414 The 24 cargo winches include four which are compound geared. The winches are of the double-cylinder, single-drum type, with drum keyed to the shaft, without brake band and fitted with reverse valve. The cyl- inders of these winches are.8% x 10 inches with 20-inch diameter drum. The single geared winches are Ca- pable of lifting -5000 pounds on a single whip at an engine speed not exceeding 125 revolutions per min- ute, speed of hoist not less than 300 feet per minute, with a steam pres- sure of 125 pounds. The compound - geared winches are capable of lifting 10,000 pounds on a single whip at an engine speed not exceeding 125 revolutions per minute. The windlass has wildcats suitable | for 234 inches stud link chain cable, with large 27-inch diameter warping drum ends. The windlass is driven by double-cylinder type engine through a steel worm. These cylin- ders are 14 x 12. inches. The work- ing steam pressure is 125 pounds. Each ship is equipped with two stock- less bower anchors of 12,005 pounds each, one stockless bower anchor of 10,220 pounds, one stockless stream anchor of 4035 pounds, one stockless ledge anchor of 1820 pounds, and 300 fathoms of stud link chain cable. Each carries 105 fathoms of 5%4-inch galvanized steel wire stream line, 140 fathoms of 5%4-inch circular galvan- ized steel wire tow line, one 9-inch manila hawser 90 fathoms long and two 8-inch manila warps 90 fathoms long each. _ The propelling machinery drives twin screws and each set consists of a high pressure and low pressure turbine, driving a propeller through a single reduction gear. The steam, at 300 pounds working pressure, THE MARINE REVIEW boiler, is furnished by four water- tube marine boilers fitted with super- heaters and equipped complete with forced draft system. The designed horse- power is 2500 per set at 110 revolu- tions per minute propeller speed. The thrust, tunnel and propeller shafts are of forged steel with col- lars and coupling flanges made integ- ral. The tail shafts are 1356 inches in diameter and have continuous composition sleeves shrunk on _ to bear in the stern tubes and bracket bearings. The thrust bearings are attached to the forward end of the reduction gear shafts, the housings being direct connected to the reduc- tion gear casings. The propellers are of the solid type, three bladed, made of manganese bronze. Equipment is Complete The auxiliary machinery equipment is complete. The air pump system consists of the rotary turbine driven condensate pump and an air ejector, having an 'independent set for each engine. The condensers are of the surface type, one to each engine, having about 4000 square feet of cool- ing surface, designed to maintain a vacuum of 91% per cent with cir- culating water at $4 degrees. The tubes are 34-inch outside diameter, No. 17 Birmingham wire gage brass, tinned inside and out. The boilers have 3620 square feet of heating sur- face, designed for a working pres- sure of 300 pounds per square inch. They are arranged for burning fuel oil, each boiler being fitted. with three burners. The machine shop is equipped with one lathe, one drill press, grinder with counter shafting, pulleys, etc, power being derived from a 7%4-horsepower motor. There are two l-ton refrigerating machines September, 1919 a mechanical oil fuel system. A com- plete electrical plant has been jp- stalled, consisting of two 20-kilowatt, 115-volt direct-connected marine gen- erating sets with a combined gener. ating and distributing switchboard. The war emergency had passed by the time these vessels were delivered, They have, therefore, been turned over to the Luckenbach line. The Lewis LucKENBACH was delivered to her owners in May and the Anprra F, LuCKENBACH was returned during June. The return of these vessels, together with the release from requisition of the other large ships which the Luckenbach line has come into possession of. since the beginning of the war, is building up a cargo fleet of tremendous power under private ownership and manage- ment: and under the American flag. Several other large cargo steamers of 12,500 deadweight tons also came into the possession of the Emergency Fleet' corporation by commandeering proceedings. The contracts for these steamers were originally let by Nor- wegian interests with the Pennsylvania. yard oof the Pusey & Jones "Co... Gloucester City, N. J. The first com- pleted was named the INpIANAPoLIs. The Henry Criay and the ABRAHAM LINCOLN are sister ships. There are three others. in the course of construction. The displacement of these vessels is 16,900: tons, and the deadweight is 12,500 tons. The length overall is 455 feet, between perpendiculars 439 feet 6 inches, beam molded 60 feet, depth molded to shel- ter deck 36 feet 8 inches, and height of 'tween decks molded 9 feet 6 inches. The vessel carries not less than 12,500 tons deadweight on mean keel draft of 28 feet 3 inches. These vessels are single screw, elec- trically driven, cargo steamers built on superheat about 100 Fahr. at the installed complete. The vessels have (Concluded on page 437) ea 1 = I STH Srey Lefties ; "Se ' ae Hold Hold y Barca oul Hold | Mag ae Ee ae = Pena cue rir ee meee Lede caer eel Reet Loose aioe mT: Dae ner beaatteAtice Py Meat ae Cw ' aero te Pe OA OI ee ern DT Eee Canes rdtéjnte hae mramra nner ry wows ee ee oe eo amram ratrmainmanntd Pei ket cg ot eet et Lea, 1 Fob tok eek ee EL UL te Latte Oviboard Frofile rb oo oo ce oe ter Dect LEWIS LUCKENBACH AND ANDRE A F. LUCKENBACH SISTER SHIPS RECENTLY': BUILT FOR THE LUCKENBACH' LINE--THESE VESSELS ARE CAPABLE OF MAKING LONG VOYAGES