Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), August 1919, p. 381

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PSR ee a OS ee AL Ry A RI eee ee August, 1919 June Lake Levels The United States lake survey re- ports the monthly mean stages of the Great Lakes for the month of June, 1919, as follows: Lakes Feet above mean sea level May June Papenior 22.655, 602.25 602.45 Michigan-Huron -. 581.38 581.50 eral os 576.38 576.45 Me oo as oT OOo S7aae MNIATIO.. 6. bso. 247.27 247.95 Lake Superior is 0.20 foot higher than last' month, 0.34 foot higher than a year ago, 0.24 foot above the average stage of June of the last 10 years. Lakes Michigan-Huron are 0.12 foot higher than last month, 0.45 foot lower than a year ago, 0.68 foot above the average stage of June of the last 10 years. Lake Erie is 0.08 foot higher than last month, 1.23 feet higher than a year ago, 0:92 foot above the aver- age stage of June of the last 10 years. Lake Ontario is 0.68 foot higher than last month, 0.94 foot higher than a year ago, 1.06 feet above the aver- age stage of June of the last 10 years. June Ore Shipments Shipments of iron ore from the Lake Superior district in June aggregated 7,980,839 tons, a decrease of 1,941,021: tons from the record of June, 1918. Shipments in that month were 9,921,- 860 -tons. The lake fleet up to July 1 had moved 16,008,419 tons against 18,949,730 tons to July 1, 1918, a de- crease of 2,941,311 tons. The _ per- centage of decline in June was 19.56 against a proportional decline so far STEEL SEAGOING TUG MURRAY STEWART RECENTLY LAUNCHE LONG, 26 FEET BEAM WITH A MOLDED DEPTH THE MARINE REVIEW for the present year of 15.52 per cent, Shipments by ports in June and up to July 1 are shown in the following table: June, To July 1, Port 1919 1919 Mscanaba <a at 759,647 1,414,527 Marquette (20.52. 533 Be 296,127 447,876 Ashland): 9s 22aeo et eee : 951,287 1,768,292 Superiot. yea sae ee 1,889,294 8,241,561 Duluth' ee 2,947,651 6,699,038 Two :sHanbors ree es 1,136,833 2,437,125 Depa. 7 ee ee - 7,980,839 16,008,419 LOTS. oe 1,941,021 2,941,311 Lake Erie Receipts Out of a total of 7,980,839. tons shipped from upper lake ports in June, Lake Erie ports received 5,998,721 tons, as shown by figures compiled by THE Marine Review. The balance on dock July 1 was 6,310,141 tons against 6,262,997 tons on July 1, 1918. Detailed figures are: Port Gross Tons Buffalo: "and "Port "Colborne. 2... 0. 2... 755,480 Btls oie as was iaee eh ec an we 134,269 WONMER UD ete Bee il ney aes oe a omaes 1,195,611 Ashtabula csi. eae caeon 6 mien i 15395,112 WOMIGN ORE ae ra see seater oc hee has 366,016 @leveland eae ee a ee ee ae 1,235,355 MOBI stan etal wicrs bes Sie ars Gees 6 NG iene > 2003,300 HRUMON cS eS isa sie ie eu tiae aes Clg Shavelcncre 210,962 MOIGMO is eu een iGces Miann oce me ee 137,980 DCUNOIE ee eels s hiears a eig ga ces ace tee 64,580 Total cs sees pity celta Wlates Guar siaine ete 5,998,721 Soo Canal Report The total movement of freight through the Soo canal for June was 11,219,416 net tons which is a decrease of 780,104 net tons when compared with shipments for June of last year of 11,999,520 net tons.* Last month's shipments are 2,005,747 net tons behind the movement for June, 1917, which month: had the largest 381 total for a like period in the last six years. The tonnage comparison figures for the past six years follow: Net Tons dutiey JOTO | 2. we LE2T9 416 Jie, TOUR 11,999,520 FORE TOLZ Oe 13,225,163 Jere 1916: 2 12,960,469 yune, 1915S) 3. ot oe Jaime, 1914) ee 8,588,081 Of. the total freight carried in June, 10,697,187 tons. were handled through the United States canal while 552,219 tons passed through the Cana- dian canal. The following tabulation gives the figures in detail for 1919 and 1918: EASTBOUND To July1, To July 1, 1919 1918 Lumber, M. ft. B. M..... 72,379 87,777 Plour; barrels 3)". 32 3 1,942,154 2,144,730 Wheat, bushels .......... 52,227,167 11,107,550 Grain; bushels: 3322 0.0555 20,241,816 11,007,981 Copper; net. tons: on 11,966 25,698 Tron ore, net tons... 03 6. 15,766,450 18,816,263 Pig "iron; "net: tons... 2 110 Reapene ne Stone; net: tous. 6.5. a 14,810 7,790 Gen'] merch,, net tons.... 21,629 15,665 Passengers, number ....... 4,436 2,114 WESTBOUND * Coal, soft, net 'tons....... 4,922,546 3,615,079 'Goal, hard, net tons. ...;. 618,327 435,102 <Troh}ore, net: tons... . 32,397 26,632 *"Mfgd. iron. and_ steel, 'net oe i TONS: ee gc creecion ane 40,260; 11,051 Salt, "nepstonsis 0. cy aoe ' 32,834, 25,590 OU, net -tOnss2 aoe, 147,798 80,425 Stone; net: ons... os. 28,695 156,155 Gen'1 merch., net tons.... 129,261. 121,907 Passengers, number ....... ne 4,941 2,027 SUMMARY Vessel passages, number... 6,170 6,052 Registered tonnage, net.... 17,723,916 18,831,416 Freight: Eastbound, net tons....... 18,206,787 19,776,612 Westbound, net tons...... 5,952,118 4,471,941 Total freight, net tons.... 24,158,905 24,248,553 D BY THE PORT ARTHUR SHIPBUILDING CO., PORT ARTHUR, ONT.--SHE IS 126 FEET OF 16 FEET 5 INCHES. HER TONNAGE IS 240 GROSS, 80 NET

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