Bearpmént Used Afloat, Ashore Ship Plate Punch--Plier Wrenches--Hollow Packing--Steam Wind- lass--Vertical Miller -- Reaming Machine -- Compact Lighting Plant UNCHING of irregularly spaced P holes in ship plates, which work cannot be done on a regular multi- ple punch, is often an expensive opera- tion. To provide an economical means for handling this work, the Thomas Spacing Machine Co., Fittsburgh, re- cently designed and built the tool shown in the accompanying illustration. This » In the third method, the machine :s used as a regular multiple punch with a hand operated spacing table, in cases where the number of plates to be punched will warrant making a steel template and setting up the punches across the face of the machine. The sliding punches are shifted aside and standard punching units, which are cap- PUNCH DESIGNED FOR SHIP PLATE WORK ON IRREGULARLY SPACED HOLES machine was installed at the Great Lakes Engineering' Works, Detroit. This machine has sliding punches which permits it to punch one or more holes in any predetermined location with- out shifting the plate sidewise. It is pointed out that this machine eliminates working with a single punch and that it incorporates some of the speed of a multiple punch. It will handle any kind of flat plate and is controlled by one operator in three different ways. The first method consists of punching 'plates marked with centers. In_ this operation, the movement is controlled by two hand levers, the punches being slid. across. the face of the machine and thus eliminating side shifting. In the second method, the punching is accomplished by means of a template and indicator. In this case, the plates are not marked beforehand, the. spacing lengthwise being derived from a wooden template which travels with the plate. The crosswise spacing also is derived from a template moving with the punches. The movement of the plate is controlled by a hand wheel and that of the punches by a simple ratchet. lever. able of being set down to within two inches center distance, are used. Regu- lar movable punches can also be used for the crosswise punching and a steel template for lengthwise operations. The steel. template is made of % to 3g x 2-inch bar stock with notches for the desired spacing. The wood template works in connection with an indicator. It is made of ordinary template stock from ¥% to %4 inches thick, about 2 inches wide. The steel template with the notches provides a fixed stop in connection with a pawl mounted near the punch. This pawl is stationary, the template traveling with the carriage. The punches are of the floating type. The point of the punch rests on the plate until the correct register is made. This is done by shifting the plates lengthwise and the punch crosswise. When the mark is reached, an electric contact controlled by a foot lever oper- ates the clutch through the medium of a magnet. The strippers are arranged in the Same manner as on the ordinary multi- ple punch, except that they do not extend between 446 the punches but are' made just long enough to clear the punches at the rear. The table is similar. to that of an ordinary 'hand-operated spacing table _with the exception that the operator remains stationary and is. located: close to the punch. The movement of the ' plate is controlled by a traveling carriage to which the plate is fastened by clamps. The carrying rolls are fitted with ball bearings and are independently mounted on the shafts. The plates are carried through the punch in a straight line by means of side and tail guides. To avoid loss of time in setting the plate in the proper place on the table, centering clamps are provided which enable the operator to position the plate properly. They consist of two independent clamps operating symmetrically on each side of the center of the table by means of right and left hand screws, actuated by hand wheels. Plier Wrenches The accompanying illustration shows a parallel-jaw plier wrench recently de- veloped by A. G. Allan, Chicago. Briefly described, the appliance consists of a fixed member that carries one of the jaws while the other member which carries the other jaw is movable. Three slots are provided for shifting the ful- crum which permits the operator always to maintain a positive grip on different sized nuts, pipe, or other members that it is desired to actuate. It is PLIER WRENCH DESIGNED FOR USE IN CONFINED SITUATIONS