Photographs From Far and Near HE crew of Japanese warship Izumo salutes the emperor as he inspects the German submarines which were turned over to Japan at the conclusion of the war HARLES PIEZ, formerly director-general of the Emer- gency Fleet corporation, has been presented a silver model of an 8000-ton steamer by the North- western Shipbuilders' association, through C. H. Hamilton. A let- ter from the association thanks Mr. Piez for his work for the country during the war Cee ship construc- tion at Government Is- land yard, California AKSAIPS of the Pa- cific fleet passing through the Panama canal. The photo- graph was taken from the gun turret of the \WyYoMING, showing the. flagship NEw Mexico, at the left, in the Miraflores locks 470 , 4 4