= "wy opert W. -BaxteR, after serving R eight years as vice president of the Alaska Steamship Co., Cop- per River & Northwestern railway and affiliated companies, has tendered his resignation to take effect at the ap- proaching annual elections. After a va- cation in California, Mr. Baxter intends to return to railroading, in which he has been actively engaged for many years. He began his career as mes- senger boy with the Union Pacific in Wyoming and remained with that com- pany for many years, advancing to gen- eral superintendent. He was later con- nected with the Baltimore & Ohio rail- road in the same capacity and later was general superintendent of transportation of the Lehigh Valley railroad. He re- signed. as general superintendent of the Illinois Central to take the positions _ .which he is now vacating. Mr. Baxter has been closely identified with Alaskan affairs and during his regime, Alaska Steamship, and allied corporations have recorded great development. OK Ok "A. F. Hartnes, vice president and general manager of the Pacific Steam- ship Co., has returned from an extended tour of the east. Mr. Haines was an important witness at Washington before the senate committee on commerce, where he gave his views on the policy the government should adopt toward the merchant marine. R. D. Pinneo, manager of the foreign department of the Pacific Steamship Co., is making' an extended tour of eastern centers in the interests of his company. Mr. Pinneo is calling on the company's various agencies and is pay- ing particular attention to the develop- ment of Oriental commerce through Puget sound. + Ear, F. Townsenp, assistant to R. D. Pinneo, manager of. the foreign de- partment of the Pacific Steamship Co., has been appointed agent at Singapore for his company. Mr. Townsend began his steamship career as office boy at the Seattle offices. During the war he was connected with the shipping board as assistant manager of the supercargo department. The Singapore agency is a new venture and is the result of the ~ 2 States establishment of direct service between the Straits Settlements and Seattle. ee us ' James B. Leary has resigned his po- sition as traffic manager of J. S. Emery & Co., Boston, to take his old position as New England agent of the Delaware & Lackawanna railroad. He is suc- ceeded as traffic manager of the ship- ping interest by Joun B. LEONARD, re- cently assistant trafic manager of J. S.. Emery & Co., and previous to that for 10 years connected with the for- eign freight department of the Boston s Albany railroad. ko eek . F. B. Ottver, formerly chief inspector of the construction and repair depart- ment of the Boston district of the ship- ping board has resigned his position to become port engineer for J. S. Emery & Co., Boston. ALEXANDER Mc- GREGOR, assistant chief inspector for the shipping board at Philadelphia, suc- ceeds Mr. Oliver as chief inspector at Boston. k kx W. B. Pottocxk recently was appointed manager of the marine department of the New York Central railroad with headquarters at the road's operating department, New York. 'ok ik Francis E. McGovern has been ap- pointed general counsel of the United shipping board where he has charge of the settlement of construction claims as chairman of the construction claims board. His headquarters are at Washington. Mr. McGovern is one of the law firm of McGovern, Harmen, Reiss & Devos, Milwaukee. He has been actively engaged in the practice of law in Milwaukee for a number of years. When the war began, he was commissioned first as major. and later as lieutenant colonel in the judge ad- vocate general's department. ye « CLirForn D, Mattory, of C. D. Mal- lory & Co., has been appointed a mem- ber of the board of governors of the United States Steamship Operators' as- sociation. xk Ok _Maorrce C. Wirson has been elected vice president of the American Navi- 996 232 : uu A 'occ B 2 | Marine News in a Personal W | Marine News in a Fersonal Way = : . : 2 Intimate Gossip About What Leaders in the : a Maritime World Are Doing / OOO Tey gator Log Corp. Mr. Wilson, who for- merly was export manager for Cosgroye & Wynkoop, Ltd., coal exporters, New York, has been in the steamship buys. ness at the port of New York for many years. During the war he was an officer in the United States navy and for q short time was connected with the United States shipping board as assistant to the vice president. K * * ERNEST M. Burr was elected president of the Bull Steamship Co., New York, at a recent meeting of the company's directors. Other elected officers are: A. L. BurBanK, vice president and treasurer; J. L. Parkinson, secretary, and A. H. Butt, chairman of the board of directors. A. H. Bull was president of the company for a number of years, The by-laws of the company were al- tered recently to permit his election a: chairman of the board. oo yy JosepH KeELLEHER, formerly freight trafic manager of the United Fruit Co, with headquarters at New York, has become president of the Beninato Frvit & Steamship Co., New Orleans. + ko Cor. CHartes L. Porrer has been named president of the Mississippi river commission by President Wilson, who also named Lieut. Cor. Hersert Dea- KYNE and Harry Burcess as members of the commission. ete oe JouN JosepH CoucHLAN is now the managing partner of the firm of J. Coughlan & Sons, Vancouver, structural steel manufacturers and_ shipbuilders. The company's plans for a drydock at Vancouver recently were accepted by the Canadian government. * K ** Wittam G. CoxE now has charge of the Pusey & Jones plant, Wilmington, Del. Formerly he had charge of the company's Gloucester yard. xk * * Wiuutam <A. Srtver, who formerly was connected with the United States Transport Co., has accepted a_ position with the United States shipping board as traffic manager of the division of operations, with headquarters at Phila- delphia.