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Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), November 1914, p. 438

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438 bolted to the flange of the ahead sec- ondary wheel D, which was secured to the secondary shaft S by a screw 02. In this way primary and_ secondary shafts with their respective wheels formed one piece, which could be land- ed into the bearings. The total weight was only 2000 kilos, and when in position it had only to be coupled up to the turbine shaft. A further simplification was the ar- rangement of the water channels for collecting the leakage water from glands E and F and E, and F, through con- duits of ample size into a chamber O in the casing of the runners which had an opening G discharging the water into a tank placed under the trans- former. [from this tank the water was returned by a special pump. A section of the manceuvring valves .is shown in the left-hand top corner of the Supplement. The opening a is con-. nected to the ahead portion of the transformer, also to the space 0, which is in communication with a, which is connected to the astern portion of the transformer. The space b empties into the transformer tank, At. the same Turbine Transformer : - an -- Caer Wo ~ h Fig. 1 time the spaces ¢ and -c., which are under the pressure of the pump, are shut off by the valve body. Similarly, the spaces d and d, are connected to the chambers H and H,, which are in communication through the valve to the annular spaces e and ¢,, which latter are connected to & and 0, by passages in the casing. The casing can therefore be emptied by either the main outlets N and N,-- shown in Fig. 2--by the intermediary of the connected annular spaces a and a1, or by the filling chambers H and H, Elevation co : ey Oe [4 | Ue | = = > (Ee ae JAS) _ | a. bles Connection between'.{>\ *; 8 | the two tanks) es a | + tarde f | oT = Fig. 2 combined with the interconnected an- 'nular spaces e and e, and the passages R and Ri:--shown in Fig. 2. The valve was shifted by hand by means of a lever on the starting platform. There were three positions for this lever, viz., ahead, astern and neutral. The ex- treme position of the lever to the THE MARINE REVIEW November, 1914 a--/ressure. heads b --------Velocity head Friction head i , 8 c ------Srimary effective head | ® x7 ------Secondsry Do. hh ~ : S02 f fe SBe--------Frictional loss of head. [3\ a5 =] o 9 o =| ¢ Se5 2 & 4. a ot due BpPe--_ ogee : cle 1A af 33 of. a ee Ro xs eS el» x > } x s {3 a i[S.8 She s) Se Rs {2 5 a Wy 2 OCA Cee eo ee Wes 2 vimary Wheel \/S*Secondary |\Guide Blades ee | : ' ; las ae oT FIG. 3 : right--as shown in the Supplement-- pump was a_ single-stage centrifugal, put the ahead transformer into opera- driven direct by a two-wheel Curtis tion, and the extreme position to the turbine of 400 mm. diameter, and gov- left connected the astern transformer. erned by admitting steam to one, two, Loss of Head Due to Friction 'or three nozzles. There was also an emergency valve in case the speed or Various particulars as regards the : se pressure exceeded certain fixed limits. head, the water velocity, and the loss of head due to friction in the ahead The pump ran at 3500 revolutions transformer, are given in Fig. 3. In per minute, and 14 horsepower was some slow-speed water turbines, owing required. During rapid -manceuvring it to great changes in water velocity, a Was desirable to increase the speed, and pressure less than that of the atmos- at the trials this sometimes reached phere may obtain. This does not occur 4900. One pump was sufficient to deal in these transformers, and in any case With both transformers, but in this can be obviated by a proper choice of case the speed had to be increased to pressure produced by the "make-up" 4800 revolutions per minute. pump." It will be observed that the TABLE I. pressure of the leak water returned by the make-up pump was four atmos- !: Steam pressure on the engine side of pheres. From the. diagram given in the superheater..... 16.5 atm. : ' : 2, Steam temperature Fig. 3 the pressures in various parts on the engine side of the superheater.. 242.0 deg. Cent. of the ahead transformer can be PT acutent: of the superheated steam.. 697 cals. per kilo, obtained, and are given in Fig..4, at a . Steam pressure in time when the effective horsepower was front of nozzles.... 13.06 atm. : : . Steam temperature 3100. From this diagram the amount io eet Gt nozzles, 241 deg. Cent. CS un of axial thrust can be obtained. That ©. Back pressure in ' COMGENSEH oh as 0.053 atm. due to the primary wheel tended to pull 7. Shaft horsepower... 4620 the kre os the ee oe ac ee ee foe wa art nce th am 2 Gmeunes as ee ire 25,600 kilos. per hr. i oe y balanced y eS eur 9. Addition for turbo bine thrust. The axial thrust of the dymamos..... 0... 200 kilos. per hr. secondary wheels tended to push the oi oo eee 25,800 kilos. per hr. transformer outwards, and the major 11. Temperatures of the condense Q in com- portion of it was balanced by the pro- partment 1 of the peller thrust. hot-well : Bene Wee 30 deg. Cent. 12. Temperature of the Each transformer set had its own feed - water before passing preheater: ft, 50 deg. Cent. tank. These tanks were separated by 13. Pemperature of the 5 feed-water aiter pass- the keel plate of the boat, but could be ime pre-heater: f%.. 95 deg. Cent. connected by means of a sluice valve, 14. Increase of temper- : ature of the _ feed- and normally this valve was open. The water: is--ts ..... 45 deg. Cent. connecting pipes were made as short as_ 15. Steam pressure in ' Dre-heater, <4 0.6... 1.43 atm. possible, and they were so arranged as 16, Steam content of ex. -- , : ; haust steam: ig... 606 cals. per kilo. to allow for heat expansion. TOG Fie Toperature and make-up pump had a short suction con- heat content of the ; condense of the aux- nected to the transformer: tank. This iliary machines .... 104 cals. per kilo.

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