> September, 1914 Traffic of Suez The following table shows the growth in trafic through the Suez Canal since 1884 : Receipts --Passages-- from special Tonnage navigation Years No. carried. charges. PS sree vias os 3,284 5,874,501 ° $11,315,351 HOSUR ee ee 3,624 6,339,753 11,591,051 Pee bei cu ees 3,100 5,767,656 10,570,818 PRO Wer a es 6 el 37 5,903,024 10,807,093 PRS. 5 vee ws 3,440. 6,783,187 12,431,615 TBO oho ener 3,425 6,640,834 12,166,261 3 12,627,455 15,737,381 14,014,369 13,290,551 13,918,574 14,655,331 14,762,129 PROV hice «60% 2,986 7,899,374 13,687,253 $SOS eae cess 3,503. <9,238;6008 415.952.8982 TOGO ee a SoS 3,607 19,895,630 . 17,118,82t MOOV Bore eee es 3,441. 9,738,152 16,844,747 HODM eS nee: 3,699 10,823,840 18,727,744 MELO aCe Saar 3,708 11,248,413 19,497,855 HOUSE cba. 3,761 11,907,288 19,481,887 HOOK Sees 4,237 13,401,835 21,843,151 MOOD Sule eie te oe 7s 4,116 13,134,105 21,350,604 PO0Gs os OG: 3,975 13,445,504 20,013,676 HOO once 4,267 14,728,434 21,771,038 TOUR Sos ee 35795 133633,288 20,341,468 WOODS Kees os 4,239 15,407,527 . 22,726,693 HOMO eee 6s 4,533 16,581,898 24,550,236 TOM ees Gee 4,969 18,324,794 25,289,800 OT SE eS 55373: 2 20,275:120 .- 25,655,363 MOMS eee tet 5,085 20,033,884 23,736,948 During the period covered by the fore- going statistics the number of vessels passing through the canal increased by 55 per cent, the total tonnage by 241 per cent, and receipts from special naviga- tion charges by about 110 per cent. The average tonnage per vessel was 1,788 in 1884, 2,033 in 1890, 2,460 in 1895, 2;830 in 1900, 3,191 in 1905, 3,658 in 1910, and 3,- 940 tons in 1913. Items of General Interest All bids received for the army har- bor steamer, which were opened re- cently, have been rejected. The United Engineering Works, San Fran- csico, was the lowest bidder, at $129,- 000. No reason is given for the action of the War Department, but it is be- lieved that it did not contemplate so great an expenditure, and that the de- signs of the boat will be changed to bring lower estimates. The lighthouse tender Laurel was recently launched at the yard of the Spedden Shipbuilding Co., Baltimore, Md. The Laurel is 104 feet over all, 22 foot beam, 8 feet 10 inches deep. Her propelling machinery consists of a triple-expansion engine, supplied by the Bureau of Lighthouses, and the accommodations for the officers and crew are unusually commodious for a craft of this type. The Contra Costa Chamber of Com- merce has made an appeal to the United States government for the dredging of Carquinez Strait from Bull's Head point to New York land- ing, a distance of 20 miles. It is esti- mated that the dredging will cost about $1,000,000. The depth desired is 24 feet, The name of the three steamers for- THE MARINE REVIEW merly operated by the Commercial Steamship Co. have been changed. The Sheldon Parks is now the Edward Uhrig; the Abraham Stearn is now the EK, N. Saunders Jr., and the J. O. Rid- dle is now the J. J. Turner. Messrs. Uhrig and Saunders are coal men and Mr. Turner is the first vice president of the Pennsylvania railroad. These steam- ers are now being painted in uniformity with the colors of the Hanna fleet and the doors and deadlights in the deck houses are being strengthened with iron plating and iron shutters. James M. Smith has resigned as general manager of the Collingwood Ship Building Co., Collingwood, Ont. The 75-foot tug Joseph Seep, built for the Penn Mex Fuel Co., of Pitts- burgh, was recently delivered to her owners by the Greenport Basin & Construction, €o,.-Greenport,. i, 41, N. Y. Contract for this vessel called for delivery within 100 working days, but she was completed in 87 days. 359 The craft is fitted with two inverted compound engines, 8 inches by 18 inches by 12-inch stroke, furnished by the Portland Co., Portland, Me.; an Almy watertube boiler and Kings- ford Foundry pumps, furnished by the Kingsford Foundry Co., Oswego, N. Y. Communication between the pilot house and engine room was in- stalled by Charles Cory & Son, New York, and the life saving apparatus by Thomas Drein & Son Co., Wil- mington, Del. She will burn oil as fuel. Her speed on trial. was 11.08 knots. Thomas Marks & Co. moved on Aug. 1 from the Imperial Life build- ing to the new Dominion Bank build- img, corner King and Yonge streets, Leronto, Ont: Lt.' Col. Mason M.. Patrick, United States government engineer, expects that the 'third: lock at the Sault on the American side will be ready to go into commission on Oct. 1. SUMMARY OF NAVAL CONSTRUCTION. Per cent of completion. July 1, 1914. June 1, 1914, Per cent Per cent Name of vessel.' Contractor. Total, onship. Total. on ship. R Sh P Houde Gor 69.7 60.7 67.0 57.0 Nevada? irae tes Fore River ip Building Co..... oe Gate f ; : A Gishene Synlett be New aS Pare Tate wisest ia oe ne bee Lae es Ne rt News i uildin Ores é : : ; nsdn at New Vous Navy aad Saar : Us bien. 17.4 14.3 13 10.6 Sh peldae co. 95.3 95.3 95.3 O53 BOS Sesiacey wears New York ip Building Conges «ian i i : : Onde EUS tase Wi. Cramp 3& Sonse ae ee ee, AVE 67.0 68.0 64.4 Nicholson 2.3. suse 6 Wim.) Cramp: 28 $OOnS 2 6. since ss hoo. 69.4 65:7 66.4 62.4 Winslow. cee Wm. Cramp 8 Sons.) ae |, fa: 69.0 : 65.4 63.2 59.0 McDougal Guw ck. ak Bath a tnons WOnks hice cease se ar Del'v'd, 6, 16, 14 95.8 9507 Gushing Fe veins. Fore River Ship Building Co......... 50.8 45.5 44.8 39.4 HRIGSSONI 3) as adie New York Ship Building Co......... 73.5 73.0 69.6 68.9 TUCKED = ch bee ee Fore River Ship Building Co......... 10.9 4.4 Oey 389. Conynigham 0 00 6s Wm Cramp & Sons... ele: 8.4 2.2 Lod: 19 Porter via wenn Win. Cramp & Sons3.ci.¢ vse oc Bb2n oO. 7.6 1.9 Wadsworth <........ Bath Iron WOrks. ese. oe eas 35.7 2007 24.8 17.1 Jacob: Jones ..55 20% New York Ship Building Co......... 13.3 4 9.9 1.8 Wainwiieht ic.6.0.. _ New York Ship Building Co......... P33 See 9.9 1,3 DESTROYER TENDERS Melville oy oe tani < New York Ship Building Co......... 55¢5 G25 50.6 49.4 out Go. CpRied Iphia) 96.4 95.5 96.4 9575 EA Dea coe American Laurenti Co. (Philadelphia : : ; f C2 (iy: aes Lake Tow Boat Co. (ideo. eas) BO7 BO) AO aay Gas ae Lake Tow Boat Co. (Bridgeport).... 82.3 81.9 82.3 81.9 Ke eee Electric Boat Co. (San Francisco)... 96.8 96.8 94.2 94.2 Kod es Electric Boat Co. (Seattle).......... 96.8. 96,7. 194.0) Sad Rig ies Gs ae Electric Boat Co. (Quincy).......... 97.8?) O78 95.7 Ob eB aN ee a Electric Boat Co. (Quincy).......++. 57.8 97.8 98.7 en Ry a ee Electric Boat Co. (San Francisco)... 93,3 92.8 91.6 91.1 K-8 Pes Electric Boat Co. (San Francisco)... 91.8 91.0 90.0 89.5 Po ee Electric Boat Co. beac, Bsa oan Ts 40.5 35.7 34.6 29.3 Ti aa) ea: Electric Boat Co. (Quincy).......... 40.3 35.4 35.0 29.7 EO en Electric Boat Co. (Oui Barrage soe 39.3 33.9 34.4 pote he Ue SE RR tas Electric Boat Co. (Quincy).......... 39:15 B39) 834.0%) oe. Th ee ae Lake Tow Boat Co. (Bridgeport).... 22.0 18.4 14.2 11.1 6 Lake T. Be Co, (Long Beach, Cal.),.' 17.9. key 9 11.5 68 ta Bes Lake T. B. Co. Cuong Beach, Cal).2°/16:67 12.7 11.0. 36-3 Mi 6. Electric Boat Co. (Quincy)....... +1 29:3 24.0 25.7 20.5 Toe ee es Portsmouth, N. H. Navy Yard...... 0.0 Pees oo ue 1.0, eae Electric Boat Co. ( ne Seen Lad 3.6 ag ana TO cas Electric Boat Co. (Quincy).......... 27 3.6 : i UBMARINE TENDERS Je New Lenin S. & E. B. Co. (Quincy) 74.0 L204 67.4 64.8 Fulton IIIT Seattle Construction & D. D. Co..... U7 | 424, eee 7a) : FUEL SHIPS Island Navy Yard........ nareeuts 65.0 64.5 S77. u 56.4 Ranewhs jyitssis.). Mere: deleud Mave Weeds coc lh 1 Gig Orb oele nee MisCEh Lane. a ea i . 1... Boston Navy Yard.....--.+-+seeeees A Leas f Sur vl oes Philadelphia Navy Yard...........-. 0.0 aes 0.0 PANAMA CANAL COLLIERS baka Gs .... Maryland Steel Co. ......s-sseeeeees ' : ce Fe ata Masclaad Steel Cog. c.:jy sats <0 0's 2 2c 20.0 10.8 7 i k Yard. forfeited, vessels being completed New Yor ay Cond tonelly, delivered at Philadelphia Yard Jan. 22, 1914.