468 the purchasers believe that they will operate successfully under sail. Ferris- type steamers carry from 1,200,000 to 1,400,000 feet of lumber but these hulls, equipped as sailers, are expected to have a lumber capacity of double the steamers or approximately 2,400,000 feet. Since it is intended to use these sailing ships in Pacific trade, where the car- riage of lumber is a matter of im- portance, the increased carrying capacity under sail is an item of great im- portance. : Added capacity will be secured by. the removal of the deck houses and the addition of space originally intended for engines and boilers. It is known that other firms are figuring on making purchases of shipping-board hulls and the experience of the Universal com- pany will be followed with interest. A fleet of 45 wooden hulls, owned by the government, is now lying at anchor in Lake Union, Seattle, and intending pur- chasers will have a large assortment from which to choose. Government wooden steamers, which have been com- pleted, have been pressed into service leaving only the uncompleted hulls at anchor awaiting disposition. The Belgian steamer MENAPIER in- augurated, Aug. 18, the regular New Orleans-Antwerp service of the Lloyd Royal Belge. The steamer is of 8200 tons and carried miscellaneous cargo, including 93,333 bushels of wheat and 1630 packets of rice. Frederick Leyland 'Co. is the New Orleans representative of the Lloyd Royal Belge. sl The Instructor, the Man and the Job, by Charles R. Allen; cloth, 373 pages, 5x7% inches; published by J. B. Lip- pincott Co. and furnished by THE Ma- RINE Review for $1.50. The volume is written for instructors of industrial and vocational subjects. The author is superintendent of in- structor training for the Emergency Fleet corporation and has written the book under discussion from a practical point of view. It is pointed out that teaching is a trade having its tools, methods and ap- pliances and that these must be used properly to attain the desired results. Fundamental principles of pedagogy are presented, applied to vocational prob- lems. The book is divided into nine parts as follows: Training in the plant, the analysis and classification of trade knowledge, establishing an effec- 'States loading ports. THE MARINE REVIEW Bunkering Prices The subject of bunkerage, according to the Journal of Commerce, New York, is becoming the most important factor in connection with shipping, England having practically made it known that she can no longer act as seller of coal for the operation of neutral vessels, other supplies must be sought. For- tunately the United States has plenty of both bituminous and anthracite, and may have to take the place of England in supplying the former for ship con- sumption. The situation of the coal market in Europe is bordering on chaos, and this must of necessity be reflected at those depots depending upon British supply, by a sharp increase in price when the present stocks are exhausted. Many of the depots are already short of coal, and having difficulty in re- plenishing. There has been an advance of 2s 6d at the West Indian depots and further increase may follow if the situation does not ease up considerably at the United Neutral steamers are paying more than the allied at the United Kingdom ports, and necessary permits. must be arranged with the British authorities well in advance. Just at the moment with the scarcity of sup- plies, varying government regulations and fluctuating prices at the United Kingdom ports, it is said to be advisable for owners and operarors to give some leeway to their coal suppliers to make the best possible arrangements as cir- circumstances and conditions warrant. NA Condensed Reviews of Latest Books tt tive instructional order, putting it over, methods of instruction, lesson planning, instructional management, organization for training in industry and the use of this material in instructor training courses. An appendix is included which treats on the use of this material by foremen and for self-training and gives an alpha- betical list of some of the most im- portant terms used in the book. It has long been realized that the art of imparting practical knowledge to others in a limited amount of time is often a hard problem. The author's instructions, however, all taken from practical experience, help to' smooth the way and should be productive of satis- factory results. The book is thoroughly understand- able as theory has been wholly elimi- October, 1919 Following is a list of prices prevailing at present at foreign ports, as quoted by Willard, Sutherland & Co: Gibraltar, 105s. Algiers, 104s. Marseilles, 105s. Constantinople, no coal available. Oran, 105s. Port Said, 108s 6d, plus 5s Emergency tax. Newcastle, 75s to 80s. Southhampton, 96s 6d. Liverpool, 42s 6d to 50s. Plymouth, 100s. Hull, 52s to 62s. Fowey, 106s. London-Gravesend, 80s 6d. Dartmouth-Portland, 87s 6d. Cardiff, 56s to 60s. Swansea, 60s. North of Scotland, no coal available. Antwerp, 87s 6d to 92s 6d American and Allied tonnage. Antwerp, 97s 6d, neutral tonnage. Bordeaux, no coal available. Bilbao, 130 pesetas, Azores, 110s. Madeira, 104s 6d. Teneriffe, 98s. Las Palmas, 98s. St. Vincent, 97d. Barbados, 97s 6d. St. Lucias, 97s 6d. Trinidad, 96s 6d. St. Thomas, V. I., 96s 6d, Bermuda, $20. Curacao, D. W. I., $22. Rio de Janeiro, 145s. Santos, 147s 6d. 'Rosario, 141s 6d. - Bahia Blanea, 143s. Buenos Ayres, 139s. La Plata, 139s, Montevideo, 139s. Halifax, N. S., $10.50. Sydney, N. S., $7.25. Delagoa Bay, 33s 6d. Port Natal, 35s 6d to 37s, according to quality, Cape Town, 43s 10d to 45s 16d, according te quality. Dakar, 120s. Singapore, 81s to 91s, according to quality. Co'ombo, 75s to 81s 64d, according to quality. Aden, 102s 6d to 105s. ' Bombay, 26.8 rupees. Karachi, 24 rupees. Port Kembla, 18s. ' Adelaide, 34s 9d. Albany, 40s 9d. Fremantle, 40¢ 9d. Melbourne, 29s 9d. Sydney, 27s. Sydney Harbor, 20s. hie LUULUUUUULULUUU EEUU ail nated. It is written in clear language and will be of value to all who are engaged in teaching others to train themselves for present day industrial vocations. Uttmark's Guide to Examination for Masters and Mates, by Capt. F. E. Utt- mark; cloth; 196 pages, 5% x 7% inches, published by the author and furnished by THe Marine Review for $3.50. The book is in its fourth edition and has been revised and enlarged. It contains' valuable additional infor- mation on instruments, compass ef- rors, sailings, latitude, logarithms, chronometer sights, amplitudes and tides: The book is written for' the Enid ance of those wishing to pass United