Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), September 1914, p. 363

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September, 1914 THE MARINE REVIEW 363 Accidents to Lake Vessels Herewith is published the list of total losses through fire--the barge those of the Western Star which accidents that have occurred on the Dorcas Pendell, which had been lying stranded in the Detroit river on April Great Lakes from January 1 to August on the beach at Harbor Beach, Lake 22, damaging about 13 plates; the 1. Eight total losses have occurred, Huron, all winter; the steamer R. L. steamer Charles A. Weston whieh ran' though only two of these were im- Fryer, on April 21, at Marine City; ashore at Point Sanilac on May 2 dam- portant in a financial sense--the Ben- the City of Rome, on May 7, in Lake aging about 50 plates: the Gebiue F. jamin Noble and the Gilbert. The Erie; the steamer Berthier, at Mon- Baker, which ran on the rocks at Eagle Noble foundered in a heavy gale on treal, on May 25, and the steamer Emma river, Lake Superior, May 4, damaging Lake Superior on April 27 on the first Thompson, on Ennis _ island, Georgian about 62 plates; and the Maraata and trip of the season, carrying down her Bay, on May 28. The schooner William barge Hartnell which were blown, the crew of 20 men; the Gilbert was sunk Jamison sank in Lake Ontario on Mataafa on the pier, and the Hartnell in collision with the Caldera in Lake April 29, drowning her crew of six. on the beach at Duluth on June 27. Huron on May 22. Five vessels became The more important accidents include Following is the tabulated list: Date.--Name of Vessel. Nature of Accidentt Place. feet. str (Be Be. Squire. 35 ae. Leaked; storage cargo had to be unloaded; LOL i fen... Bee, Doreas Pendell. Gn 0% Destroyed by fire thought to have started fom Avett weerteos sa eg shipkeeper's quarters. Steamer was lying on beach, having been : wrecked in November, 1913) storm... 1). .2 40 a Harbor Beach, Lake Huron. Jan. 11 Str. Sir Thos. Shaughnessy.... Parted lines in storm and grounded; pumped out and towed out ook cw Staal eas er ee es CUE ie Ce ak acs tne eae teres sy eeeminete Gt Cleveland, O. Feb. Str. AGACONAs Sue ig eal ees an aground after breaking mooring li ds striki eee ysis ich. Feb. 6 Seee Marquette & Bessemer ae . See aes ae, oe Port Huron, Mic INO 2.8 ee ees ae ek tarboard shaft damaged; docked for repai t Ashtabula a: ©: Weel Str Arthur (Or oo eae as Slightly damaged by Aire ele rica a wane F ean . ue ie a ae Soe ee Chee Tie Pep 6 Str... B.: Schlesinger:;.. ee. Cabin caught fire from overheated stove; damage about $200...... a Meise soir. EG. Crosby ice eet Lost her wheel in slush ice; towed to Milwaukee by tug.......... ------ Mate 1 Str. Fe Blolmes a3. 3. e oe. Ran. hard aground; released:. (a,c. -. 2.5. ee Maumee River, Toledo Nar 2 bus Olio gs cat.. veer a: isost -hershoe in' bucking ice. 230) Toledo Marie. lug. W.. «1. Mercereauy ia... Lost her: shoe"and: rudder! iyi0.. ae ee ee Ludington, Mich. Mates: Str... Manchestet ...6. 3. 0500008, Data ced by6 Are 32 ja eae Ns ee Milwaukee, Wis. Apr 2h Stree Reta: CPryer cs wee ose 2 Damaged by fire which started in after end; abandoned by owners May, 8 as total lossicy. 2 eae ve a ee Marine City, Mich. Apres Str Western) Staten cul. ss Stranded; released and docked at Lorain May 20; 13 plates dam- aged 'and swas in "dry. dock abot: a week. 2714. 5-0..00..0..0 55 Near Bois Blanc Island, Detroit River. . Apt 22 Stres Sonoran. eli. ccs eats Struck; lightered 500 tons 'and was: réleased:].. 4..41...% (ants i. Russel Island, St. Clair River. Age 22 Sch;. Geo; Av Marsh. 2 tt ec. Ran ashore, during; highs galey sic 85 ie, a ee Government Pier, Racine, Wis. Apeee2 ott Westmount. 22.00. 2s en Collided with Str. Lake Manitoba; stopped for repairs............ Collingwood, Ont, Mh. 22 Ur. | StOrmoOunt: os seh ise sia ao ie Broke her pump after leaving Midland and was towed to Owen ~ Sound Vior. Tepars. vn a es ee ee ae Georgian Bay. ADI oo eth Wilpen ° iba caine aes eae nie Slightly damaged by fire which' started in cargo hold..... eee. Muir lo; : Wotan Str. Huron c5 44 ak cee ee oes Touched bottom; released herself, uninjured............ 0... 2.45. Channel into Alpena. Dp J Apr 24 Sir, W.. A. Rogers... 65 OSs ee Lost: het. ports anGhoric) seek a dec dia ee eure ee West Neebish: Channel, Bors Sth Racine oor alee ros Damaeed' (by HK. oo Poe roe ee ee Ua ee Wa ae pase ee mec le aie Milwaukee; Wis. -- Ota mire: Vale? mae se PY strate Struck while leaving port; docked at Chicago April 27............ Erie,Pa; Apis, vote. Chas: Ac) Weston cad. Ran ashore on rock bottom in heavy- fog; released May 2 after' lightering part of cargo and was docked at Buffalo May 18; 50 : es ore ' (plates damaged: repairs estimated -at )$50;000) 7.050 Se. Point Sanilac, Lake Huron. Apo Ot Oultana s58 co oan a ee on Ran Saeround: Ine tose oe oo. a or OCs icin «5 oe cumuecay Hie Round Island, St. Mary's River. pe ee Str. Sonoma: i. ek ie gees os Ran, agrotind 2in 108 s.0 ei cOn cee ees Cate 8s reo Pe Roney Round Island, St.: Mary's River. Wie ae tt. | sa kepOrt. iy ace eee eas oe Ran aground in toe; released by tug, uninjured... 42722... Round Island, St. Mary's River. Noth Sin minaloar ie: siesta dae aes 8 aground; lightered several hundred tons and was released on ie 1 ta oe as Sa PON 27 aac Caters Gr ous aioe diss a's lapel lara ama een) nana eee ge oun sland, St. Mary's River. Mor, 27. Str. Benjamin Nobleys. 3. s.5. aoe in storm; 20 lives lost; loss about $200,000; insured for' a - ; Se iy oe : TADS OOO i iemirecce 0% baete rete wtiunis elses cote lta caceilon swale ebun ca eicis [aicene: Komedi mince fa ls ake Superior, near Duluth. hd Stra Biuttalor. 6 .acc wats eles Ran aground; ota ae left Soo May 1; docked at Buffalo; a 4 ; Ce a repairs complete BV od Dicks tess we oe eG ee ae ei ncaa repent sane tet aer ey : ary's river. Apr, 28 Str. W: D: Rees...:..-./...:.7 Ran aground; released herself: May 2; uninjured... ....7.. Soysusre ts '...° Seneca Shoal, near Buffalo. Apes stt. Champlain i005. KR dah ve -- Unloading rig wrecked and thrown across her deck during high 5 : wind storm; forecastle deck and sides damaged; went to Ecorse : May 13. for stepairss oceans au cline ee aimee et Geos Duluth, Minn, Apr 28. Stt. Yosemite'? ... 00. ss: eT aes Collided with Str. ay ee aa pare some eer are oan e Duluth, Minn, Apr. 29 i ding sae es, Ran ashore; release ay 2; docked at Manitowoc; amage as ; : : , oe ee plates removed and considerable house and deck damage........ Fisherman's Shoal, Green Bay. ot. oo 2Stt., Alpena casi vie kee: Ran pete pune seats es ae Alpena, Mich. Str ok Pe Ranney ce ance he t evelan ay 20% ates damaged; abou ' oe A eat age a Pee dave 18 mace repuird: eer y Sica = RE AT en an ... Detour, St. Mary's River. Nit ss Str. "Wranz 23.6.0 eas Damaged while out in storm; temporarily repaired at Soo; pilot ' : house wrecked; upper were torn off and forecastle deck sprung. rac : Apr. 2 TESONS Veen eee a Sank in mid-lake; six lives lost........ ve pio aye dlineaesclne eee se aiehe te ake Ontario : Le - Sch poe Cues ens Collided, head-on, with Sch. Julia B. Merrill; benched. 22 70... s: Upper Gap, Bay of Quinte. 2 Apr. Sch. Julia By Merrill... Collided, head-on, with Sch. Keewatin; towed to Kingston, badly ee Gee ame ged Py es ete ac ei te omnes mans od Sie eic y res ' 5 Aon. Vue Umbra 2. ee ee Ran Ashore. fia4 ye elas alge ala elegy Ura ny seeps ewe aes Lee Carlton aeo Lake oe Dp 20 Siro Compton 4 vi ee Carried away three gates in canal; steamer not damaged. ..... ee Welland anal, near: St. Ca Maye2 Sit Bb Ph: Joneses) Cavienahe cee Struck; docked at Ogdensburg..................: ey te dae uate be Soulanges canal. May 3 oe « M oe oe Ree cones in fog; released and docked at Superior; 15 damaged : NT a EC ug he aie plates; repairs completed May 21.......:.seeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeees Bluff Pt., Burlington Poy, May 4 Str, Myton: 220. ioc ee Ran on bank while turning.......... Pe OE rane Near Interstate bridge, Duluth. May 4 C. F Pete Marquette 20 Mg bats Hit bottom while leaving port and twisted rudder stock........... Ludington, Mich. -- May 5 Str. America Des Ran ashore in fog; released on May 7; docked at Superior; about 4 oy, Pe ee at no 9 plates damaged; left dry dock May 21.......--+++ssseeeseees Feed Bay Pt., near Two Har k d was beached to prevent sinking; released May 6 Poe Pel Georee Bape tee Pee jetieoniae 1,000 tons of ore; temporarily repaired at Port- age; docked at Lorain; 62 damaged plates; repairs completed on Eagle River iagachaw Pt June 18 ......----- BOT EA rel tae Fe Wes hh eh Lara aie's si sige e easton! she hie ay oo a ks : i perior. + : inj Erie, Pa. May 6 TAD ean ee Ran aground; released, uninjured..... aN sees CCR te ee a May 7 Str Clty of Rome! 001000000" Bured so water's edge) Tolll Uoes.-.) oer ets 01) Belem 'cartiaial Ble Macks May 3 St Crinca Oye a, Became disabled owing to line in her wheel; towed to Sandusky... Of Vout Aux Pins, St. Mary's : ightering 400 tons; docked at™ ~~ roe a May 9 Str. Spmeet) CHY poet ener s eae 8 ee Mice gs aoe SD ecdaeldet ea, ee Livingstone channel. May 9 Str G P Ran aground and blocked channel; released on May 11........... Toledo, M ie ee ce i cae Ran aground; docked at Montreal... 4 cpa ee ce cicarasee ees oe ------_ ayi0 Str. J. H. Plummer...:;..-+--> i : released, uninjured.............. Conneaut, O. Mayll § h Ran aground at harbor entrance; | ' J N Brickeille May < Str we ee Oe aa od ge Ran ashore; released after lightering 300. HONS. 5 baw cst ease os e's os ear Brockville.

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