June, 1918 THE MARINE REVIEW 253 Booby PLAN Q IM] FICC LE I0 SNIOIS FT ep Se eee ee cea ee eee ee" ae) le es ta es Se ae BASE LINE SHEER PLAN _---- |--- + --_ -- -- \ same distance from each other as the level lines, draw lines AB and CD per- pendicular to the stem; these will be the vertical traces of the planes which are perpendicular to the stem and to the sheer plane. Where either of these lines, say CD, cuts the square stations 1, 2, 3, etc, draw lines EG, FH, and DK perpendi- _ cular to CD. Then measure the heights of these intersections FB; F, and. D, above the base line of sheer, and set them up from the base line of body upon the middle line of that plant at #,, F,, and D,. Next measure ° the perpendicular distances of these points E,, F,, D, from the respective square stations in the body, and set them off from the perpendicular line CD in the sheer upon the corresponding lines EG, FH, DK. Pass a curve through these points G, H and K, and we have the 'form of a section of the bow. made by a plane which is perpendicular to the stem and to the sheer plane, the section being rabatted upon this latter plane. To end this section, measure the height of the point ZL (where the line CD cuts the fore edge of rabbet) above be es Pree Fig 0 Egos es [/----LTALF BREADTH PLAN HALF SKOING OF DEADWOOD AND | SUOOLE LINE the base line of the sheer plan, and sct it up on the middle line of body, measuring from the base line of that plan. Then take the half siding of stem at that height, and set it out from the point L perpendicular to CD; with the point S, so found, as center, and with a radius equal to the thickness of the bottom plank, sweep a circle, and end the curve KHG as a tangent to this circle upon the side of it nearest to CD. A line SM drawn through the center S of the circle parallel to CD, will in- tersect the curve KHGT in a point M, from which a line MP perpendicular to CD will determine a point P on the FIG. 6--DIAGRAM SHOWING METHOD OF ENDING LEVEL LINES latter which will be a point in the bearding line. A perpendicular TO from the point of contact T of the curve with the circle upon the 'line CD, will give a point O in the middle of rabbet. By following a similar course with the other perpendicular lines AB, etc., points are obtained by which the bearding line and middle of rabbet may be drawn. Both body and half- breadth plans are now upon the floor, the. latter having been obtained ftom: the former. In drawing the lines of the half- breadth plan, it will be found that 'they do not pass. through all the C Ag Booby FLAN K SHEER PLAN / INIT FICS BASE LINE ah FIG. 7_-CORRECT METHOD OF DRAWING BEARDING LINE