February, 1918 THE MARINE REVIEW ‘“NEOLITHIC”’ MARINE DECKING *“NEOLITHIC”’ COMPOSITION FLOORING Protect your cargo with “Neolithic’ “NEVGLITHIC 5 OUGH seas or heavy rains will never affect the cargo of a vessel protected by “‘Neolithic’’ Marine Decking. It is water-proof, slip-proof and fire-proof—can- not crack and is easily repaired. ‘Neolithic’ Decking can be laid over wood or steel, and will contract or expand with the foundation. It is cheap- er and lighter than wood, and will not rust steel sheathing. Noiseless as a carpet —Sanitary as marble EOLITHIC Composition Flooring makes an ideal floor for home, office or factory. It is perfectly sanitary, being very easily cleaned. Altho devoid of friction, it is absolutely slip-proof and very easy to walk upon. “Neolithic” Flooring is also fireproof and is utilized by many users for this particular feature alone. Let us figure on your requirements. NEOLITHIC PRODUCTS CO., ee 504 S. Delaware Ave. PHILADELPHIA, PA., U.S. A. “NEOLITAIC” Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers