-oAlaska Coast: Go. ' terials ni larine. MUA Sal B. Stockinc has been appointed assistant general freight agent of the Admiral line at Seattle. Al- though still a young man, he is one of the oldest employes, in point of service, of the Alexander interests. Graduating from Williams college, Williamstown, Mass., in 1907, Mr. Stocking came to the Pacific coast in October of the same year, and almost immediately entered the em- ploy in Tacoma of the Alaska Pacific Steamship Co., control of which had just been taken over by Tacoma capital, headed by H. F. Alexander as president. In the spring of 1908, Mr. Stocking was trans- ferred to the Seattle offices of the com- pany, and held successively positions of chief clerk, city ticket agent, wharf agent and contracting freight agent. In Feb- ruary, 1915, he: "was transferred to Tacoma as agent for the Pacific Alaska Navigation Co., which had succeeded the Alaska Pacific Steamship Co. and the When the Pacific Steamship Co. was formed in 1916, Mr. Stocking became agent for that company at Vancouver in November of the same year. At the close of the year 1917 he was brought back to Seattle as chief clerk to A. F. Haines, general manager,' which position he filled up to the time of his present appointment. HK ok Joun F. Camppett has been given charge of the Seattle district offices of the new division of cancellation adjust- ment and salvage of the Emergency Fleet corporation. The division was created by the corporation last De- cember. It passes on ship contracts that can be canceled at the least ex- pense, adjusts the claims of contractors and supervises the disposal of the ma- and properties owned by the corporation. he acme _E. F. L. Srurpee has been appointed general agent of the passenger depart- ment of the Canadian Pacific railway and steamship lines in Seattle. He has been general agent of the passenger department of the Canadian Pacific Railway Co. and Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, Ltd., Boston, for the past four years. x ok Ok Capt W. A. Macee has succeeded Capt Joun F. Brarn, who retired April 1 from his position as Northern Pacific district manager of the Emergency Cee ee lews 1m Intimate Gossip About What Leaders in the Maritime World Are Doing Fleet corporation. Captain Magee has had a successful career as a navigator and shipbuilder. .He joined the Emer- gency Fleet corporation in May, 1917, ~ as chief inspector for the Northern Pacific district under Captain Blain. He rose rapidly in the corporation's service. Last September he was appointed as- sistant in charge of wood ship con- S: 5: STOCKING struction in Washington and in Decem- ber he was elevated to the office of assistant district manager. kG * LEsTER SISLER, secretary of. the Unit- ed States shipping board, has resigned. For the present, James V. ConversE, assistant secretary of the shipping board is looking after the duties of secretary. ey ALFRED W. PLeasants has been ap- pointed manager at Baltimore for the Atlantic "Transport'Co. He' has been connected with the company for the past 27 years and _ succeeds JAMES C, GorMAN, who died recently. eh oe Victron W. Smitu,. who has been directing the affairs of the. Anglo-Ori- ental Shipping Co., is now connected with the Kerr Steamship Co, eee Awnprew H. ALLEN has been appointed 246 aN mL UOUAUICUAUUUHAUEULUO UO =i freight manager for Great Britain and the continent for the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, Ltd., to succeed H. S, CarMIcHAEL. Mr. Allen's offices are in the Royal Liver building, Liverpool. A. P. Vittain has been appointed city ticket agent for the company at San Francisco and HERBERT: CaTjE has been | appointed traveling passenger agent for the company with headquarters at San Francisco. The company has also ap- pointed Guy D. Ropinson European freight agent with headquarters at Mon- treal, Que. ek Oe J. J. Davis has been appointed agent of the shipping board at Galveston, Tex. Owing to increased business on the gulf, the shipping board, at the trme of Mr. Davis' appointment, ap- pointed six other agents as follows: W. H. Ricuarpson, Port Arthur, Tex.; C.- A, Patterson; Gultport; Mass.: G,-}: Santa Cruz, Mobile, Ala.; LezE McDon- ALD, Pensacola, Fla.; PHIttip SHore, Tampa, Via., .and W. R. Porrer, Key West, Fla. ee GrorcE F, MorcGan has been elected president of the Anchor Shipbuilding Co., Washburn, Wis. He fills the posi- tion left vacant by W. NicoLayseNn, who has resigned all connection with the company. P. W. TrimsBorn, Milwaukee, has been elected treasurer, taking the place of P. K. Everson, who has re- signed. Other recently appointed of- ficers of the company are: WILLIAM GuNN SMITH, general manager and di- rector; Rospert Curr, general superin- tendent, and JoHN L. Larsen, purchasing agent. Gk oe James P. Marsu, who 54 years ago founded the business of Jas. P. Marsh & Co., Chicago, manufacturer of stear! gages, recently retired from active ness. OrviLLE W. THompson has bust- been elected president of the company and > ~ Ropert A. CAMPBELL secretary. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Campbell have been identified with the company for the past 16 years and. will husiness expansion. ek H. W. Buxer has been placed in charge of the St. Louis branch of the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co; Chicaga: as district manager of sales. He ceeds J. D. Corsy who signed. continue plans for suc- recently re- liz