreover, all the deck houses are of extra heavy - steel, the plating weighing. 1214 lbs. per square AND YARD OF THE AMERICAN J GHTER H' M. HANNA JR. AT THE CLEVELA LAUNCHING THE BULK FREI : "SHIP BUILDING CO.